"" sixth gen aircraft ""

*Look at this dood*
*Look at the top of his head*

Why are bongs so retarded?

Attached: Tempest_BAE-Systems_01.jpg (1024x602, 185K)

>no seams for quick access to electronics
I fucking hate it.

UK is now Iran-tier.

All planes looks the same nowadays, it's boring.

Posting the Scroll of chink banishment before any IMPLESSIVE posters show up

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>he thinks this dumbass shit works

Attached: 1497285098084.png (257x250, 127K)

Hon hon hon
You got it wrong British pig

This is how you design a sixth gen aircraft

Attached: 5bf5392d86e76.jpg (1280x960, 110K)


They probably didn't see much point given that they've yet to decide which electronics to include and where to put them.

I can't wait to see Dassault's "proposal"
It will probably be a "6th gen" plane with no 6th gen capability and a price tag of $600 million.

it looks like a boat

All the sixth-gen shit we've seen is all concept at this point. It's mostly touting technologies that don't exist yet but they assume will exist by the time they're actually responsible for building it.

Seams and component locations should really be considered in the actual outside design of anything.

its a meme mockup senpai not an actual prototype

Attached: ergerger.jpg?itok=rxQe9Rkl.jpg (1486x990, 143K)

Probably, I can't see him actually thinking it's funny. It's seriously killing the quality of this board.

it's ok in the chink shill threads but it's literally completely off topic here

It's an eeearly concept, at this point I think the question is still less if it'll end up looking quite like this, and more if it'll end up existing at all. Let's remeber that this would be the first time the Brits made a fighter (mostly) on their own since, uhm, the first gen Harrier or something? And if we want an all out fighter instead of VTOL-does-what-it-can then it's the Lightning I think...

Attached: latest[1].png (1280x720, 990K)

It's unlikely to be solely British developed. They're looking for partners, and Lockheed wants in for one thing even if the US doesn't want it.

What is the issue with having a concept model?

They're scoping out both domestic and international interest.

It's not exactly out of reach for them, with the second biggest aviation industry next to America and plenty of aircraft development experience.

I'm not sure what your exact point is as,
1. No western country truly develops a fighter jet by themselves.
2. They have the requirement to replace their Typhoons once they reach end of life and that isn't going away, so a future jet must exist and JSF/F-35 isn't enough to feed their sizable industry.

What technologies they want to shove into it?