Mass shootings

i find them interesting, lets talk about them
>No glorifying them
>No inspiring others to do so
>Talk about their weapons, mindset, and motive

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Other urls found in this thread:

They think the world has wronged them and their much of a fucking child to learn how to deal with it.

>glorify them
>inspire others to do so
>where do you think we are

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It's a case by case basis like serial killers, the major correlating factor for mass shooters is probably the attention. They want as many people as possible to see what they're doing.

It's important to show the scoreboard in this kind of thread.

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So what was this dude's motivation in the end?

How can a normal person hope to get inside the mindset of a crazy retard? You'd have to be a crazy retard to understand them. They're like vid related, you'd have to be crazy to understand them. But you're not, so you can't.

I fail to see what's interesting about homicidal temper tantrums.

I don't expect motivations to be comprehensible, I just want to know what they are.

/o/ should be alek minassian

if we want to keep AWB we will need a way to track red flags.... it really sucks but if we could get it in writing (lol) it might be worth the trade.

mindset: entitled and desperate
motive: weak or blackpilled


>Anger issues

More like "love his country", he struck at the ZOG.

I talked to this crater-faced faggot on steam before.

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Listen attention seeking psychopaths of k, schools, churches and malls are played out. You want to make a name for yourself, shoot some bankers.

>How can a normal person hope to get inside the mindset of a crazy retard?

It's not complicated. They're assholes. Assholes who have decided to die and thus given up their inhibitions to get their kicks spreading their misery to others before they go.

They're children throwing a tantrum using big boy toys. That's really all there is to it. It's not exotic or complicated or difficult to understand. It's banal and immature.

>>No glorifying them
>>No inspiring others to do so

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Anyone remember the time a small group of anons organized and staged an armed silent protest outside the Federal Reserve office in Atlanta during their lunch break? Happened a few years ago. Wish they continued doing a different office each month like they planned but it went the way of IOTBW.

I expect better from this place, this is Facebook-tier normie talk.

Is it possible that we could get it passed in our districts for school administrators to carry weapons in school after extensive psychological examinations and background checks.

>wahhh I lost at a video game
>my life is terrible
>plays again
>plays again
>throws controller smashes TV
>proceeds to go to a public place and shoot everyone
90% of mass shootings.


He was certainly an MKUltra marionette that was shaken up and set loose on a poor theatre full of people. Jesus Christ man do some homework. He was a subject of the psychological school he attended and watch his court appearance. He was on 5 different drugs.

Legit crazy. He was being treated for having psychological problems prior to the shooting and was even denied entrance to psychology graduate programs at least in one case because the people reading his essay (psychologists) thought he was perhaps schizo.

He told his doctor about all kinds of bizarre violent ideas he was having.

Its tempting to dismiss every act like this as insane on its face ( most people think a pointless mass shooting of random and generally innocent people to be an insane act) but it seems like some of these guys are legit insane and some of them seem to have motives or some sort that at least are related to their act. The Incel shooters, Dylan roof, florida nightclub shooter and those snack bars un California a few years ago all were motivated by some cause or idea. Aurora or that fag that shot gabby Giffords were plainly insane.

My 10 year old sister is a better shot than Randy Stair

that pic.
That's the first time i can't tell if that thing is a man or woman.

what would have happened if the professors reported what he wrote? the cops would have rightfully downplayed it. after a few other warnings, maybe somebody should have called him. there is no mechanism for that under current law

Let me guess, it was the joos right?

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This is the dumbest shit I've read in years. Thank god people like you aren't in charge of anything important.

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What did he say that was wrong or overly simplifying the matter?

Bombs Away Mr. McVeigh!

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the only good post here

>those mass murderers did it because they were merely "having a tantrum", not because they had longstanding issues with the entire fabric of society, most of them coming from actual injustices done to them by people they were reliant on, that lead to them coming to the conclusion that if the purpose of their life is merely to suffer, they might as well take some of the evil bastards that fucked them over with them
The only thing more concerning than the way you see these things is your ability to bring down the weight of the law on others.

>Mass shootings
Found the faggot.

Saying that it's not complicated is simply false. Literally anything related to human behavior is complicated. There are millions of factors that influence us. Where you're born, your genes, your upbringing, what you eat, what parasites or diseases you have, etc. Saying that some people are just "assholes" for no reason is beyond ignorant.

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The actual look of pure despair and sadness, grinning, praying someone even cares.

The absolute state of 2019

Is that the couch cuck?

Was he cia?

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>most of them coming from actual injustices done to them by people they were reliant on, that lead to them coming to the conclusion that if the purpose of their life is merely to suffer, they might as well take some of the evil bastards that fucked them over with them

No one is dismissing that their logic makes sense in their own minds, but you're turbo retarded if you can't acknowledge that whatever slights or injustices against these shooters are hardly unique to them and always are about blaming people that actually had nothing to do with it.

>no woman will sleep with me
>mommy and daddy didn't love me enough or raise me right
>jews/black/mexicans are taking our jobs

Even if that shit is true, it's a totally unhealthy conclusion to reach that "the world" is to blame and that other people must suffer or that your pain is so different or so important that other people must feel it as well.

Fuck off with your "understand them" bull shit.

Bored richfag.

You're just choosing to believe that all of these people are unjustified babies because you know that some of them are doing it as revenge and you know that you're a valid target to someone.

>t. was put on them as a kid and can totally see where they're coming from
I stopped taking them because I couldn't jerk off, but about that time I started having thoughts about myself and others dying. That shit should be outlawed for minors.

one word

I don't disagree that it's dismissive in theory, but think it ceases to be "complicated" the second you resort to killing innocent people.

Bottom line, no one cares WHY you shot their kid minding their own business in geometry class, and no explanation for the motivation behind the behavior is going to be any different than the millions of other people out their who suffer the same traumas and mental states without taking it on others. The only defining thing about the person that does it is that they're the lone asshole who, for whatever, didn't give enough of a shit about the basic fact that life is hard for enough everyone without having to worry about random people deciding to start offing people on a whim. That's just called being an asshole, like said.

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

>choosing to believe that all of these people are unjustified babies

It IS fundamentally unjustified, and you're disturbed if you think otherwise. Period.

hold up, why is Goblino listed as /diy/?

you I like because your brain is useful

pharma laywers get in quick to seal medical records showing their products are the common denominator in the vast majority of homicidal/suicidal spree killings in the last 20 years

I think nuclear physics ceases to be "complicated" the moment it's exploding. How does this help me in any way shape or form, retard?

You're the kind of faggot who goes native and joins ISIS. Bet you thought the 9/11 hijackers "had a point." Faggot.

>The only defining thing about the person that does it is
they are on ssris

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

>Bet you thought the 9/11 hijackers "had a point." Faggot.

>(3) What we call you to thirdly is to take an honest stance with yourselves - and I doubt you will do so - to discover that you are a nation without principles or manners, and that the values and principles to you are something which you merely demand from others, not that which you yourself must adhere to.
>(5) We also advise you to pack your luggage and get out of our lands. We desire for your goodness, guidance, and righteousness, so do not force us to send you back as cargo in coffins.
>(6) Sixthly, we call upon you to end your support of the corrupt leaders in our countries. Do not interfere in our politics and method of education. Leave us alone, or else expect us in New York and Washington.

At least half of all mass shootings are sponsored by the Democratic Party. They find some loser and comvince him to kill for “the cause”. Haven’t you ever wondered about the perfect timing? There is always a shooting when gun control is up for a vote or when the Democrats need to distract from a scandal. Too many coincidences.

Antidepressants have been linked to 28 reports of murder and 32 cases of murderous thoughts, in cases referred to the UK medicines regulator over the past 30 years, a BBC investigation has discovered.

The pills, known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) which includes common drugs like Prozac and Seroxat, are prescribed 40 million times each year in Britain.

But an Freedom of Information request for BBC Panorama discovered that the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency had received 60 reports of murders or murderous thoughts linked to the drugs in the past three decades.

Professor Peter Tyrer, a psychiatrist at Imperial College London, has been assessing the performance of SSRIs since they were first introduced in the 1980s.

Although the link between murders and antidepressants in cases referred to the MHRA do not mean the drugs caused the events, Prof Tyrer told programme-makers that the extreme side effects of the drugs should be investigated further.

“You can never be quite certain with a rare side-effect whether it’s linked to a drug or not because it could be related to other things,” he said.

“But it’s happened just too frequently with this class of drug to make it random. It’s obviously related to the drug but we don’t know exactly why.”

Also almost all of the shooters have ties to Democrats if you dig into their histories. Why else does Facebook and Google instantly scrub the internet of their presence before the name is even announced?

>I'm a dirty traitorous scumbag, the post

In May 1998, 15 year old Kip Kinkel murdered his parents and two classmates, as well as injuring 25 others, after engaging in a shooting spree that ended up in his school’s cafeteria. In the investigation it emerged that he had been taking popular antidepressant medication Prozac since the summer of the previous year.

In December 2000, Michael McDermott went on a shooting rampage at his workplace, Edgewater Technologies, killing seven of his co-workers. During his trial, the court heard testimony that in the weeks before the shooting, McDermott had tripled the dosage of his antidepressant medication, Prozac, from 70 milligrams per day to 210 milligrams.

In March 2005, 16 year old Jeff Weise shot and killed nine people, including five students at Red Lake Senior High School in Minnesota, before turning the gun on himself. It was later revealed he had been undergoing treatment for depression and had been on Prozac at the time.

In September 2008, Finnish post-secondary student Matti Saari shot and killed ten other students on campus before killing himself. The official Finnish government report on the incident revealed that he had been taking an SSRI medication at the time of the shooting.

SSRI stands for Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor, and it is a class of drugs that is often used to treat depression and anxiety. It includes Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Paxil and a host of other commonly prescribed antidepressants. And the perpetrators of a raft of school shootings, mass murders and other violent incidents in recent years have been taking them.

And so it was perhaps not surprising when the culprit of this month’s mass shooting at Fort Hood, Specialist Ivan Lopez, turned out to be taking unnamed antidepressants himself.

>these dirty rats fucked us up, let's kill them!
>but wait what if they're doing this for a reason and they want us to know it
Alright LBJ.

Although it has yet to be reported (and may in fact never be revealed) precisely what type of antidepressant Lopez was taking or whether it was an SSRI, the number of confirmed SSRI shooters in recent years has raised the question of a causal link between the medication and incidents of violence.

Although the drug manufacturers are quick to downplay this connection as anecdotal or coincidental mounting scientific evidence points to a strong correlation between the use of psychiatric drugs in general, and SSRIS in particular, and violent behavior.

In 2010, the Public Library of Science published a study titled “Prescription Drugs Associa
ted with Reports of Violence Towards Others” which examined how 484 drugs were associated with 1,937 documented cases of violent behaviour. Of those 484 drugs, 31 of them were responsible for 79% of the violence, including 11 antidepressants.

For those too lazy to read up on the stuff
SSRIs have a direct influence on compassion.
Feed the brain with them, you get more compassionate BUT if the dose is messed up or the addicted person forgets to take them there are two main effects:
1. You get depressed and want to kill yourself
2. You no longer give a shit about others, your family, innocent bystanders etc.
... while still disliking people you'd like to imagine getting killed but do so yourself because you weren't suicidal and didn't want to hurt anyone.
Before getting your brain messed up by SSRIs

This not only affects school shooting, e.g. The germanwings pilot that rammed a passanger-plane into the French Alps was also on SSRIs.

>Also almost all of the shooters have ties to Democrats if you dig into their histories.
Typical combination creating a school shooter is a single mother (very very likely democrat) feeding the "misbehaving" male child SSRIs because he doesn't behave in pre-school.

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I went on to discover that billions of dollars have been paid out by drug companies to victims and that courts around the world have ruled that people have killed as a direct result of these drugs. Just two years after Prozac came onto the market, a 48-year-old man, Joseph Wesbecker, went into his workplace with a gun, killing eight and injuring 12 before killing himself.

The drug company, Eli Lilly, paid vast amounts of money to the families of victims on condition they keep quiet. A few years later there were 170 claims against Eli Lilly from people who claimed similar instances of violence and suicide.

I began writing a book, for which I interviewed people who had no history of mental illness yet suddenly became delusional or psychotic after taking antidepressants and went on to kill those closest to them.
There was a man from Canada, who, two weeks after taking Seroxat, became convinced he had to kill his 11-year-old son because he was in a better place. He meticulously planned an event where he took his son up to their holiday home, strangled him and then rang the police to announce he had done the right thing.

There was an American banker, who, 48 hours after taking Prozac, became convinced the lawn sprinklers were telling him to kill his 8-year-old twin daughters, who he then stabbed to death. And there were people who woke up in a police cell to be told they had committed armed robberies and killings but could remember nothing about these incidents at all.
In all of these cases, the perpetrator showed absolutely no remorse until they came off the drugs. Emotional blunting is another side effect of these drugs.

>Their reasons
>You attacked us
>By supporting Israel
Fucking stellar logic there, Mudasir.

>... while still disliking people you'd like to imagine getting killed but do so yourself because you weren't suicidal and didn't want to hurt anyone.
>Before getting your brain messed up by SSRIs
should have been:
dindn't do so yourself because you weren't suicidal and didn't want to hurt anyone ...

Fact: At least 36 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 172 wounded and 80 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was never made public—neither confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of prescribed drugs). The most important fact about this list, is that these are only cases where the information about their psychiatric drug use was made public

Comparing money available for lobbying:

gun rights:

Should also give an indication waht's available to influence media.

Between 2004 and 2012, there have been 14,773 reports to the U.S. FDA’s MedWatch system on psychiatric drugs causing violent side effects including: 1,531 cases of homicidal ideation/homicide, 3,287 cases of mania & 8,219 cases of aggression. Note: The FDA estimates that less than 1% of all serious events are ever reported to it, so the actual number of side effects occurring are most certainly higher.


No, we think they are unjustified because many of them visited violence on people that had 0 connections to them at all.

We think they are babies because their chosen response either ends with them dead or stuck in a tiny room without windows or the rest of their life.

Virtually every mass shooter could have saved everyone a lot of pain, time, and money by just eating a bullet at the get go and been just as happy at the end.

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

>Valid target
You're way too deep in inceldom if you think someone who can't handle what everyone else is dealing with has some right to revenge against people who he has never talked to. Sorry shit wasn't perfect for you, princess. Life's not fair. What's sad is a lot of people like you will argue for libertarian ideas and then go straight into emotional gibs.

Your justifications for these mental toddlers just shows your disconnect from human contact, and I know nothing we can say will have any chance of getting through your thick skull because at the end of the day you WANT your ideas to be right and you won't question them. You'll just sit alone all day again "researching" and growing more incompatible with humanity with your bitter loser internet friends. These people should be forgotten and only their innocent victims remembered.

>Virtually every mass shooter could have saved everyone a lot of pain, time, and money by just eating a bullet at the get go and been just as happy at the end.
Exactly the line of thought SSRIs withdrawal deactivates.

dont command people to do shit like you own the website.

The Les Baines guy should be under /tv/, not /n/. /n/ would be pic related.

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Makes no sense at all when it should be Killdozer.

even then, the only death of that incident was a suicide so it probably wouldn't make it to the list in the first place

Ding ding ding. Notice that in the era of ranges in schools nobody was getting shot, while in the era of 'physiological help' the rate of mass shootings (not crime) has gone up.

Just remembered that one of the main providers of drug addiction treatment in black-rifle filled Switzerland is Scientology ...
And the main pillar of the group (other than intergalactic war and calling people in Hollywood paedophiles) is a hate for psychiatrists treating people with psychiatric medication.

A broken clock is right twice a day in guess.

the scientologists are indeed a dose of shit but ssris are linked to spree killings particularly in young males and male adolescents and bringing the scientologists into the mix is strawman bullshit.

>tfw want to do a mass shooting just to see if I could get the high score but dont want to actually kill people

Like I wish I could just get up to the clock tower with a paintball sniper and if people are mortally wounded they just lay down while everyone else scatters. Once the cops get up there and cuff me a horn goes off saying the game is over then we all go out for a beer and laugh about the game.

What he wrote to the professors probably wasn't enough to sound serious alarms. These were acedemic psychologists after all. Some of their notes were released and they basically were suspicious he might have some kind of personality disorder. Enough to deny admission to a competative program.

His personal psych doctor, however, is a different story. He told her about his crazy theory about equity of human life and how he might be able to assume the value of someone else's life by taking it. And you are correct, there is no good mechanism for dealing with that.

How could we deal with a guy like that without infringing on our rights? I have no idea. Psychology is such a subversive field. Despite being a well adjusted, stable, sucessulful professional with a normal healthy personal life I am sure plenty of (((psychologists))) would be happy to say that the fact that i have a ccw permit and believe that every kitchen should have a fire extinguisher indicates a paranoid hypervigilant personality with delusional ideation towards threat elimination and vigalantism.

Red flag laws: not even once

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

I have the same scope on my ar....

pff amateur league

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Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

.22 is so dangerous it bounced around the halls killing everyone.

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Blanket statements are inherently false. Since you don't understand them they're assholes, but perhaps they're mentally unstable and emotionally crippled. You even go as far as to say it's a child's temper tantrum, how many children have been the cause of a mass shooting? What's the correlation between mass shooter and children?

I've seen that expression before

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What is this from?


I didn't get it until I did.

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Is it true he only used birdshot? I heard that somewhere but was never able to confirm it.

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Ever notice how in pictures like this, the tranny's dad looks like he just heard that his dog died, while their mom looks unironically thrilled?

>SSRI meme
Bullshit. Ive been on 'em and off 'em. I fucked more, felt happier, and drove faster. That was it.

LOL birdshot so weak you don't even hear it with headphones on.

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He's looked like that on Whose Line for 25 years in two different countries, long before his tranny was born.

Because she hopes her son will finally be happy now.

Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!

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