Why didn't soldiers in the past care as much about physical strength? Maybe it's not polite to point this out...

Why didn't soldiers in the past care as much about physical strength? Maybe it's not polite to point this out, but if you look at pictures of Vietnam-era guys, a lot of them look like they'd get killed by the bar if they tried to do a proper bench press set. Today's troops at least build themselves up for combat and are often quite sturdy. They can handle their iron. Why didn't guys in the past do the same?

Attached: Army workout.jpg (1080x1080, 131K)

Conscription vs active duty, I really hope you're trolling rather than being so damn daft to just look at the most basic information out there

Because conscription. Don't get things wrong though, there were plenty of ripped guys during that era too because if you were in any martial sport you were on the top of the draft list. Just about every 70s action hero actor was an actual soldier at one point.

I don't think to be that muscular would help so much in a combat scenario
Staying fit and learning a martial art instead of bodybuilding would help more methinks

Bodybuilding was a really niche thing until the mid 80s and people got their strength from manual labor and simple available foods, which is more conducive to lean builds compared to targeted workouts and nutritionally focused diets.

Sigh, I didn't want to masturbate today

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Lots of guys turned to skeletons in Vietnam. They literally had soldiers just eating cubes of sugar and cigarettes to stay alive.

this but
I think it's that people in general weren't so vein in the past. Social media and the age of celebrity has turned the majority of humans into these self obsessed types (for better or worse)

Soldiers had bigger things to worry about in Nam than /fit and muh instugrem

How does that happen in a tropical country like Vietnam? If you know a bit about ecology, you can eat all kinds of stuff just from the jungle. It's not ideal, but that country is full of worms and other edible small creatures if nothing else.

Honestly, if you can 1 rep max 180-200 and can do 20 or more pull-ups without stopping, then your pretty much set for upper body strength.

>Why didn't soldiers in the past care as much about physical strength?
They still don't. Cardio is more important than big muscles.

>1 rep max 180-200
For bench, it’s six am

What is conscription

If you can only bench 80-90kg, then what kind of "man" are you, really? Actually, I will answer that: a man who needs to work out more.

Attached: Кирилл Сарычев.jpg (1280x853, 229K)

Conscripts were at least 18 years of age, weren't they? When I was in school, boys usually started weightlifting around age 13-14, which gives you at least 4 years of time to get ready.

Those two use steroids. Which is a gamble in several ways, and certainly not recommended in combat conditions.
You primarily need endurance in the army. And this isn't 40,000 BC, people use tools to kill each other.

Everything in Vietnam from the entire war to individual missions lasted much longer than anticipated. Supplies never arrived on time and without any prior knowledge on what was safe to eat or not, soldiers were kind of fucked. The fishing kits in MREs were garbage and near impossible to use. Plus soldiers were burning a huge amount of calories on their treks. They'd burn through almost everything and be left with caramels and jelly bars to survive on.

This. You'll find that it's more important for a soldier to be able to walk for a long time with a backpack or run and crawl around. That calls for a differen't body than the one in OP's pic

Ready for what? Being ambushed by kettlebells?

I am gonna have to go with draft vs. volunteer military. And while social media has played a role in physical appearances, I'd also put forth that the military is always slow to adapt things. Civilian side has the benefit of just doing shit and seeing what works. Don't know the mindset of past military, but it """seems""" present military is a lot more open to taking in what civilian side "innovations" and developments has to offer.

This is some massive POG armchair soldier shit

Because angry manlets used to be more useful to a military than meatheads. An angry manlet needs fewer supplies (smaller clothes, less food), takes less space (in a transport ship/truck/plane/etc.), is easier to conceal (smaller silhouette, shallower foxhole, can hide behind a random boulder etc.) and other such advantages.
Meatheads only became 'mainstream' owing to the insanely retarded practice of carrying 120+ pounds of assorted junk whenever you ventured outside the wire.

you were in school in the 50's?

No one in my Ranger regiment unied looked like this asides from a few who would purposely bulk up for Ranger school then comeback as manlets just so they blew up and get fat due to their metabolism. Then when I switched over to the 82nd the ones who where ripped where usually pogs or SNCOs who would sit behind a chair often and only run once a month for a company 5 mile.

Most combat soldier are either stocky or skinny because of their lifestyle and what their body requires of them. You will never really see a combat effective soldier with this much muscle mass, due to the insane cardio combat and training is they would automatically trim down and not keep muscle mass. There were plenty of guys during basic who would come in just like this and just simmer down completely due to the work out, combat is literally 80% cardio,15% upper body strength and 5% mental will. Guys who looked like this where there first ones to drop out of ruck marches, failed ranger school or just wouldn't hack in a real scenario. Being Jow Forums is very important in combat arms but this isnt it user. Most soldiers you see like this are either pogs or on the juice which is close to 80% or more of most Navy Seal and Marine detachments sadly.

That could explain why asian armies do surprisingly well in wars given their conditions.

Angry manlets basically describe the chinese, japanese and viet.

>Why didn't soldiers in the past care as much about physical strength?
how do you figure this?
you can be fit without being a bodybuilder

Lean build with good cardio is what's better for soldiers being a meathead offers no advantage outside of getting girls

Getting bois too UwU

This was a strongman in the 19th century. All these roided out 0% bodyfat DYELdudes of today? It's just aesthetics. Fashion. Soldiers lift to look good, not to do their jobs. Real strength is bear-mode that most people don't want to look like, not this 80s body sculpting action hero Hollywood look.

Attached: Louis Attila.jpg (689x1000, 59K)

literally me

Today people are bigger, stronger and faster with refined knowledge and diet but the average person is slower, fatter and dumber because back then manual labor was common and that's 97% the job of being soldier.

They didn't live very long. Covering yourself in a massive amount of vascular muscle also isn't a strategic choice, it's what bored full-time soldiers do inbetween shower poundings. Adding weight and cardio strain to your body doesn't make you march and run better but it makes you bleed out faster.

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Being muscular is more advantageous to cops than soldiers

Instagram didn’t exist

Stamina is necessary to carrying your kit and being quick with whatever weapon you were issued. Being a wall of muscle and doing a 5 miles ruck march would be hell to pay compaired to leg-day-every-day-sir-marches-a-lot ready to go

Why? Physical strength has diminishing returns. The time and effort would be better spent elsewhere.



Can't find it but there was some shit I read from a BUDS instructor that said the manlets had the highest pass rate. Meatheads couldn't hack it. you see the same shit in WWII you saw in vietnam bad ass manlets wrecking shit. Look at Audie Murphy...

The bigger you are, the more nutrients and calories your body needs to operate properly. In situations where you are not getting proper nutrition, your body will tire out much faster than someone who’s smaller, since their body requires less

Asian armies in general do pretty poorly, Viets do well.

yeah, max I've benched is 175lbs, but, I'm a 135lbs skellington though.

I Deadlift the FUCK out of stuff though: 400lbs EZ.

Squats are like eh 350.


Body vanity wasn’t as big back then. Also, your average soldier was likely to have come from a manual labor background. They’re a lot fitter than they look without the bulk. I imagine they could probably keep pace with modern supplement hogs

>they don't know every future war will be waged by a fat neet commanding an army of drones

Pls post picture of your body. I can’t picture a 135lb person who can bench 175


Some of these male models
wouldn't last 2 mins with a ww2 -
korean era soldier in an ACTUAL
These police actions against what
amount to pure geurilla forces isn't a war
its exactly a police action.
That dog face SS trooper freezing his ass off and still managing to fight is gonna eat these
gym rats for BWEAKFAST.

Here is an excerpt from Plutarch's Lives, about Philopoemon:

He was strongly inclined to the life of a soldier even from
his childhood, and he studied and practiced all that belonged to it,
taking great delight in managing of horses, and handling of weapons.
Because he was naturally fitted to excel in wrestling, some of his
friends and tutors recommended his attention to athletic exercises.
But he would first be satisfied whether it would not interfere with
his becoming a good soldier. They told him, as was the truth, that
the one life was directly opposite to the other; the requisite state
of body, the ways of living, and the exercises all different: the
professed athlete sleeping much, and feeding plentifully, punctually
regular in his set times of exercise and rest, and apt to spoil all
by every little excess, or breach of his usual method; whereas the
soldier ought to train himself in every variety of change and
irregularity, and, above all, to bring himself to endure hunger and
loss of sleep without difficulty. Philopoemen, hearing this, not
only laid by all thoughts of wrestling and contemned it then, but
when he came to be general, discouraged it by all marks of reproach
and dishonor he could imagine, as a thing which made men, otherwise
excellently fit for war, to be utterly useless and unable to fight on
necessary occasions.

in my unit we had an NCO who was really big. Used a lot of supplements and lived in the gym. He went to ranger school and came back looking like a rail. All of his muscle mass was gone. He actually failed ranger school because with the lack of nutrition they had, his muscles were cramping up so bad that he was being physically exhausted very quick

Here you go, I've saved it as a PNG and stripped out as much of my IDing info as possible. this is after a half marathon in the New Year at Santa Monica beach.

The lady arm coming off the left is my Mom.

Attached: 135lbs teeny tiny man.png (455x845, 533K)

Also, I have no idea who the Chinese guy in the background is.

Wut, I did 185 at that weight

well, good! Not joking - sincerely, good! The stronger Jow Forums gets the better!

No more fatties runnig around our meet-ups - just hard bodies and LBEs.

>future doctor robs store and runs from Ofc. Macho Man
>Escapes because Ofc. Macho Man can't go more than a block because turns out massive muscles aren't useful past doing reps at the gym
Body builder cops are as useless as fat cops

Hmm :(

This is a fucking gay observation, and not just because you're eye fucking men. Aesthetics =/= Functionality. I saw plenty of shredded crossfags get regularly schooled by shlubby dudes when it came to actual work because flipping tires does not equate to the actual mechanical strength it takes to lift and press a fucking MLG wheel and tire onto a 130.

Those dudes in old 'Nam pictures might not look like the faggots in your picture, but I will bet you hard fucking money on which ones could jump a ruck, an M60, and two bandoliers of ammo through a jungle faster.

I probably couldn't even do 150 now though

Attached: 1548264786466.jpg (480x427, 24K)

hmmm? I don't get it. You're disappointed I exist?

If you want to know how I did it - I used Bench bands until I was able to lift the weight on my own.

it's okay! Start off lighter, and you'll get there in time.

The most important thing is to follow a program - Jow Forums'd recommend starting strength (SS), which is fine enough, but, I actually trained at a powerlifting gym instead and used their methods.

Remember: lifts first, runs second. You can be tired running and not hurt yourself but lifts after runs can be damaging/dangerous depending on the weight.

No. I’m disappointed by myself. I’m 145 and I can only bench 115lbs of 5 reps for 5 sets :(

No no, don't be disappointed! That means you probably can lift more than 135 or even 150.

You're using a high reps system, - switch over (or find someone who can write you) a 1x1 style powerlifting program and you'll be there in

>No no, don't be disappointed! That means you probably can lift more than 135 or even 150
Y-you think? I don’t deadlift, but I squat 210lbs 5x5

My body looks like shit desu. I’m thin.

Because it didn't matter how much you could squat or bench as long as you could get the job done.

The huge guys were always sucking wind in all of the units I was in. I remember one guy from Alabama who ,when I met him, disgusted me he was so skinny. That guy would go on 12 mile ruck marches every weekend for fun and he smoked too. To this day, I believe there is nothing that kid couldn't do.

dude, 5x5s are more like bodybuilder sets (which can go as high as 8x8s). You want high weight, loooow reps: 1x2s or 1x1s for your PRs.

210 on a 5x5 is closer to a 245 or a 250. Again, find a good powerlifting program or someone to write you a powerlifting program and you'll be amazed at what you can get/do.

Also, get a good Inzer powerlifting belt. You don't need the wraps or suit or whatever, but, a good belt will help you immensely.

Something thick and made of leather - and pick your fav color. Mine's orange.

but i am scared because I don’t want to get stuck. I don’t have a spotter so if I go too high and can’t rerack the bar..

Also with squats, I feel worried about hurting my back since I’m thin

I haven't consistently used a belt since I started lifting. If you're trying to looks slim, I'd recommend using a belt since your upper abs get really fucking thick if you don't use one. Also I'm a fatty but I'm pretty strong
225 OHP, 320 bench, 530 squat, 585 dead and I weight 255

Look at Audie Murphy. He was smaller than my girlfriend and he one just about every award possible. He killed more enemies than those CrossFit Chad's ever will. Watch "To Hell and Back"....it was made a few years after the war and Audie had put some weight on. But, he was not a big guy in that movie, and he was even smaller in the war.

My dad served in Vietnam....he said the best infantryman in general were from poor ass backgrounds, raised around firearms, and from the more rural areas. The city makes you soft in general.

How buff was Fruity Rudy during his service?

Post legs and ass

>135 pounds
>squatting 350
>deadlifting 400

Either you're completely full of shit, or you're completely full of shit.

One of my friends is pretty huge (pic related) and recently became a paratrooper. I wonder if it will give him problems in the future

Attached: IMG_6114.jpg (1125x1389, 1.23M)

No - go fap to a range trap thread.

It's not that hard. I've been lifting for about 6y - that's pretty small for guys in the competitive scene, and is totally doable.

Neck too heavy. He'll fall right out of the sky.

Oh man the new Apple product: the iMirin'

Not really, muscle gaining isn't nor ever will be a thing in the military aside from doing it on your own time.
That being said having good form and build is important because it can reduce injury which is why when you do PT the get up in your ass about attention to form, its a safety thing.

He wil be fine. Im in the Submarine force which you would think is the most unfit part of the navy. But dam alot of these guys come out of the boat looking like Zach Effron. Just from working out in the sub or the job itself.

Italian uniforms are so based

How do you push off a 230 lb dude if he was on top of you during homosex, asking for a friend

>He wil be fine. Im in the Submarine force which you would think is the most unfit part of the navy.
I was asking because paratroopers to me sounds like they should be as light as possible, not really muscular
Although I'm not an expert of course

learn greco roman wrestling.

You cannot possibly be getting those numbers at that weight and height. Your form is shit.

Why would it matter?

You don't know shut about my form guy. But I appreciate the attention regardless.

>Why didn't soldiers in the past care as much about physical strength?
Do you really want to imagine what those guys would look like trying to fuel those bodies through 3 days of solid combat? They already have to eat a substantial ammount just in the gym

Its bad for logistics to have everyone having excessive amounts of muscle

5 is not "high reps." High reps is sets of 12-15. You apparently know dick about lifting.

Making it easier to land without hurting yourself I guess

Go walk 10+ miles a day in ungodly humidity with constant diarrhea

I'm not going to lie, the max reps I do is like 2x3 - I just don't do high reps stuff, so in that regard - yeah, I don't know shit about that.

Good to learn more though! why the fuck would anyone ever do a Xx12 is beyond me.

>gayest fucking generation in history
>"guys why do soldiers look like they go to the gym"

When benching you bring the bar half way to your chest. When squatting you bring your legs to a 45° angle with the floor. But you count them both as reps because you feel exertion. Your form is most definitely trash and you are most definitely full of shit.

>why the fuck would anyone ever do a Xx12 is beyond me.
For muscular endurance as opposed to strength training.

Nope. Bar goes to rest on the xiphoid process, wait for no more momentum, and then push off.

Squats SHOULD go past 90, ATG, but, I'll admit I can only really get that when the weights are light.

Fair, I just don't do a lot of that.


not jk

I will say - as a caveat for bad form - I don't always keep my knees behind the bar on the lower weights in my deadlift. I do a liiiitle bit of a 'hang-over-the-bar' deal and everyone yells at me because of that.

I think the nature of war has changed the requirements for soldiers. Conventional warfare is pretty tiresome, especially for old conflicts like you're talking about. March for miles to meet the enemy, already exhausted by the time you get there, rations were smaller, caloric intake probably wasn't the greatest, then the actual combat begins.

The warfare we've seen recently has mostly been asymmetric. Drive here/Fly here, seek out insurgents for a while, RTB. There is not as much need to keep pushing forward and securing territory because your enemy doesn't operate that way.

Attached: WaffenSSCombat.jpg (1024x625, 187K)

>Look at Audie Murphy...
Sheer dumb luck that he didn't get hit by thousands of bullets and fragmentation

The rest was courage

This/And a lot of the muscular tall guy physiques are reliant on copious amounts of food and sometimes enhancement

Probably because very few of them were actually professional soldiers. They were farmers, fishermen, carpenters, clerks, or any other civilian occupation that got drafted into service and honestly probably didn't want to be there. Actual professional soldiers have always been very physically fit. Just read up on descriptions of the grenadiers of many European armies back in the 1800s. They were professional soldiers who volunteered for the service, and they're always described by their fellow soldiers as being very strong, tall, physically fit, and gifted in the arts of war.

Secondly, in the modern age, physical strength isn't nearly as important as stamina and endurance on the battlefield. You don't have to be very strong to hold a rifle straight, but you need to have a lot of stamina in order to march for days on end, fight effectively as you're running miles around the battlefield, and most importantly, function on very low levels of sleep. Lots of civilians have this image of soldiers that they should be giant Master Chief doppelgangers with the ability to tear their enemies heads from their spines, but there's really no need for that at all. The number of hand-to-hand engagements that have happened during a battle since the end of WWII can probably be counted on one hand. The game has changed, and with it, the players.

Attached: 1487212177928.jpg (2560x1536, 697K)


Working out and being buff wasn't popular overall, let alone with guys in the military. Nobody knew how to eat either, and everybody smoked cigarettes, which make you skinnier.

>I can only squat heavy weights when I cheat
stop cheating yourself user.

Hey man, I get to 90 degrees. If I was spotted more often I'd try ATG more often.

Still, I go ATG I can't run/do anythign the next day.

I feel guilty about it, but, it's in service of cardio-/overall- ability instead of just excelling at weights.