Thank you for your service

ITT: post what you did in the military and I will thank you for your service

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I was in the coast guard and I killed over 450 Mexican drug dealers with my machine gun.

I'm an ex-army seal with over 800 confirmed kills where's my veteran's discount?

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I drug Saddam out of his spiderhole and handed him over to hang
Give me free pancakes and an oil change.

thank you for your service
thank you for your service
thank you for your service

No, thank you for your service

I punched Vega in the face so hard it broke the sound barrier. Then I sent every wannabe dictator down stream in body bags. I eventually became a family man and now work loss prevention at Hobby Lobby.

My buddy was harder than me though. That guy took a Glock 17 and a claymore, hopped on a plane to Afghanistan, and single-handedly charged into Fellujah. He came out a week later with 9 heads on his belt. The MP's arrested him when he walked up to the base gate and nobody has seen him since. There are rumors that he's in an intensive training program in Canada now to make a living weapon out of him.

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thank you for your service

I killed Russians in Call of Duty


Occasionally got to patch up some pretty cool wounds. Mostly stuck people with needles, took blood pressures and stared at a bunch of penises/vaginas.

I slept on staff duty and never deployed

I served during vietnam times as a refrigerator mechanic in the marine recon rangers.

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I was in a team and we were a world police. I got a medal. There were exciting shootouts against baddies and we had all sorts of accessory weapons and vehicles. America fuck yeah.

People don't appreciate your contribution enough, or what you went through.

thank you for your service
thank you for your service
thank you for your service
thank you for your service
thank you for your service

I burnt drums of shit and masturbated every day for at least 3 years.

thank you for your service

i trained at The Farm and was doing snatch and grabs

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thank you for your service

I threw jugs of piss and MRE bags full of shit at Afghan "police" and "military" when they got in the way of our convoy.

I shot a 10 y/o with a flare gun once. I did it for two reasons. I thought it would be funny (it was) and he looked at me funny.

I once watched man fuck a goat through the FLIR scope on my rifle.

I once watched a pack of wild dogs dig up a freshly buried body in the grave yard near my FOB. I watched as an old man came out with a stick to scare the dogs away. I watched as the dogs turned on the old man. I did nothing because I hated that old man.

I gave kids pens without any ink in them.

I once filled an M&M bag up with rocks and threw it to a pack of kids when we drove away. I laughed my ass off and flipped them the bird as they looked up in pure, absolute, sadness.

I shot a guy in the stomach once because I knew his buddies would get to him before we could. I did it because I knew he would die a slow and painful death.

I burned a house down once because we took sniper fire from it. I don't think the hadji's got out. I didn't even feel bad.

I found a severed head in the street once and made a series of horrible puns about it for the next two days.

I high-fived a friend of mine with a severed hand once.

I tricked my platoon sergeant into touching my balls.

>I I tricked my platoon sergeant into touching my balls.
Pretty gay

It was the gayest but totally worth it.

Did 2 years as a motor t oper8r in marine corp reserve
bought an evo
fucd some thotties
ate some crayons
kicked out 2 years later for cocaine
can't be drafted now

oth discharge changed to general discharge
still get discounts everywhere

pic related

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thank you for your service
thank you for your service

>Tricked seargent into touching my balls
Tell me your secrets

>Fall into shit trench on day 1 of a 5 day OP
>Get yelled at by Platoon Daddy on day 3 because of some shit you had literally no control of in a completely different section
>Get mad
>Tell Daddy you have a rash from the shit trench
>Tell him you can't manipulate your balls properly to show him because you can't take your armor off.
>Daddy touches my balls to try and find rash
>mfw we've humped nearly 40 miles in the Afghan sun
>mfw we haven't bathed since we left
>mfw I smell like a shit taco that's been left in the oven for over a week.
>mfw he just tells me to talk to the medic if it comes back.