So I don't really like watching Vice, but I did come across this:

So I don't really like watching Vice, but I did come across this:

(skip to 19:22)

To you vets who were there, particularly during the pullout, were the Afghans really this incompetent, or is it just Vice misreporting things as usual?

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This has absolutely nothing to do with weapons.

>Armies at war have nothing to do with weapons

Were you born this stupid, or did you have to work on it?

Also, why can't they seem to afford better gear, with all of the fucking US money that was pouring into the country?

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Jow Forums gets pretty defensive of boipucci

boipucci is grown boys, not pedo shit

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The amount of sexual dysfunction in the Ummah is not to be fucking believed, OP.

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Dude what the fuck. I thought even consensual sodomy in Muslim countries was considered really fucking bad?

Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?

No. It's commonplace. Their excuse is apparently if you;'re not in love it ain't gay.

Don't take my word for it. Talk to absolutely any serviceman ever who served anywhere in the sandbox, or anyone who ever lived or did business in Egypt or Pakistan or Saudi Arabia. Now. Bear in mind what we know about childhood sexual abuse and how it fucks you up. Add massive inbreeding. Then add the violent death cult of Islam. Then add tribalism. The only cure is to fucking keep them away from us instead of importing them en masse like the left keeps doing.

2029? Phil tell us how you did it!

This, you need a developed man in order to achieve have those taught loins and tight, round ass.

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OpChan uses Eurofag dating.

The entire middle east has an uninterrupted history of the big gay.

In muslim cuntries men spend time almost exclusively with other men, men acting gay twards each other (even if it's just no-homo friendship) is standard.
And in afghanistan it's a norm to fuck young boys, go to wiki and read up on homosexuality in islam.

This documentary is not from Vice.
I remember watching it years ago, it was a huge problem for Americans, because those raped boys would often off themselves or mag-dump on the rapists.
>daily reminder that every afghan kid knows how to use ak and often have their own.

In most cases, the US will bring in truck loads of gear for these guys only for the gear to end up in the local market an hour later.

rampant corruption ensures that any money the US gives them ends up being eaten up by bribes and embezzlement and any gear we give them ends up being sold on the black market or given to the taliban

They don't need our "help", they don't want our "help", and they certainly don't deserve any help.
When foreign terrorists fuck with the US, we just need to rape the shit out of their country and leave, none of this nation building bullshit. For 9/11, it should've been Saudi Arabia.

>When foreign terrorists fuck with the US, we just need to rape the shit out of their country and leave
so close and yet so far
you are right that these people are half assedly fighting a war against a group that wants nothing less than their assimilation or total annihilation, but the response to 9/11 was not "military adventures for days"

I agree, we should bomb fucking Saudi Arabia into dust. I'd literally rather be allies with Iran desu, at least most Iranians have a modicum of education.

>particularly during the pullout
L- lewd!

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Isn’t that the origin story of the Taliban? They started out as refugees in Pakistan, and to keep them busy, the pakis threw them into religious studies. While doing that, they learn that buttfucking is haram, as well as a bunch of other degenerate shit that Afghans were doing as “tradition”. So they blanda up into an anti boyfucking group when they returned to Afghanistan that expanded to eventually become the government.

The worst part was that the US Military blocked soldiers from intervening

NY Times: "Afghan Pedophiles Get Free Pass From U.S. Military, Report Says"

"A former Special Forces officer, Capt. Dan Quinn, who beat up an Afghan commander for keeping a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave, said at the time that he had been relieved of his command as a result. “We were putting people into power who would do things that were worse than the Taliban did,” said Captain Quinn, who has left the military.

Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, a highly decorated Green Beret, was forced out of the military after beating up an Afghan local police commander in Kunduz who was a child rapist. Sergeant Martland became incensed after the Afghan commander abducted the boy, raped him, then beat up the boy’s mother when she tried to rescue him. Congressional inquiries apparently led to Sergeant Martland’s reinstatement."

They also mention Gregory Buckley Jr, a US marine who was murdered along with two others while unarmed in the gym at FOB Dehli, by afghan "allies", after he complained about the Afghani commander's abuse and rape of young boys.

stay in your containment thread

Ah the topic of chaiboys. One of my least favorite topics.

Afghans in the position of power views these underage male sex slaves as symbols of status, like how a rich guy will buy a Yacht or a Vacation Home. One of the things no one is willing to talk about.

Had a dude we called Shaq(Name was Shakeeim something something, we called him Shaq) in our ANA attachment. We called him the Spetsnazbaby because he was fucking huge(had eastern european) compared to the rest of the ANA Black Rifle Platoon. Great guy, like his name shake, was a big ol teddy bear, unless he had some form of grenade launching system, our 320s/RPG-7s, then dude was a fucking marksman. He also carried rucksack full of warheads for the RPGs and his M4 looked like a fucking Mk 18 in his hands then a full sized carbine.

Dude turned out to be a chaiboy when he was young, explains somethings about his personality that. We didn't find out until we found a two timing snitch that used to be his owner that was disgraced by the Taliban mind you. When we had to bag the guy because of his connections to Deash(ISIS/Syrian Mercenary) and that he sold out some guys from the Black Rifle Platoons, the dude lost it and tore the dirtbag apart with his.... hehheh, "Bear" Hands, we just did a north and south and trucked on.

From my understanding, it is a cultural sickness that drove many chaiboys to suicide once they became older. A sad practice that no one but the people of Afghanistan themselves can fix.

Sweet devil's trips.

I have to say, given that he spent his childhood being raped and sold as property, he sounds like the picture of mental stability.

Clearly there were some good ANA soldiers... who are these "Black Rifles"?

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>only beat them up

Should've shot out their knee-caps.

>A sad practice that no one but the people of Afghanistan themselves can fix.

public execution of pedo's can fix that.

Hey now, no need to be so hard on me!

ANA US Trained Special Forces, pretty much our equivalent in terms of tactics and training and mentality. They're called Black Rifles because they carried our surplus M4s M16a4s and all the gear that goes along with it. Old ACOGs m68 CCOs and 2003 era woodland IBAs and PSGT/MICH 2000s. They're pretty much Afghan 11Bravos minus a couple of generations of gear and fresh out of Sand Hill OUST. They're all bunch of good guys, they know their stuff and value the team and as a whole, value the stability of their country over everything else. Great men that I do not mind working with.

And then we will have more tensions and distrust between us. Remember this was such an old tradition that it was seem as normal as consensual sex via missionary position as prescribed by the Ranger Handbook. Imagine how a bunch of ANP or ANA feel if we took their First Sergeant/Captain equivalent and pulled him out in the village center and hung or shot him? Especially over something that they viewed as legal before the times of their great-great(100x) grand fathers?

It will be like sentencing an American National to death because he felt the only way to show success in life was to buy a big house, have a dog, a car, some guns and a family. Like I said, this is a cultural sickness that only afghans can fix themselves.

>When we had to bag the guy because of his connections to Deash(ISIS/Syrian Mercenary)
but then it turned out shaq was also victimized by the secret nazi base in iran thats still operating. so we took captain america and stormed tehran.
thank god mossad was there to help us out or we never would have made it back alive.

I cant tell if Jow Forums is full of women, jews, or teenagers who speak english as a 2nd language.
but whatever it is the amount of bullshit lying here is just depressing.
>Afghans in the position of power views these underage male sex slaves as symbols of status, like how a rich guy will buy a Yacht or a Vacation Home.
there's a lot of truth to that but its more prison/lord of the flies.
they will rape and enslave anything not related to them unless they are paid off or fearful of getting killed over it.
I wish every single liberal woman or trans spent a month in afghanistan with zero protection from any white males whatsoever.

Eh, what ever you wish to believe aint here to change your opinion but shit is fucking fucked in RC East. But you are absolutely fucking correct about the perception of weakness. From my experiences and of course biased because we're walking armories so they try to be nice, but with that said, Afghans for the most part are very friendly, and welcoming under one condition. If you are a respectable male(IE tower over them, have more mass or give off the vibe to be respected) and not what ever they consider weird. Varies between the four sections of responsibility that we divide ISAF into. Or so I am told by marines that those fuckers down in RC South are a bunch of weed smoking drug addicts that like to chain the village cripple or retard into a public place and throw rocks at them during Ramadan. Another marine from an older deployment told me that the school they built for them was used as a dope house and they sidelined the kids so the adults can play soccer. Don't know much about north or west outside of shit I can pull off of articles and testimony online about the outlying cultures.

I agree with you 100% about the lord of flies prison bullshit. I've seen ANA drag out 'terrorizers' and the entire platoon stomps that fucker to death.

Another strange thing I've noticed was that in RC East, the tribals are fucking afraid of large blades. I remember an Airman strapping a 14-16 inch kukri on the top of his ruck and all the local fuckheads, ANA/P included gave him a wide berth. It also happened to a butter bar that had a tactical roman gladius strapped to his hip. An ANP Commander freaked the fuck out and frequently requested our CO to have him stand outside when ever they had their sit downs. Think the CO took the pleasure in watching that fatbastard freak out because I've never seen that 2nd Lt leave his sword behind in the presence of the CO and 1SG.

or, just nuke them. And israel while we're at it. problems solved.

Talibans tried that. Only to have pedos return with US support and to rape even more.

Pedos who rape boys as a status symbol are anti-social or sociopaths. You topple down established power hierarchies like we did with the Taliban and sociopaths are first on the line to appoint themselves into positions of power where they can abuse that power for their own gains and self-indulgence.

>bring katana
>tip fedora in total superiority over locals

seems like a fun proposition

Aw man, I remember watching that some time ago...

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