I give it a week for major combat operations. And then what? What insurgency? What conflict?

I give it a week for major combat operations. And then what? What insurgency? What conflict?

They’re not like mudslimes. Latinos love their sex filled culture and reggaeton. They’d rather party than fight.

Machismo would probably account for maybe 20,000 males to fight against: and then what? FARC won’t fight the U.S in Venezuela. Colombia will just go full counter terrorism operations and Brazil’s President Jair doesn’t play either. It would be a logistical nightmare to even try and move through the rainforest. And it’d be Vietnam 2.0 minus the heavy insurgency.

If we do get into combat operations, by the time any of us who are former military still within the age to re-enlist. By the time we get there. War will have been over for a year. And any current infantry anons, do you honestly even expect any major Muslim like insurgency? I doubt it.

Discuss potential war

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If it is potential war, by the time i join ill get to see some action. Fucking vietnam 2.0

>Thumbail top row far right

I agree, in the Middle East, they literally could get radicalized in any neighborhood and stand ready to fight. I don’t see that happening in Catholic filled South America. Except for maybe Peru or Bolivia. But no, it’d be over with mass sex exchange between the U.S military and local girls.

Afghanistan is/was Vietnam 2.0

How about we just not get involved?

I hope some really stupid shit happens in the Balkan region again.

But Putin is getting involved. And what happens when he builds his strongehold in South America. That’s the U.S back yard.

>Muh Backyard
>Yuros get out
Gather the CIA goons, we going back for seconds fellas!

>Implying the Cold War ever ended

>And then what?
Then there will be a million+ convoy of illegals from Venezuela entering the US. Free healthcare, welfare and the accelerated destruction of the republic.

>I hope some really stupid shit happens in the Balkan region again.
No, next hotspot is the US itself. Personally, can't fucking wait!

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No after Venezuela it’s either Iran or Africa.

that's a fucking continent, you sub-80 IQ shithead.

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Exactly you nimrod, Iran is next and the so is Africa. China’s already got the head start on Africa.

Iran is the ultimate prize for the Zionists
Africa is a giant pot that isn't just boiling over, but ready to explode

2nd bottom right needs to be liberated

WW2 still hasn't 'ended'

to say that there is no strong willingness to resist among Venezuelans is a bit of an underestimation, user. unfortunately there are a large number of socialist party-affiliated gangs known as "colectivos" that essentially act as thugs for the current government. they're paid and armed by the Venezuelan Maduro government, and they have large swaths of urban territory under their control.

if the US does invade Venezuela, there is a strong chance that after the government falls, there will be a large scale insurgency taken on by local guerrillas. most of it will be colectivos trying to keep control over their territory, funds, and power.

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The US is one chimpout away from a civil war.

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But are they willing to die and fight on the same levels as Muslim extremists? Probably not, and whose going to fund them? Putin?

They’re surrounded by two friendly U.S countries plus a British and French territory along with a Dutch territory. They’re fucked in so many ways.

>Brazil and France take the south east while the U.S and UK and Colombia take the North west and south west

Putin literally had no chance whatsoever in that war

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>TFW AOC and the Muslim senator are practically screaming Coup

>send in mostly White combat units
>conquistadors 2:Electric Boogaloo
>it's an actual liberation war
>VZ's start coming back
>parties for days
>bellies get filled, both with food and with babies
>U.S. leaves after 1-3 years
>Venezuela gets much more White

No it’s not. It may be a chimp put away from a handful of people going hot but when it’s realized how pacified the population is aside from gangbangers the resistance will be ira tier not battle lines being drawn. The only real threat is black and mexican gangs going to war with the police but that won’t happen because they are about profits above all. Enough white male resistance to cause a “civil war” doesn’t exist. Only localized acts against local targets that won’t be significant enough to bring down the current status and organizations.


More like US toilet, Latin America is a fucking dump

>Venezuelan poster detected

It'll be overrun by local brownskins, looted of everything of value, and turned into a favela within 3 years just like everything else on the fucking continent.

250 years of successful nigger containment says otherwise.

If anything Lebanon levels or minor separatism

I often wonder for Iraq or Afghanistan. There has to of been at least one documented report of a war bride? Or someone in the military marrying or developing a relationship with a local girl.

>But are they willing to die and fight on the same levels as Muslim extremists?
Well, they already have one of the highest murder rates in the world, and war is often great for organised crime, so I'd say 'yes' actually.

The problem with any notion of insurgency is that in this case, "winning hearts and minds," means 2-ply, a sack of rice and beans, and some chicken. This isn't like the Middle East where you have a bunch of ethnic and religious issues plus having to convince people who have lived in a shithole their entire life that your attempts to build them a better country from the ground up will actually work. In this case you simply have to reach the level of, "remember a couple years ago when you weren't starving?"

I have a coworker who was in desert storm and he married a Kuwaiti translator if that counts.


My family grew up in Venezuela and had to flee when the commies took over. If shit actually kicks off I'm signing up to go kick some ass.

I doubt injecting America's 56% genes is going to make Venezuela any more white.

I'm praying for a war and subsequent invasion of Venezuela, simply because I think the aesthetics have such great potential. I want to see some woodland Abrams rolling down the streets of Caracas. Desert war is so overdone at this point. Modern jungle warfare would be the shit.

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>MFW I’ve been waiting since 1999 for the U.S to invade Burma

>1990s Arab ass

Bet she was hairy as shit

Their ideological friends, Nicaragua and Cuba will probably help them. Cuba gets a cut of the oil money, so they're not going to give that up for nothing.


The question is; how will Cuban fighters or even Nica guerillas even sneak into the country when it’s going to be surrounded both land sea and air. By rainforest? Yeah good luck.

Also added;

See in Iraq and Afghanistan. They snuck in from Iran or Syria or Saudi Arabia.

In Vietnam; most likely additional Chinese and other communist Asian volunteers came through Laos or obviously Hanoi.

It’ll most likely be like Panama or Grenada or Somalia. Heavy fighting with a good dedicated population. In small areas but it’ll blow over real fast.

>WW2 still hasn’t ended

Explain context??

How has that worked out exactly? They're breeding like rats and BLACKED is plastered all over as a reminder that extermination of the white race through interbreeding is happening faster than ever. Not to mention the election results of 2016 and the fact that Trump will be the last R POTUS as minorities vote D.

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Why the fuck are Vatniks so fucking retarded? Demographics don't work that way, your DNA doesn't magically degrade around shitskins, but I could see a Vatnik believing this, what with Chernobyl and all the chemical and biological weapon tests.

Muslims shave their pussies and armpits on the wedding day.


> It would be a logistical nightmare to even try and move through the rainforest
Not really, there are two major rivers going into venezuela countryside, one in colombia and one in Brazil. Also, jungle warfare is the only thing we're good at.

How could amerians make them more white? More dark I'd say

I'm a Swede so there's LOTS of muslims around, and I've literally never seen a Swedish man with a muslim woman. Here's my theories:

>they aren't that attractive actually (like a hairier, darker, subpar white person)
>their culture sucks, their relatives suck, who'd want that in their life?
>they are obnoxious as fuck

>will actually work

It's naive to think that arabs can actually function in advanced societies

You don't really get it OP. Not liking your government doesn't mean you like Americans running around your country.
Besides, your "nation building" always leads to more chaos and more corruption. Sometimes, after decades of shit, it works (South Korea), but most often it doesn't. You don't have a good track record.
Furthermore, you're in it merely so your big business can exploit various countries.
Putting pressure on Maduro indirectly is the only rational way.

Yeah but your swedish girls are into mudslim D very much, Sven.

Also, Maduro is shit... but your government backed Iranian monarchy which was so ridiculously corrupt that against all odds Islamic clergy and communists drove them out, with little to none foreign support.
You back Saudi Arabia which is one of the greatest violators of human rights.
In Nicaragua, communists were the fucking good guys, that's how awful your option was.

Why am I invoking history? Well, because same line of thinking (and even same people) are resurging again.

>your "nation building" always leads to more chaos and more corruption
Because we do stupid feel good "teach them how to govern themselves" bullshit that never works instead of just incorporating them as territories.

Wht don't we just set up a series of deniable shell companies to ultimately fabricate a distant "extremist separatists" outfit in Russia made to look like it was financed by the Chinese to drone strike Putin's motorcade and other hvts, while also waging a sophisticated online propaganda campaign to foment internal unrest and smokescreen the upcoming op?

Like, if we're gonna realize what the Chinese and Russians are up to with cyberwarfare and their current geopolitical targets, why not just strike the roots with their own tactics and get to business?

>conquistadors 2.0 and a new race of slightly less brown people is fucked into existence
Cortez would be proud

They're just as bad as mudslimes: They're Communists.

There have been a fair number of articles about that, interestingly enough. The problem is as simple as it sounds: would you marry a woman that has no education, doesn't know your language nor your culture and with a family background that wants you dead? You'd literally have to school her in the basics of modern life. We aren't talking about postwar Japan or Germany, there's a anthropological abyss between the common American and the ME kultur. On the other hand, male from the ME endlessly try to get a female soldier to notice them because it's a ticket out of the dump and because they aren't utterly controlled by a patriarchal system. The few "war brides" that manage to get in the US often suffer terrible culture shock and in a divorce-prone culture like the US they are often left behind (and for sure they can't go back).

Love, sadly, doesn't conquer all.

Putin is only getting involved to brain-fuck us into doing the same. We don't have the shekels or the societal integrity for this bullshit user.

Take a lesson from Daquan and mind ya business.

You’re underestimating US stupidity and ignorance. In Afghanistan you didn’t teach or try to teach shit, you actively sabotaged the nation building done by UN and Europeans by funding literal warlords and Pakistan(taliban) because they kept promising you Osama, using him like a carrot on a stick.

Warlord rule was so bad in both Somalia and Afghanistan that people actually wanted Taliban and Al-shabaab to rule themselves. Harsh islamic law is more justified and fair than absolute warlord anarchy. US helped the locals by toppling both systems and restoring the warlords. It is really getting kinda obvious that the republicand are doing this only to destabilize muslim world for pro Israeli agenda, and stupid burger munchers cheer on without understanding a thing.

We were clearing through this village and came across this straight up white chick, blonde hair wearing a new York yankee shirt. She was waving, smiling.

We thought she had been kidnapped. Go over to see what's up and she has perfect English, no accent. Turns out she was a soldier, married the local translator, ets, moved back to Iraq, lives there now. She's been learning the language, converted to Islam, completely went native.

We took her aside and tried to see if she was just afraid, like Stockholm syndrome, but nope, was completely voluntary. Crazy fucking world man.

But not aesthetically

Roll for your beanfu

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>I give it a week for major combat operations. And then what?
This except it's tens of millions of South and Central Americans flooding to the US all at once, just in time for Trump to get btfo in 2020 for being a weak faggot who didn't keep any of his major promises
>What insurgency? What conflict?
The one that kicks up when 30 million favela niggers arespread across the US and the democrats give them amnesty and pass a gun confiscation bill once Bernie/AOC smoke Trump in the election.


No you retard, it's because you always choose to support the worst possible side in the conflict that no one likes

>tfw when any one of them would fuck you for a roll of toilet paper and a can of beans

When war never stops on Africa so you can call a war happening in Africa and always be right

We better fucking not get involved.
They voted for socialist politicians and socialist policies. They let themselves get disarmed.
If they are unwilling and unable to fight for themselves then fuck em.
Let them be another example of what happens when you give the Cortez's and Bernies of the world power.

Put troops on the south border and make that the front line for this shit.

Women are worthless whores. You should have executed that cunt.

The majority of Venezuelans want to be liberated. Without the financial benefits of government support with a collectivo it will evaporate.

White women should be enslaved

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>financial benefits

With their inflation they amount to nothing, the real issue is that the army was trained to wah¡ge a war agaibst american imperialism and their puppets, and it's one of the best armed in the continent.

Bullets start flying and heel breaks loose.

No. Just no.

t. Venezuelan


>TFW rainforest FOBS

>Implying it was a she.

It will be a very short lived proxy battle.

Also, everyone point and laugh at OP. He’s motivated to fight for zog, just to whiteknight for some shitskin roasties

>Vietnam 2.0 minus the heavy insurgency
So american victory then ?

Strange that Americans are so despirate for Iraq 2.0. considering how that turned out.

Can't be going soft, my dude.

You remember how Iraq had nonstop big boy IEDs for a decade thanks to Iran supplying them? Now imagine that, times exactly a fucking thousand/

The only way America is fighting another war in SEA is supporting a nation or two that is already there and has largesacle widespread and deep, highly motivated support/We aren't conquering shit or doing Vietnam again/ Not when China can afford to piss away 10,000 times as much money in supporting insurgents and feel it even less than they did in round one


Only 1 and 0 have been got.

All the success of the initial invasion without the potential for radical islamic insurgency. Whats not to love?

>But user, they're Catholics...

Oh i am laffin

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>They’re not like mudslimes. Latinos love their sex filled culture and reggaeton. They’d rather party than fight.
>liveleak beheading videos
I don't think so Jose

>France supporting America with anything, even if it means fucking over Putin.

I'm gonna have to press X on that one.

Also rolling.

I would rather fuck a hot brown Arab niqabi over a spic (even if they are hot and brown)

I fucking hate spics so much

>Another 1
That 1 chick is a fucking slut

I have watched enough Arab amateur porn to know you are full of shit

I have a crush on an arab niqabi too. She is really pretty (I saw her without her niqab on a few times)

no thank you


Nice roll
You honestly wouldn’t let #3 give you a rusty trombone with no strings attached?

I prolly would, but I would want to die afterwards.

The western hemisphere is the United states' sphere of influence. Russia doesn't have the logistical capability to do anything. Just like the US pretends not to have involvement in Ukraine.

I doubt it. Even if it's an easy war the U.S. will try to make a long war because your economy is based on war cycles. So you only are going to die for nothing (like always), probably the best part is that you are going to cry and bitching build a memorial and do some shity movies. You know the American way мoи пoздpaвлeния US. citizens.