Perfect melee weapon

What would the perfect melee weapon look like? Ive been thinking about how a weapon would have to look like so that it could combine the most amount of weapons into one single weapon, without it becoming too much, too dumb or impractical.
So far ive come up with basicly a shorter warhammer, about the length of a Spartan sword, i.e 45cm, so that it isnt useless in outdoors combat but still works in indoors combat. On the back-en of the hammerhead, a Spike/axehead combo could work, although fitting the hammerhead with a heavy spike would probably work better. Along the handle there would be a long blade connected, kind of like sabre starting at the top of the hammer going down in a curve towards the start of the handle, with a gap inbetween the handle and the blade so that you could hold it however you like. Why a blade? Well a hammer/axe is fine, but can be limited if you are fighting someone in close quarters. If the handle is exposed it can be grabbed, leading to struggle. A blade would eliminate that, since even if they were to grab perhaps a wooden stick or broom, you would simply cut straught through it. At the bottom a small spike would be located so that striking someone behind you would be a bit easier.
Now im not a designer but if anyone would like to draw some shit up feel free, and if you have any suggestions please add.

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Pointy stick. Bonus points for a pointy stick thrown by another stick.

Attached: atlatl.jpg (640x227, 96K)

A..a bow?

no that's an atlatl

>its literally caveman tech

That is some really dumb shit homie, how high are you right now? that shit would be way too heavy for any kind of real world use while also sucking dick at pretty much any actual task set before it. The perfect melee weapon is a single tool that you're overwhelmingly familiar with and just so happens to perfectly fit the current situation. The closest thing to a real life amalgamation of various good specific weapons that formed an actual effective general purpose weapon would be polearms that implemented axe, hammer, and pick features into a single two handed weapon, which was totally a thing.

This sounds like something niggers would have come up with to combat the chain mail they were still fighting in a few decades ago.

Attached: 1426543017798.jpg (827x1040, 816K)

On a more serious side the quest for the perfect melee weapon is probably a futile exercise since what that is will tend to be highly personal and situational. Given the lack of experience most of us have with actual melee combat and the issues with field trials today odds are also that we're generally better off picking an old design and simply adding a few minor, incremental improvements rather than trying anything drastically different.

Whereas on the less serious side, well...

Attached: ben-kenobi-saber-2.jpg (650x151, 15K)

Probably bill or glaive.

Attached: main~01.jpg (589x415, 56K)

A gun

My Prather would easily cleave a hand right off.

Attached: PratherWarBowie.jpg (1080x608, 110K)

your fucking retarded


Apparently an axe according to soibois

>What would the perfect melee weapon look like?

Depends on where/what you want to use it for.

the man catcher

Attached: Man Catcher.jpg (1401x1980, 443K)

Quarter staff. You need nothing more if you know how to use it. No other melee weapon offers a significant advantage over it. It looks relatively harmless if carried correctly to those who have not known it

What would make this weapon of yours the best exactly? It's an awkward hammer, an unbalanced sabre, there's no guard apparently but the hammer head, how is the handle made, what material, where does the tang go?
Why don't you simply have a hammer in one hand and a sabre in the other?

The "best" isn't just an amalgam of everything that works, you'll always end up with overweight impractical weapons if you think like this.

If you don't even ask yourself "best for what", don't even start.

Sounds retarded, get one of these.

Attached: rs=w_600,h_600.jpg (600x340, 13K)

Atlatl, Spear + Lever

This desu. Certainly the best for unarmored fighting infantry fighting.
Pike is great for massed formation fighting and anti-cavalry work. English bill if you expect to fight armored opponents.

Attached: WeU8gTE.gif (500x227, 763K)

not a melee weapon

A vibra-blade in spear form. This would combine the reach of the best historical melee with the power of the best theoretical melee.