You will never hear this over the loud speakers in the city on a beautiful sunny day as you walk along

>You will never hear this over the loud speakers in the city on a beautiful sunny day as you walk along
>tfw you realize the good guys lost

Attached: tfw nazi.jpg (403x211, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bump 4 butthurt discord tranny jannies

Attached: sheeeeit.jpg (546x546, 29K)

Trannies incoming

>idolize the confederacy
>worship the Nazis

Loser right-wing incels really can't stop praising their fellow losers.

>won the 2016 election
???? Ok discord tranny

Attached: IMG_3395.gif (800x800, 309K)

Trump is left-wing.

Wow that's a hot take right there

We've already lost far more gun rights under Trump than we did under Obama. Trump was an NYC-living Democrat his entire life, he managed to convince a bunch of virgins and hicks that he cares about you.

>untermenschen celebrating the regime that would have stepped on their throats if it existed

lmaoing @ ur life

Calm down discord tranny I'm sorry your Hispanic boyfriend was deported but he was illegal sweetie
That's just the tea sis!

Not an argument. Have you ever formed a single original thought in your life? Or do you just regurgitate whatever seems like everyone else is saying on Jow Forums and discord?

Guys help this unironically happened to me

Attached: 1497898969889.jpg (1332x584, 101K)

what an amazing thread im sure lots of stimulation conversation will take place and not just a bunch of people calling each-other trannies.

*sips tea*
Ummm sorry buddy I don't talk to INCELS

Fuck off nogunz

>lose two massive wars where millions die
>win an election one time

I didn't think so.

Still waiting for you to start with these so called arguments you speak of

>implying I'm a nazi
>implying being right wing makes you a nazi
>implying there's anything wrong with appreciating the losing side of the war
I also appreciate some aspects of the USSR and they lost the cold war what do you think about that
*sips tea* Nazbol gang baby

I told you why you're a bunch of loser-worshipping losers, and why Trump is a left-wing kike, and you responded with buzzwords and memes.


Attached: 9f482dbd91d3d5d0ec4a5dd26b189a88--little-witch-academia-amanda.jpg (736x595, 36K)

>buzzword buzzword buzzword
>you just said a bunch of buzzwords!
This is the power of discord trannies

we got a reddit leak

Attached: IMG_0696.jpg (200x200, 14K)


You didn't address a single point I made.

>e power of discord trannie
You'll never see Prussia on a modern map

What point i havent seen any yet

Attached: 1524275833400.jpg (958x768, 121K)

>loud speakers and audio quality was shit back then
>blown to fuck cities probably had shit acoustics
>wasting war materiel in occupied/conquered territory blasting music instead of using them for psy ops on the frontlines

Just listen to it on your earphones while jogging in flectarn Jow Forums

Yikes buddy
Edit: Just checked this guy's history, turns out he's a NAZI

Try to come up with an original idea in response to anything I said, no retarded memes or gay bullshit

Attached: Hitler-smiling.jpg (285x214, 11K)

Okay say something original


Attached: IMG_4396.png (404x511, 8K)

I did. I said "Trump is left-wing" and gave you the perfect in to extoll the virtues of Trump's right-wing policies, and all you did was prove that Trump supporters are basement-dwelling drooling retards.

That which is asserted without evidence can be refuted without evidence

I also provided evidence. Trump is a gun-grabbing, amnesty-granting Democrat. You haven't made a single argument.

We got an avatarfag leak

Attached: cuckime3.png (676x524, 93K)

Attached: VW-Thats the Power of German Engineering.png (402x202, 29K)

Post the evidence

Choose your fighter, Jow Forums.

Top Left has: Mussolini Blah-blah-blah Blast
Top Right has: Pringle Punch Combo
Bottom Left has: Ooh Criminy Wave
Bottom Right has: Raging Dick Laser

Hard mode: You're posting on Jow Forums so you're clearly not doing anything that has any political impact.

Attached: Choose Your Fighter.jpg (1370x1689, 320K)


When will based Trump hang all animefags

I shared tons of evidence. Look at his Twitter. Look at how he capitulated on bump stocks, and now wants to go after ghost guns. Look at the "last stand" shutdown that went nowhere and the wall that doesn't exist. Look at all the tax cuts he gave primarily to himself and his friends. Trump has been a Democrat plant since day one.

Attached: nuanons.png (1200x3075, 224K)

>Uses ironic and satirical humor as a substitute for actual critique

Wow, that's almost exactly what I was trying to tell him.

That wasn't me who posted that image. It's not a leftist image, either, retard. It's an accurate picture of (You)

>oink oink oink

Attached: e490f089c7f1d27c9f83a68b9a929601d2119dc2f567e066a6b7f00b2940b1bd.jpg (191x255, 12K)

Fair enough, but you're still a faggot

Thank you for proving my point that Trump supporters are retarded knuckle-dragging pavement apes. I hope you learn to think for yourself someday.

>muh drumpffff
>hurr durr dems and republicans
>tells others to learn to think for themselves
Discord trannies are retarded

Bottom right, for sure.

Attached: Tina Happy 02.png (1099x1493, 448K)

It's almost amazing. You can't formulate a single independent thought. I told you why Trump was a glowing CIA Democrat, and you can't come up with a single point to refute anything I said. You can only greenmeme and regurgitate the same "insults"
Are you even a real person, or am I talking to a Trumpnigger AI?

Yes yes we should have voted for Hillary thank you for being the free thinking voice of reason here you're so independent and smart, clearly votes matter in American politics you're definitely not a paid shill Hilldawg was the best choice

Also the main reason people voted for trump is because he was the only one talking about deporting all the spics ruining this country who always vote blue and would deteriorate our 2A rights faster than anyone you dumb discord nigger now kys

Attached: IMG_4219.jpg (758x1024, 159K)

I never said anything about Hillary.

Yeah, Trump told a lot of lies during his campaign. How are all those deportations going?

>theres not deportations
Okay retard