Did this coat hanger DIAC video get posted somewhere big or get shown on the news? I remember it having 9...

Did this coat hanger DIAC video get posted somewhere big or get shown on the news? I remember it having 9,000 views at most, a few days ago.

Attached: Coat Hanger Machinegun Concept of Operation - YouTube - Cyberfox.png (1024x704, 485K)

youtube has been trying to recommend it to me nonstop


Jews are probably trying to push the meme that all semi auto guns are one step away from being full auto

>we are going to not push vids about firearms due to recent high profule shootings
Also youtube
>have you seen this coat hanger DIAS

What the fuck are they doing? They cant seem to make up their minds on what they want.

>jews are saying we are one step away from fun
wtf I love kikes nao

Which is why I ain't downloading any files. Every keystroke is archived here, bucko.
There hasn't been a high-profile shooting for about 4 months now, (not since Tree of Life). Grabbers lose their momentum when the news cycle moves on to the next Annuda Shoah. Maybe they want the next Nikolas Cruz to start getting ideas.

Convincing people into thinking that three letter agencies are omnipresent has been their most suscessful psyop.

We talk about this in the open now, or we whisper about it to eachother in the gulags later.

Youtube's CEO is a True Believer, but the system itself has gotten bigger than they can really control without killing the golden goose

Semi auto Ban imminent

To be fair, this will work with most BCGs and trigger groups and about half of all lowers.

If you've seen the image then it's already cached on your harddrive, bucko. That's all any prosecutor would need.

Good. I hope someone commemorates the Parkland El Goblino sad tears happy lipped negro american massacre with a 16-year-old female underaged lolita hussyfan shooting involving a lightning link and a low-shelf AR forged from his own dried up shit mixed with cement. Maybe the pussy-OARSE republicuck kikeservative retards will see Trump for the gun grabbing catch-22 of the (((two party))) system he is. CRACK SHATTER GEESE, GO ON YOU HAVE A MOSIN you millennial douchebag all I have are these 0-∞ round capacity gayr-fifteen-year-old-female-fucking-confiscation-beacons ARGHH oh yes I can't stop fucking rottie shitskin furries.

Attached: dangerfieldseat.png (937x960, 753K)

i just threw away all my hangers to be safe. probably ought to tear the wire out of my walls now that i think of it.

Hi schizo!

I just want to let you know that we love you.

Oddly enough, me too.

Based schizoposter

Based schizo poster

I don't know, I think Trump might be better for our 2A rights than Kamala Harris, you seem like a lefty shill.

Nani the fuck

The man we need.

The jews want to popularize it so they can ban it
all ar 15s will be banned for being easily convertible

Attached: nv5sqmn4phqz.png (480x553, 638K)

The bro AI must be running the shots now. Thanks Based google AI don't nuke us please just make the matrix. The more I'm thinking about it the youtube suggestions have probably shifted from a rudimentary central AI to a system of each individual users gets his actions tracked and their own personal AI to suggest shit specifically to them. Then these personal AI's probably link up if they have enough in common.

Attached: 0b98ab23866defe02cfd18103705baba.jpg (919x1013, 182K)

Good read of the current political situation in America.

A few weeks ago some kid in Florida got caught with a fulltarded AR in the trunk of his car at a college. Not too hard to imagine that headline and "anyone can convert any gun to full auto with just a coat hanger!!!1" linking to the video on a left wing news site.

some guns you need a shoelace


Attached: auto sear (1).webm (900x900, 1.17M)

probably this.

Well, an attempt, anyway. Maybe a bigger push than the usual bullshit.

bad optics
everybody grab your optics

we just need to keep reminding them that the threat doesn't come from the citizenship....well, except the negros and why do we allow them to stay?

Attached: 1548486909672.jpg (750x562, 81K)

If you don’t have the basic mechanical curiosity and know-how to figure out how something like this works on your own, you’re probably safer in the Gulags than out on your own if SHTF. Better to study up on basic engineering and figure out how to craft shit yourself than wait for it to be fed to you.

>personal FBI agent meme is out
>personal AI guardian meme is in!

The only reliable thing about the coat hanger dias is that it'll be posted frequently and without better, simpler ideas. Want to fire fast without the felony? Belt loop trick. Unlike the bump stock, the federal government won't ban your pants. Stick your booger picker through the tinnitus button cover and hook on to your fat strap flap. Place your non masturbating hand on the shoulder thing that goes up and pretend you're cheating at a circle jerk. Congratulations! You turned a full magazine into tinnitus.

Attached: 1548282750780.jpg (960x834, 70K)

They want someone to do it so that they can get arrested and then use the story to push bans on semi-automatic rifles saying that 'they can be converted to full auto with household items like coat hanges'

the Youtube recommendation AI is retarded

We need to remind them the opposite. You're being treated like cattle because you act like cattle. Everyone who owns a rifle and claims to be a patriot needs to be cranking out dias'.

>Don't do it goyim, just accept tyranny and you'll be allowed to 'live'

>this will work with most BCGs
I thought you needed a m16 BCG for the cloathshanger to work?

t.M&P sport 2 owner

its not hard to check. and even then fa bcgs aren't rare or expensive.

Don't be cattle and do exactly what I say, the post.

Continue to do nothing and see where it gets you.

use other video sites to host it

probably because all you watch are videos linked on Jow Forums

There's always 80% receivers though, so good luck stopping them from being owned even if a law does get passed. Even if the term "80% receiver" gets banned, you can just market the chunk of metal as another item. Or have an engineer design some mechanical item, and coincidentally one of the required components requires a piece of metal in the same profile as an 80%...

Attached: WAT.jpg (715x431, 18K)

I'll continue to avoid that retarded design just fine. Can you do more than bend clothes hangers? Have you both thumbs? Does your tard wrangler let you use power tools? I'm not sure one can make a gun from popsicle sticks and macaroni, but keep trying champ. Patriotism is counting on you.

I dont even own an AR but it hasnt stopped me from making my own pcc DIAS in the face of condescending donothings like yourself.

Sure is smart to have the felony without the function. Is that what patriotism means these days?

I own other guns. The AR isnt the only gun that can be easily converted. Not that you would know. You've never fucked with a trigger pack in your life. You just meme on the internet while others are actually undermining unconstitutional laws.

Amazing projection. Do you also project movies or are you limited to projecting just your inadequacies?

Yes, but I meant that as in most you will find will be M16 BCGs.