Is donut operator Jow Forums?

seems like a cop shill but also seems like hes pretty sensible

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Considering he's a furry yes.

He's the cop that no other cop wants to work with and takes himself way to seriously. So Farva irl

no he is a nigger
cops arent Jow Forums as much as they want to be
Jow Forums is anti law enforcement because law enforcement is anti gun

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Gonna need some sources cited on that.

Shoots gats, supports gun rights, and breaks down cop videos so you get an actual sense of why things happened the way they did. Sounds pretty Jow Forums to me.

At the very least he’s more Jow Forums than half the no guns faggots we have infesting this board.

He is a bit of a bootlicker when it comes to videos where cops are clearly in the wrong however, but yeah I can happily say he's Jow Forums.

no, i wouldn't say law enforcement is anti gun but maybe some.

Refer to also

Another pointless oink oink youtube faggot.

Donut was the trap on Jow Forums. Who the fuck is this faggot?

I thought he was mostly alright, shitting all over BLM and such, then I saw his video or two about the Hotel Shooting You know the one



Israel loving bootlicker

I miss my period key working fuck spilling drinks and shit

>I agreed with this guy wholeheartedly until he expressed one opinion I didn’t like so now he’s a jew
If retards like this don’t like him how bad can he really be?

TOP bootlicker content TOP. He's smug and condescending but the only video I liked was his Patty Mayo series.

His pro-cop stuff is a general trend, and he only barely covers to stuff where cops fuck up while always going to bat for every pig, everywhere

Hell, he probably wouldn't even be that mad about that fucker who shot a man wanted on a child support warrant for a less than 10k It might have been under 3k

Anyways, cop shoots the man who took off running, and then threw his taser on the ground to plant evidence

Somehow, I doubt DO would even be that mad

Instead, his video about the hotel incident was mostly him bitching that youtube isnt fair/ Wow/ Such new/Such surprise/That leftist circlejerkers like TYT get favorable monetization

He isnt wrong or wrong to be mad about it, but you know what? Somehow, its even worse for a guy with marketable, indemand skills who is a johnny come lately to this, to be yet another guy bitching about this/

He was genuinely more outraged about not getting shekeles covering the issue than the issue itself/ So yeah/ Kike

the hotel shoot was a bad shoot and fuck anyone defending officer "you're fucked"



He's a cop cuckold so no, he deserves to die like the rest.

>Has White son
>Was a cop
>Looks more in depth into police shootings, beyond what the (((Media))) wants to run with
>Has an AR-15 and a 9mm that he's shown in his vids

Yeah he's Jow Forums

Where did all of these bootlicking pro blue wall channels come from? Him and that other son of a bitch that watch cop videos and laugh at people. Every time I watch these videos there is a ton of sentiment against them from gun owners.

makes videos about cops shooting and always titles them like "heres what REALLY happened behind this totally justifyable shooting of a very aggressive chihuahua" and is a total bootlicker but his sovereign citizen videos are hilarious

>Bootlicker from experience
>Apologist for bad shots
>Owns the most normie of firearms
>Reproduced (or paid for his wife's kids)

I only watch him when he popups on my recommended feed, normie shit but hes alright

>actual leo experience and bothers to analyze OISs from a different angle than 99% of dumbshits in social media and the real media
>somewhat pro 2a
>unrepentant bootlicker
>hitting a nonviolent suspect with a car totally isn't lethal force
>picking a 110lbs suspect up and slamming them into the concrete face first for passively resisting is totally appropriate and not lethal force "what was he supposed to do?"
>knocking out a passively resisting suspect is fine
>attempting to drive a vehicle away from LEOs is lethal force because you might change your mind and try to hit them
>punching a police officer is lethal force
I agree with him a lot of the time but he's definitely not Jow Forums. He's a good example of how a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch with how closely he toes that thin blue line.

Get back to me on that in 15yrs.

Attached: Just following orders.jpg (554x380, 40K)

>owns a 600-1000 dollar monitor
>has one of the cheapest condenser microphones with a desk mount on amazon

Top kek. I have the same microphone. Its cheap as shit, but surprisingly good quality considering being only like 40 bucks.

these posts are fucking stupid and need to stop

>"is PewDiePie Jow Forums??? hes my favorite utuber pls guys i think hes really cool!"


He is still better than officer401, got banned from the discord for explaining statistics. So the mods there are fudd's.

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>who cares
>again, who cares
>you’re mad he reproduced? seething incel detected

what statistics

>ITT curb-biters bite the curb
9/10 such faggots are the very first to screech for police once shit gets real, grow up, obey the law, (out in public) and be polite. DO is a pretty good channel, and faggots reee'ng about the hotel shooting are the exact retards that would have gotten capped by said officer. Only niggers get assmad when niggers get capped, and only retarded curb-biters get assmad when a retard gets capped.

Either way, it's a fucking win-win-win, a retard got it's Darwin Award, a tattooed manlet got got, and we got some memes. Police are a evil, controlling a person's actions goes against my personal beliefs, but Hobbs did have a point, and due to that the NAP is, and ALWAYS will be, a fantasy. Lolbertarians are nothing more than spoiled children who have never worked a day in their lives, or even left their sheltered existence.

basically number's showing gun control doesn't work and countries with it still have high murder/rape crime. File is to big to post here

Jesus fuck, lay off Jow Forums for a while user.


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Basically this

Is a fucking autist with a fanbase of 12-year olds. Also Jow Forums
Streams shooting guns, gun-related stuff like shootouts, and cop stuff

Yeah user, totally good comparison. I think he's pretty Jow Forums, but then again I'm not sure how Jow Forums my own views are. Jow Forums is where the heart is.

No, he isn't Jow Forums. He has no morals, ethics, or independent thought outside of the police code/mindset. You should have figured this out when you realized he was a former cop. What really did it for me was about how nonchalant he was about the Daniel Shaver shooting. He didn't seem to think there was a problem in the slightest with police giving horrendously bad instructions and setting someone up to be shot and killed.

2/10, would grab guns if his superiors and fellow officers told him to.

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I hear bathtub toast is pretty tasty, you should make some.

He's neat for showing the truth behind cases that the media misrepresented or presenting retards on twitter as what they really are, retards who started yelling at a cop who stopped them due to speeding.
Biased toward cops but overall he's pretty good

>Jow Forums because he said nigger
this is your brain on r*ddit

But pewdiepie's fanbase is annoying nu-Jow Forums zoomers


yeah i bet 6/10 nazis were good family men with no problem with the jews desu
the danger isnt in individual thought it is in group-think.

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The absolute newfaggery and not being able to understand a post

lurk moar before associating yourself with this site

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Citation needed.


>citation needed



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what country is this ?