Iran-Iraq war

I know little about the wars in the middle east during the cold war. Iran-Iraq, Soviet-Afghan. So lets have a thread about it.

And also, aesthetic war pics.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Iran-Iraq war
World War 1 but instead of French minxes in your underwear you have sand. And twice as much mustard gas.

How could your forget the electrified swamp. 10,000+ bridgades of child minesweepers and the only helicopter vs helicopter battles ever in history. Muslims truly are animals fanatical or not.

Is there a single country in the Middle East who has done the least amount of wrong than Iran?


>has directly caused every single war it has ever been engaged in

Based and oy vey pilled
>but unironically

>middle east

Jordan in answer to your question, though.

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Read The Great Gamble for a solid summary and overview on the Soviet-Afghan War.

Yes... Iran is in the Middle East you fuckhead.

Objectively false.

Go back to the oven kike rat

Iran is by definition in the Middle East.

Is the child minsweepers thing real or just mossad neocon zogboomer propaganda?

Real, shit got desperate

How the fuck do you manage to have trench warfare after WW2 is beyond me.

Less politics more photos. Truly was a fucked up war.
And for those wondering, nerve gas.
One of the few times that joke is applicable

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Iraqi officers + Saddam were super incompetent, and Iran was undergoing political turmoil that meant they were cut off from arms during a major rearmament program+ a lot of good people were forced out.

Imagine giving up, not because you are out of supplies or ammunition, but rather, because you have seen so many of your platoon mates go batshit crazy from killing (poorly armed) children 12 hours a day for weeks that you fear you will go crazy soon too. That was reality for a not insignificant number of Iraqi soldiers.

To extrapolate your point a bit, failure on the Iraqi side to properly utilize armor in the face of effective anti tank weapons.
And of course Iran barely had any tanks in the first place and had no way of getting more.

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>And of course Iran barely had any tanks in the first place and had no way of getting more.
Not really related but might be interesting- This is a model of the Shir 2, which was later rerolled as the Challenger, created from pure gold for the Shah.

Attached: shir 2.jpg (3264x2448, 952K)

I was always partial to the Yom Kippur War myself. Too bad Syrians can’t fight for shit.

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Here's some pretty brutal footage of an Iraqi armored assault.
Not much footage that's this close up

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What SMG is beeing held into the air here?

Looks like a Swedish K.

Definitely a Swedish K
Egyptians used em

Attached: Swedish_K45_SMG_5555.jpg (1600x786, 126K)

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They did? That was new to me. I only remembered them having AG-42s...

Port Siad

>Pic related being a Port Siad
Not sure if they were a licensed copy, I doubt it

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>Done the least amount of wrong
Khomeini and his theocratic fuckbuddies damn near ran the country into the ground. He purged all the professionals from the military and whacked most of the intelligentsia. Here's a little known fact, most of the population do not like most of the religious bullshit laws they have to follow, but if you don't the IRGC will fuck you up.
Truth. I'll upload pics later if I have time but that isn't a meme. The Pasdaran (IRGC) began to run most of the show when the Artesh (main Iranian military) was getting its shit kicked in because all of the competent officers were gone. So the Pasdaran organized thousands of Basij militia (given very little training, and usually utilized in human waves) and sent them out in front of an advance to literally soak up bullets. When they began running out of manpower, they started using kids.

>Iraqi Mirage pilots before a mission

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>Iranian Tomcat pilots

Attached: iranian-f-14-tomcat-pilots-during-the-iran-iraq-war.jpg (600x801, 118K)

Alright, here's the kids.

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Holy fuckballs, I only now just noticed that his mag-pouch is East German.

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>goes full Islamic jihadist
>starts trying to spread radicalism throughout Middle East to overthrow gulf states and hostile regimes
Fuck off Muhammad, you and Israel deserve to get blown off the map

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I don't think its not widely known that most people in Iran don't like their government. Interestingly, Hafaz Al-Assad built on the idea of martyrdom in service of islam to come up with the idea of suicide bombers which he used in Lebanon in the 1982. Which ended up coming around to bite his son in the ass with ISIS.

I believe the last Ace of Aces was an Iranian Tomcat Pilot, Jalil Zandi.

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Makes sense. The Lebanon conflict is also one that's glossed over a lot, despite the fact that a lot of shit went down.

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The elderly were also not exempt from this.

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>pure gold

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One of the sub plots in Hypernormalization covers it.
It's a pretty good watch if you've got 3 hours to spare.

>Tfw Iran goes full fucking Volkssturm

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Don''t have time now, but I'll definitely give this a watch-through later.

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You're right, I'm retarded. Still the kind of extreme excess associated with the shah.

You have no idea.

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I feel bad for them.

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It was really the only way wasn't it, they exhausted there manpower pretty damn quick

Most of them volunteered, so it was up to them. But yeah, this was a war that was fought with a lot of old men and kids.

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Also not related, but Canada almost bought Iran's F14s after the revolution for fire sale prices due to a lack of spares. But, Canada's involvement in the Iran hostage crisis became public knowledge and the deal was kiboshed.

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They needed something, anything, to stop the Iraqi pushes. The attrition rate was horrendous and the Iranians resorted to heavily encouraging more people (old men and kids) to fight with the Basij. Eventually they started conscripting them.

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>tfw no m1 garand with farsi graffiti marks

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>be an Iraqi fighter pilot
>strap two Exocet missiles onto your commercial jet and fly out into the Gulf
>spot an American warship two miles outside the exclusion zone
>"lel, watch this"
>slam two missiles into her side and take off, cucked Americans don't even fight back
>Americans try pleading with Saudi Arabia to send an interceptor to shoot you down
>they tell the Americans they won't lol
>later, the American government confronts Mr. Hussein about the incident
>he lies and tells them he had nothing to do with it and that it must have been the Iranians
>the retarded Boomer President of America believes him and accuses Iran of intentionally trying to sink an American warship
>goes as far as to say that Iran is the "villain" in the entire war even though they were the ones invaded by Iraq and have only ever acted in self-defense
>Americans to this day wonder why Iranians hate them
>really activates the almonds

Why again are Iranians supposed to be the bad guys?

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What a dumbass, why would you give kids a fucking G3? That rifle is much too heavy for them, both in weight and recoil. A SMG would be a much better choice for a child.

>all the seething arabs responding to this post

Politics my dude.
There's some mistakes in your post but the Iranian regime was seen as evil well before the war due to the hostage crisis and so forth.
You also forgot to mention they were so mad they sunk the majority of the Iranian Navy in like a single day

>getting ready to shoot down some americans

>defending a country who has purposely attacked the United States and planed terrorist attacks against Americans and Brits in Egypt

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i mean, america DID end up fucking over iraq so...

>attacking the US and brits
no wonder you guys are so butthurt about china.

I have posted multiple reasons in this thread about the questionable morality of Iran, namely all these kids (of whom many did not make it back). Iran was indeed defending itself, but it was later launching campaigns to take chunks of Iraqi Shiite territory and eventually re-establish the caliphate along Shiite lines. I'm not defending our utter retardation in that time-period, but ignoring the theocratic bullshit that goes on in current day Iran is too much. Khomeini's guys weren't even the ones who kicked off the revolution against the Shah, it was mainly the left. I've spoken to some of the original revolutionaries who fled here, their goal was a modern progressive country with true democracy. As soon as Khomeini came back, his thugs pushed out/killed the first generation of revolutionaries and muscled their way into power. The country went backwards in terms of development, and despite people yearning for better government and less-strict religious laws every attempt at gaining this is smeared as a foreign plot. So if you're a fan of keeping the Iranian people down, feel free to suck the Ayatollah's cock.

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>Why again are Iranians supposed to be the bad guys?

Iran tried to nationalize their oil production in the 1950s and British Petroleum didn't like that.

dumb Jew

Arabs don't go on Jow Forums, they get killed in air strikes.

Not enough weapons to go around until they started buying from the Chinese/North Koreans/East Germans (assuming so since they have a lot of their gear).
During the Iran-Iraq war?

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stay mad as china dominates the world and turns your shithole into a colony.
now you get to know how it feels.
>t. han

the iraqis shot down Americans whenever they were engaged with them. Americans are just lying fucks who are too butthurt to accept losses.

Also as far as suicide bomber kids, not sure how valid those stories are. The grenades in this pic are plastic.

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The kid's mag pouch is East German, and the old man's rifle in is too.

i mean, i wouldnt be terribly surprised if it happened a few times.


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A state activly teaching kids how to preform a suicide bombing attack should make any sane person turn away tho, no matter if its real grenades or not.

Please go and shit up a different thread chang.
Can you provide me with examples? The only known incident I know of where Iraqis engaged in direct combat with the US was here
Other than that they were getting their shit pushed in by the Iranians.

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>actually believing westshit propaganda
how the fuck can anyone actually look at this shit and not laugh at how absurd it is? are westerners really this brainwashed or are they just retarded.

Do you work nightshifts these days Armatard?

>Can you provide me with examples?
both gulf wars, several times in the iran iraq war and during the yom kippur war. all of which was covered up due to the americans not being able to handle losses.

The IRGC were run by fanatics who believed you could stop Iraqi armored offensives by bum-rushing them with human waves. This actually worked in a few instances, Basij would set off explosives underneath tanks (blowing themselves up in the process) or otherwise knock them out at close range with RPGs. Of course this resulted in massive casualties, but everyone's going to heaven so whatever.
Got another one.

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Can I see your sources then?

>1000 vs 750
>Less than 50 destroyed in air-to-air

Massive case of aerial combat blue balls.

Give. Me. A. Source.

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me thinks they were counting logistics birds

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I guess they didnt learn from the 6 day war...

Lots of aircraft were helicopters, many fled to Iran ironically enough. Many just never even flew. Look at the pictures of buried Mig-25s

I genuinely hope these two survived the war.

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>Look at the pictures of buried Mig-25s
that was proven a while back to be Americans burying them to make the Iraqis look bad.

This is some poor bait.

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seethe and cope

Proven by?
Sputnik news?