Best self defence for a britbong

Let’s assume I don’t go through the hassle of getting a gun licence and I don’t want a crossbow what to get defend my house from potential invaders ?

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Try a large dildo.

crossbow is your only real ranged choice that can kill, that is easy to acquire

get ahold of some buckshot 12 gauge and make a slambang if possible.

a plane ticket out of the uk

Already got one, it doesn’t kill quick enough when they have knives

I have a baseball bat but I don’t wanna kill em with an xbow otherwise I’ll orbably end up going to prison even if I was defending myself

Get a bigger dildo and work out more.

Are you not allowed to own large breeds of dogs? Or, perhaps, instead of several large dogs you could somehow acquire a large number of cats. A herd of cats is an impressive home defense system for a number of reasons. First, the smell will, with time, become something that you are used to and can ignore while being literally a wall that any would-be intruder will have to overcome to proceed both physically and mentally. Second, while the herd itself may be overall skittish, there will always be one or two braveish ones that will confront an intruder with both noise and effective foot tripping abilities, allowing you to escape or attack yourself. Third, many of the more docile of your pack will flee to you, their matriarch, to defend them against danger. These are your throwing cats. You throw them. When impacted against an intruder these cats will provide many small scratches that can in many instances become infected and inflamed.

Attached: cats.jpg (1200x800, 258K)

nah mate, you have to get a canine husbandry licence for more than 2 dogs

at this point, a quran

cats it is!

A big enough "wtf!" moment is actually a pretty decent way to make someone turn and run. Although I think 12g buckshot is a little more dependable.

You need a plane ticket

Cricket bat

>cats it is!
not without a cat loicense it isn't

Easily countered with a little basic defense skill

Damn bro the Oi License m8 meme is fucking real? Sorry man

MMA/Muay Thai. Security cameras, game (hunting) cameras, plenty of lights (LED's), a big dog.

>living in England
>not owning a longbow
do you want your ancestors to be ashamed, my anglo bro?

>cant have some gay dog without some gay ass lisence
>cant have guns
>too lazy for a crossbow

You should just kill yourself, faggot.

This. Get a claymore and train with it 3 hours a day, 3 days a week

I think in the uk u can still have air guns and they make semi auto big bore ones why not look in to one of them or mabie pepper ball gun or stun gun

You just need to know the right people m8, apparently there are still plenty of goodies on your island

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Home invasions (i.e. violent housebreaking with prepared or at least motivated aggressors) are vanishingly rare over here. If you're going to stock up on home defence, you will get the most bang from your buck with the tired old standards: decent UPVC security doors and windows, half-decent locks, no entry tools in an unsecured shed, no loose keys under doormats, etc etc.
Depending on the area, an alarm may be useful, but a CCTV setup is probably more of a deterrent.
If you want a weapon for home defence, consider the size and shape of your home and what you expect to actually defend. If you're "a collector of antique and reproduction items" then a sabre, short spear, or a decent dagger might all prove useful in a pinch.
Using reasonable force to defend yourself from harm (especially deadly harm like armed robbers) means you should have a pretty good defence in court when the dust settles.
Frankly, unless your house is huge or you're in an agricultural setting a crossbow is not a good choice. You want something that can physically fend off an attacker, because people don't die instantly. It does you no good to shoot the intruder only to get stabbed in return and both die in the same ambulance. If you ARE in a rural/farm situation, get a shotgun certificate and have your cabinets in your bedroom with a sturdy interior door/lock.

are you shitting me? Really?

Dog. Also bats, knives EtC..

No dog license for anythimg he's memeing

Move to the US.

Sick bantz

Have you tried growing a spine? It may help resolve your whole country's issues

What a fucking hero, if he was smarter and had his stash underground he could have gone on without a hitch.

Dispite that he died a legend thats for damn sure

I'm britbong, and play airsoft regularly.

my glock full auto pistol will not hurt for anyhting more than 10 seconds if hit anywhere but the eyes. however it stings really badly, especially if ur not expecting it.

If soeone robs me, ill bring my glock and knife, shoot them in the ace, possibly blinding them, then you can use the knife whilst they try stop the bbs blinding them.

pretty good tactic iff you dont have a dog.


>promotes self defense with a bb gun or airsoft gun
My GOD did this post strike a nerve.
This is how you troll anons. Pay attention.