What would civil unrest look like in the USA?

What would civil unrest look like in the USA?

How quickly would the military get involved?

What is their training for civil unrest / civil war?

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do these count

Look up REX84 (Readiness exercise 1984). The US has already established executive orders that outline their plans.

Here’s the run down.
>local police and state police would be overrun and couldn’t handle the uprising by citizens.
>military will be overrun as well (2million against at least 10 million, let alone the actual number of gun owners which is above 100 mil last I checked.)
>executive orders allow UN commanders to take control of US forces and perform peacekeeping missions on US territory.

All they need is a crisis.

So what you are saying is to take out the UN also.

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>US military and law enforcement get BTFO
>somehow UN, which can't even handle tribal shits who don't know how to aim is supposed to intervene
lol no, god I love unrealistic Boomer fantasies though.

I'm waiting for someone to post the Jow Forums civil war scenario from the red team planner

Most likely a much more active version of the troubles in North Ireland.

>What would civil unrest look like in the USA?
Realistically? Twitter shitposting, mixed in with a few overhyped Antifa vs Proud Boy type catfights.

Look at the 70s. It would look like that. Military would stay out of it, letting DHS do the heavy lifting. Some NG units might be activated to support DHS; MP companies and Civil Affairs units most likely. You know shit’s gonna get heavy when the NG engineering and supply outfits start getting called up. That means they’re gonna start building detention centers.

DHS recruiting standards are going to fall through the floor, and they very well may stand up some kind of national police force.

it would be extremely painful

>tfw you share a board with zoomers who were born after the Rodney King riots

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>10 replies with no mention of Turner Diaries

Like a bit of civil unrest or 40 million groids and who knows how many gazillion goblinos cannibalizing everyone in sight because their free groceries run out?

In the event of government/military collapse US is more likely to just break apart via cultural/political lines - seaboards, South, Midwest, Cascadia, with potential border conflicts, but no potential to reconquer its former territory by either of those.
UN is incapable of peacekeeping 3d world shitholes, let alone the country as big and as populated as US. I mean they could send blue helmets to certain areas like DC or Washington, but as much as I like the notion of waging gureillia warfare against internationalist scum, I doubt UN would be capable of anything of that scale.

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>literally all of them started by niggers

How surprising

>What would civil unrest look like in the USA?

A whole bunch of truckers staying home, followed by

because Turner Diaries as pure shit

i dont know but im going innawoods and living in a comfy cottage while the whole thing plays out

The Troubles, but bigger, followed by balkanization. We're too large to effectively put down an insurrection if it got kicked off, and there are too many vulnerabilities. They've war gamed this. Rex 84 is a big one, but there are others that have shown that with a miniscule amount of man power, you could shut down most of the east coast. Basically if trucking gets shut down, that's all she wrote. And that wouldn't take much. Our infrastructure is held together with duct tape and prayers.

>the UN
>being able to do anything about a civil warring USA
they didnt even stop us when we said fuck you and invaded Iraq, they wont be able to do shit especially considering the US military wont magically stay together during a civil war

not entirely too worried.
>joe six pack has his truck and 1000 sports channels while his kids are glued to their iphones

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>US citizens own over half of the world's firearms
>US government owns plurality of world's nuclear weapons and piles of advanced military equipment
>Civil War causes citizens to arm up and organize, turning US into the largest concentration of infantry in the world's history
>All of them fighting each other, but immediately team up the moment the UN tries to intervene
>Civil warring USA turns into such a boiling pot of blood and hot lead that no other country can touch it for fear of getting burned.
This is like the Jow Forums wet-dream scenario.

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nationwide civil unrest would probably never happen, we'd balkanize first.
I think it's safe to assume they would get involved pretty fast, but I know a lot of military guys and I honestly can't imagine them doing anything against US citizens. Even the most polarized guys would not feel comfortable firing into a crowd of americans if they were rioting. I think you would need to have zero experience with combat to think it would be easy to attack americans regardless of their actions.

It would be crushed in like a week, see Ferguson, the Rodney King riots, and various other race riots as examples.

>tfw you get to kill marxist un niggers

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>Niggers do nigger shit
>This somehow means that on a national level with lots of guns and factions they would be shut down in the same way

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>muh 55 gorillain unified gun owners pouring out of the mountains at once

yeah okay

y my pp hard?

>friendly reminder that "civil unrest" on a large scale already fucking happened

>friendly reminder that the Federal government won and they'd win again if it happened again

Face it America, your 2nd Amendment isn't worth shit

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Holy fuck, how did Jow Forums get this retarded? We were invested in infantry then, you goddamn moron. And it was still years, despite the losing side being horribly outgunned and under supplied. You don't fight a homegrown insurgency with F-35s and nukes. For real, what the fuck happened to this place?

>being this much in denial

Tranny discord

>implying the government taking away americans retarded freedumbs is a bad thing
every european nation is more civilized than them. if america cant do it then europe should do it for them.

Fuck, I keep forgetting about those faggots. I thought they were just hitting Jow Forums.

It'd look like blacks rioting and being put down by the cops, same as always

There will be no neo-confederate revolt. There will be no great uprising by you incels. Go back to your waifu pillows and your anime.

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e say it so much lately.
wtf is a "tranny discord" and why do Jow Forums crossposters always say it when you argue with them.

there are those who do it for pay
and there are those who do it for free

this applies to all things

>tfw hopes for feels like this is the only thing keeping me going

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>tik-tok thot
>born before '92
Pick one

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Which one?

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you know he probably meant the St. Louis one

This is the most likely imo
You get several hundred local warlords and militia groups controlling anywhere that isnt a major population center, Blue helmets control those. Martial law keeps the city-fags in line while they let the rest of the country run free. The occasional raid on some poor farmers estate id'd as a "rebel group" shows theyre justified in being here

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Tom the warlords? I have it

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Wait, wrong one

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Am I just retarded or is there something to this that I don't follow? What about this game?

Pic related.

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Where to find more of this?

the un cant do shit because almost every time those tribals are friend with a permanent member of the security council.

>EU and UN which couldn't stop the US from overthrowing Saddam Hussein over the petrodollar
>ever being able to do anything in the US

I think civil unrest would be short in the cities once utilities, medical and food supplies shut down. After a while its just a waiting game for UN to just come in and provide supplies to the more compliant groups. Then they "hearts and minds" their way into securing the cities.
The real question is how would the midwest and the southern coastal cities handle a civil unrest/UN invasion?

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I'd be really cool with Ivan"hearts and minds"ing me and my freedom fighter group a bunch of guns

Im sure the only UN forces that would be dumb enough to come over are the French (who would never leave NYC and DC), the Indians (who would just steal the supplies or make things worse), and the Chinese (who would also make things worse and possibly try to start a coup).

My only regret is I know I probably wouldn't live long enough to see the whole show. On the other hand, there's only one way to valhalla

Mexico would try to pull some funny shit with us by zerg rushing but that shit would stop real quick when Cletus and friends start acting like the skinner brothers from red dead redemption 2 towards the beaners. All it would take is a couple hundred or thousand or so beaners being skinned alive and nailed to crosses for them to get the message

Wouldn't that just speed up the game one way or another. Starving people get 'desperate'.

>What would civil unrest look like in the USA?
imagine every lamp post was a christmas tree
now imagine jews and criminals and politicians are christmas ornaments

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How about lefty agitators like you instead

Believe it or not, not everyone is as much of a cuckservative as you.

>allow UN commanders to take control of US forces and perform peacekeeping missions on US territory
so they want it all to fail? I don't get it.

>What would civil unrest look like in the USA?

A bunch of lardy internet hacks throwing half eaten MacDonald's happy meals at each other and some blacks robbing Chinese made sportswear for tribal status

Why the hell do you want to hang Jews?

>followed by balkanization

Ah the Moscow fantasy meme about the USA..

lmao if the US military somehow gets overun what the fuck are a bunch of Indians and chinks going to do?

Because it's pure wank fantasy.

>What would civil unrest look like in the USA?
Like Liberia.
People would starve, be poor as fuck, and would quickly realize just how much civil unrest sucks.
All of your Civil War fantasies of grandeur and valiance, as well as those SHTF wet dreams, would all just boil down to exactly that... Fantasies and dreams.
You'd be praying for order withing the first first week and starving upon the second, and by the third you'd realize just how foolish and naive your were before it all happened.

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Starvation wasn't much more of an issue during the Civil War than it was during any other war at the time. The main issue wasn't that there wasn't enough food, but that they could not get it to where it needed to be.

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>>executive orders allow UN commanders to take control of US forces and perform peacekeeping missions on US territory.
So they want us to start collecting blue helmets? The hell are peacekeepers going to do that the Army can't?

It will look like the fall of the Soviet Union. The state will be a joke and people will but without much cash. The larpy shit is gay but we do need guns so that people can keep order at that time.

Wait is this Tom a real person? He sounds like one of us. Right down to doing batshit crazy stuff like driving around a dumptruck full of explosives.

Keep in mind that the civil war larpers are the pic related
ones, I could never take you fat degenerate autistic losers seriously, all you can do is larp and nothing else

adding to this;
think about how much of the US government relies on entirely civilian contractors - and not the usual suspects. shit like water, power, and light, the DOT, the cable company, the oil companies, big manufacturing, truck drivers, construction/public works, etc.
consider how many employees of those various organizations would side with a rebellion should the US government take up arms against the civilian population.
all it would take is one guy who has access to a fuel loading station used by the government supply chain with a jerry can full of water to fuck up a truckload of jet fuel. all it takes is a couple of heavy equipment operators to destroy and block a road or bridge, or truckers to shut down a major interstate. what if some enterprising hardhat went around cutting down power poles in a critical area?
sure, most all of this is repairable disruption, and would result in the death of the actors involved, but that would only radicalize the population further. the US power grid runs through 6 critical nodes in CONUS. a mcveigh-tier weapon could disable each of them.
this is to say nothing of machinists, mechanics, gunsmiths, et al who would most likely support the rebellion via materiel assistance, and to say nothing of defecting military personnel with knowledge of key infrastructure. the working man could shut this country down in a week if he really wanted to.


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oh, and the fucking RAILROADS. railroads are a critical part of US strategic capability to move men and equipment efficiently - and they would have to take over every rail company, and have soldiers operate every train, or at the very least have guns to the heads of civilian personnel. you could do some major fucking damage by building a derailment device or cutting out sections of rail on a critical piece of track (and oxyfuel torches are cheap). you could also jam the railroad radio band, and remove their form of radio communication unless they switched to a military system.

ever since the GWOT

>>What would civil unrest look like in the USA?
- Bad, all them guns
>>How quickly would the military get involved?
Fairly slowly, force protection is key. And there are almost 1 million cops in the country, federal agents, and all the other orgs that are not the military, and theyve been waiting for this stuff for years.
>>What is their training for civil unrest / civil war?
The military's job is to destroy the enemy, everything else is something they trained in, but are not too specialized at, like policing. In my opinion there are more than enough cops in the country and counting the national guard its gonna be stopped well before the active duty military needs to get involved.

Police would get btfo dont kid yourself

Not in the urban centers. natty Guards will most definitely need to help out if its in the countryside.

If food gets interrupted, best case police are overrun. Worse case, they become part of the problem.

theres that name again

gas the kikes race war now

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Back to leftypol you retard

In the 1800s maybe. This is why interstate highways were made.

>T. Falseflagging leftyfag

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Yes, you are

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People underestimate how easy it would be to turn this place into a complete shitshow. They also underestimate our dispute resolution mechanisms.

If the Libtards want to assert their will it's as simple as
>Rich coasties stop paying their taxes

If the Conservitards want to assert their will it's as simple as
>disable vulnerable infrastructure supporting cities, i.e., electrical grid, aqueducts for SoCal, railroads, cell towers, etc.

That's fucking it. Either of these things will force political compromise because if any movement has wide enough support to carry out these actions, it will have sufficient representation in federal government to negotiate. This is not the self-sufficient agrarian society that allowed the civil war to take place. The US is a cohesive whole more than it has ever been throughout our history, each side of the political spectrum is too strategically vulnerable to ever take up arms against the other, and our means of political compromise are too easily accessible for the population to ever realistically consider a military option beyond riots or protesting. Significant military involvement is a highly unlikely event unless a movement is some fringe bullshit that we're cool just eradicating.

While such civil unrest may occur, civil war will never happen again without massive foreign intervention, which cannot happen as long as the US federal government remains a military superpower. The US will only cease to be what it is by mutual consent to split, which won't happen because it will compromise military security of both prospective nations endangering their political independence, which would be the only fucking point of splitting in the first place

Ferguson would probably be the most accurate scenario atm

The crimes of the Jew will not be forgiven this time.

Shut the fuck up.

I possess critical thinking skills, was born american and white and was raised outside of judiasm

thats all it takes to commit your entire life to wiping out jews from the face of the earth
a little intellectual honesty and solid conviction when all the evidence adds up to one solution
an almost final solution if you will

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A flood of angry tweets and a burning trashcan

man jews are really pushing the leftypol meme here
>people who despise jewish lies and corruption are communists

in what world does that add up for you?
jesus JIDF get a better script.
>schizo poster
>calm down ahmed
I really cant wait to see whats next.

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>What would civil unrest look like in the USA?

A burning dumpster, some guys dancing around with bike helmets and socks filled with padlocks, a lot of angry twitter posts

I wish I could be so Based and Aesthetic.