China has the World`s more powerful naval gun

China just tested the world's most powerful naval gun, and US intelligence says it will be ready for warfare by 2025
>WASHINGTON — China tested the world’s most powerful naval gun earlier this month, and it is expected to be ready for warfare by 2025, according to people with direct knowledge of a U.S. intelligence report.

>China’s railgun was first seen in 2011 and underwent testing in 2014, according to the people, who spoke to CNBC on the condition of anonymity.

>Between 2015 and 2017, the weapon was calibrated to strike at extended ranges, increasing its lethality. By December 2017, the weapon was successfully mounted on a warship and began at-sea testing, a feat no other nation has accomplished. The Chinese are expected to complete at-sea testing by 2023.
>Railguns use electromagnetic energy instead of gunpowder to propel rounds, and China’s is capable of striking a target 124 miles away at speeds of up to 1.6 miles per second, according to the people who have knowledge of the intelligence report. For perspective, a shot fired from Washington could reach Philadelphia in under 90 seconds.

>Railguns have long appeared on Russian, Iranian and U.S. military wish lists as cost-effective weapons that give navies the might of a cannon with the range of a precision-guided missile.

>The rounds used in China’s railgun cost $25,000 to $50,000 each, according to the intelligence assessment. Though not an exact comparison since the weapons have different technologies, the U.S. Navy’s Tomahawk cruise missile has an estimated price tag of $1.4 million each.

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you're late, no fifty cents for you
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Pic related, only replace these Zumwalts with Type 055s

Attached: 182916ycvynzbj00w0vcfc.jpg (1052x824, 140K)

FUCK China and FUCK commies

Attached: D66F589B-A8D4-42C3-913B-ED64775E2F36.jpg (1024x429, 80K)

GLORY to China and GLORY to communism

DEATH to "freedom" and DEATH to "democracy"

Attached: 1504988973920.jpg (2400x3000, 1.18M)

That would have been really impressive if it was 1941.

Attached: 1487188457069.jpg (1384x1109, 234K)

Sojnds like Chanc is compensating for something.

An intercontinental naval cannon is still impressive today.

im going to make a nuclear bomb just so i can detonate in china if you keep posting this shit chang i fucking swear

Whoever made this picture is a retard that doesn't really understand anything about sailing or the Navy. How the fuck do you plan on stationing a Zumwalt by Archangelsk 365 days a year? The Zumwalt is not an icebreaker.

Sure it is, so was my potato cannon I built for the science fair in 8th grade. Doesn't mean my potato cannon is very useful for anti-tank warfare.

Attached: 1488156051865.jpg (845x435, 76K)

people like
who think that they can make countries dissapear with a self build bomb because it rustled their jimmies.

i.e. dumb americans.

You already made this thread chankoro.

>according to people with direct knowledge of a U.S. intelligence report.
Which report?
By who? Who in the intel community wrote it?

>China's railgun was first seen in 2011 and underwent testing in 2014, according to the people, who spoke to CNBC on the condition of anonymity.
>spoke to CNBC on the condition of anonymity.
So its nothing.

Not even close to a credible defense news source.

Someone somewhere might have heard something somewhere in some obscure report by these random people who might exist.
The article cant provide a actual report and cant actually quote anyone of significance.

No video no believe, Bing Dao

youre not even chinese. youre either another underage european or another self hating overweight american. go outside

To all who want video, write a mail to the US intelligence service to ask them to post it. They have it.
Use your freedom and voice to ask for them to substanciate their claims that the Chinese will have railguns by 2025, faster than this wonderful great country named US of A.

Spamming/Flooding across multiple threads. Not a good look Wei Ning!
Post the video real quick before jannie gets here lel

>World's most useless naval gun

Attached: angry-hillbilly-with-shotgun-on-a-white-background-GEE16M.jpg (876x1390, 110K)

If only the world could be classy and high class like the average chinkoid in the webm

Attached: chineseratfood.webm (300x400, 1.15M)

This guy would fuck you up hehe what a survivalist

fuck china and fuck chinks

China doesnt need a railgun to kill shitbuckets like pic related.

They will sink themselves due to their own crew's utter incompetence.

Attached: Amerirust.jpg (1113x6118, 1.11M)

Winnie the Pooh?
What pulpose courd that ser

>Lil chinese bois posing any type of threat

Too much rat and gutter oil soup is bad for the brain. Makes you super ugly too. Explains why chinese are the ugliest of all Asians LEL

Good. I'd like to see another arms race for technology that might launch equipment into space.

fuck china and it's genocidal dictator Xi Jinping

Attached: Evil Xi eating all the islamic cookies.jpg (876x723, 108K)


you trying to convince me those people aren't terrified of being tortured, beaten to death and thrown in ovens like the 1.7 million uyghurs :^)

nice propaganda, now register yourself as a foreign agent or be arrested.

I really hope that the Uyghurs die in the camps, but too bad that they are already releasing scores of them after their completed reeducation.

It's a collection of proscribed terms which will cause any Chinese national whose browser loads it, to lock down, inform the secret police, and tag the offender and his immediate family for black bagging.

Ohhh. Its the I've never been on a boat before b8.

Most based copypasta ever made desu

literal slave owner state
>The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
CIA failed coup
>The Anti-Rightist Struggle
>The Great Leap Forward
Good intention poor execution but a prelude to greatness
>The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
commie deserved the bullet
>Human Rights
more jew
Thanks to Mao, China is independent
>Multi-party system
China already has multiple parties/factions
>Taiwan Formosa
>Republic of China
>Dalai Lama
Slave traders
>Falun Dafa
cannibal cultists
>The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
>Nobel Peace Prize
>Liu Xiaobo
literal murder accomplice
>Winnie the Pooh
racist stereotype

there are two threads up for this exact same thing
make up your minds already holy fuck