How much should I be tipping the RSO?

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Two NDs and a few muzzle sweeps should be enough

Just the glans.

If you wanna cover your range jester and brass jew not picking you that day at least 25% at least thats how much it usually takes at mine, they throw in detailing for my car for free with that.

10-20%+ depending on my overall feeling of safeness while shooting. Speaking of which, last time I was at the range I ordered a California roll with crispy tempura crab and got the worst food poisoning of my life, ffs, never ordering sushi again. RSO should have given me a heads up, and I feel like a cuck bc it ripped 25% fml


the same thing we tip the jannies


Why the fuck would you tip the RO? Hes either being paid to do the job or volunteering, so no tip is necessary.

Cause then hes happy to come into work and deal with the sunday church boomers who come in and complain all day cause the real bros are there ready to throw tips, sometimes even comes in with his pumps or high heels.

I thank him for his cervix, or was that the range trap? I cant keep them all straight anymore. I know I tip my falcon cage master. He does a good job at grooming.

sad at how little people understand the meme

>tipping an RO
The only time I go to the range is when there's either nobody else there or one or two others, and the RO goes and takes care of his other daily stuff. The RO doesn't need to be tipped when he feels it's not necessary to babysit me.

I have to tell my cage master specifically not to groom since he does such a shitty job. Generally I offload that to range trap, but (s)he is Jewish so that's at least an extra 60% tip. At least the falcon's happy and doesn't bite and shit that much when it's my turn to take him home

Stop disrespecting me.

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What crab legs does everyone like to get at their range? I personally love king crab season because we get in clusters that average 2lbs per leg

I usually only tip if the range bar is well stocked and he shoos away the brass jew

I usually tip around 17%, but I also buy him an ice cream at the range bistro. I bet none of you colored people get him a little something for Christmas, either. A bottle of Johnnie Walker Red is all it takes to keep him on your side all year long. That, and a bottle of Mogen David 20/20 for the brass jew will insure that most of your range trips will be enjoyable ones.

Robert you not at the Kinoplex anymore bud?

>got banned from the range showers

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story time? Were you the one bringing the crab legs into the shower? There's a dining section for a reason, user.

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That should have been specified in the first few pages of the membership contract you had to sign. The fact that you had to ask means you didn't read it.

Snow crab is the best, change my mind. protip: you can't

t. range officer

Why would tip a RO? He isnt needed, dont need to tip someone you dont need and provides no valuable service to you.

I bet you're a blast at parties

>had a terrible day at work
>go to the range to shoot some funs to make myself a little bit happy
>talk to robert at the counter and go to pay for my lane
>he could tell I was having a bad day
>he says he'll cover it for me
>comes with me to my lane and we shoot my funs together
>even gave me cash to cover the ammo I was shooting
we don't deserve robert

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The stupid fucked jerked off in the shower and the RO stepped in it

I bet you got plenty of upvotes the last time you posted that

>tfw still don't get this meme

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It's from /tv/


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My local range doesn't have an RSO. Nobody cares about my range safety :(

Because he has to deal with autistic faggots like you.

It's a gun range thing, you just wouldn't get it.

I always just let my date handle it.

You'll get in the damn pit or it's off to the brass mines for you

>RSO made us get into groups of 4 to shoot each others' guns and then give a presentation to the rest of the shooters on what we learned
>couldn't find a group so I had to partner with the RSO again

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