Air Force fag

Any air Force fags on here? (Active btw)

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Yeah. Now fuck off pog

Oof dosent help that I'm Alpah dose it

OP here.
Gay btw if that matters.

Sounds like secfo

I'm airforce, and I'm a furry bisexual who has multiple dragon dildos in my dorm. I also use grindr a lot.


One question. Do you wear your reflective belt when Daddy plows you?

I wear my reflective belt and canteen.

Gotta stay hydrated

2004-2008 yeah, sorry for crap picture of my hat

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The air force is really gay.

Can't even fucking read that

god the air force sounds like its full of fags

This is now an officer thread. Only officers may post now. All enlisted are free to stand by and watch but may not participate in discussion you have nothing of value to add.

Not that user, but I'm glad you take extra precautions.
Gotta stay hydrated, yo
t. marinefag

What's with all the Air fag threads lately???

>I have no idea what or how to do what we're doing, but let me tell you how I think we should do it
Fuck you, if you want to make everything harder do it yourself

>serving the jews


Marines and soldiers can't read, who the fuck else is gonna post? The navy?

Air force people, what can you tell me about metals tech as a job in the airforce?

Wat do if I want to fly a F35?

I'm 27 and thinking of going back to community college btw if that helps?

Me i guess

Sounds like you might be too old to be a fighter pilot. To fly Air Force, you need a technical degree. You can be an officer with any degree, and you would have that going for you, but your PE degree means you might be running a dining facility.

Of course, they might be more amenable if you got your pilots license first.

dumb frogposter

>having a vagina entitles you to every award and promotion if you don't totally fuck up and show at least mediocre performance
>fraternization is okay if you're a young enlisted female
>being brown and having a college degree gets you every award and promotion, even if you're a lazy fuck
>stabbing your wingmen and troops in the back is borderline obligatory
>if you're a straight white male, you will be ignored unless you suck massive cock at the Squadron level
>rampant bullet and credit stealing
>wither away at the same shitty CONUS location until you say fuck it and get out

Should have only signed for 4.

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When my supervisor enlisted 50 years ago, they taught her hair and makeup in basic training. They attached a photo to women's personnel file, and they were allowed in the officer's club.

I've visited the metals tech shop a couple times at my base, seems pretty chill

>stabbing your wingmen and troops in the back is borderline obligatory

This is true unfortunately. Not only is the backstabbing what the current promotion system rewards, but you will be told you lack leadership qualities and aren't performing at a level commensurate with your rank if you don't.

It is also the reason why I will never be promoted again.

They claimed for years the old promotion system was broken, and this is what we get

thanks i guess

I had to work hard to become an NCO. No backstabbing or cheating, no awards or high promotion statements. Just what I was willing to do on my own to get there.

I'll be cutting loose at the end of my enlistment or potentially go Guard/Reserve. Just can't take the constant jewery and bullshit. I know it's bad on the outside too, but by God if I have to put up with it I'll at least have my freedom too.

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I left as a SSgt and may come back as an officer in the ANG when I get my degree. Any O's got advice? I'll be in my mid 30's by then.

The entire 1206 awards system is wholesale fucking fraud. Its all low level wordsmithing bullshit congealed together into a semi tangible object which can be used as a real bullet.
Imagine continuously picking up dog turds in your yard, and then forming them into chess pieces. If you get good at it, you can put on your epr that you have a dozen chess pieces and that makes you the best. Despite the fact your sup is the one doing the forming, and you’re the one shitting in the yard.

Which is double fucked because chief jesus thought he was fixing the snco tiers by going to a board system, but now that board is literally only looking at your eprs which consist of same-shit-different-day and all of those awards which are based on lies and bullshit anyway.

As fucked as E9 turtleneck left it, this one takes the cake for rampant fucking awful shit tier decision making.

With the opening of the new special reconnaissance career field in the Air Force, do you guys think they will open up the force to more former armyfags? Getting out right now as airborne infantry to get my degree and plan on returning as an officer.

I'm army living on an Air Force base
>Air Force Dorm is worse than an army barracks
What kinda bullshit is this man, I fuckin hate guam

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It makes me sick when i see these people who made excuses for removing tig from consideration for promotions now talking about how great it is that they removed testing from promotion to e7-e9

>hurrrr now commanders can select their best people for consideration for promotion into the SNCO tier

Now only the most cutthroat backstabbing self serving motherfuckers will get there.

I don't know about other career fields, but back in the day security forces people used to complain that the old promotion system rewarded "good test takers" (anyone smarter than they are) with the implication that my ability to autismo my way through a test or anything involving actually knowing your shit shouldn't count.

Now we have people getting the strat that refuse to show up to real world incidents because they are busy with their 5/6 or afsa meeting while on duty

I'm sorry the legend wasn't true. Perhaps the chow hall will at least be decent?

Mtech is a solid gig desu. One of the better back shop jobs on the base.

The Air Force has no chow halls, only dining facilities.

I mean you're technically right but i've always called it that like everyone around me did when i was a newfag. I'm the only one around still doing it, but every once in a while someone will get mad at me for not calling it a dfac and it makes me laugh. The first time i really ran into any resistance to it was in als almost 10 years ago

tl;dr i'm old and it was the vernacular of the time (even tho it was incorrect even back then)

That's every branch of the US military retard, not just the Air Force.

You may not believe this but Guam and Korea are the exceptions to the rule.


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Any chance you're at JBSA?

I am :] pm me

Meanwhile, in the non-POG jobs, we're all getting to E-6 on 4 years.

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I'd rather kill myself than do this again

Thinking about doing ROTC in Airforce for college (STEMfag so my degree would apply) and then serving as an officer for 6 years afterward, is the free college worth it?

you don't need a technical degree. but you do need a degree. and at 27 you're probably too old to get one in time if you're not already graduated/just about to graduate

it looks like SOWT but with binoculars too.

if i get my pilots license and a degree in aviation do i have a chance at being a fighter pilot?

yeah. i know guys with 0 hours who've gotten fighter slots. i know guys with ATPs who've washed out of fighter training.

why are all the fags in texas from air force

Why would anyone go non flyer

what gives me the best chance

Fuck chair man
Theres too many of yous in hawaii


>Non POG
>Air Force

Dude, shut the fuck up. If you're not a damn TAC-P or PJ, you're a fucking POG ass bitch.

AFROTC has super high attrition rates. If you think you can make it, go for it. If it's at all questionable, go Army ROTC. Much easier commission, and much easier to get the job you want. (It's just such a bigger branch.)

Hey my people work very hard pretending to not be pogs thank you very much

I didn't have a problem getting e-6, i'll just never go higher than this lmaooooo

Oh, you saw the TV show?

Nah I'm Army, dude

Being this working-class.

Shoulda gone to school; stay jelly, pleb.

I'm one of the Whiskeys always getting screamed at

PJs used to be operator as fuck back in Korea and Vietnam. Now they're glorified EMTs who just get blown up constantly.

If any of you fags are at Scott hmu