Is coyote good meat?

Is coyote good meat?

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It's a mangy dog. Rub your two brain cells together user.

*beef jerky

Its a bit tougher than golden retriever style dogs, but its not awful. Just make sure to cook it well since they usually have doggoaids.

No. They're usually fairly malnourished and parasite-ridden.

Its a picture found online to ask a question.

YOU use the brain cells you fucking moron.

That one in particular? Probably not.

And deer arent?

While deer have been known to occasionally eat meat it's MUCH more likely that the highly carnivore diet of the coyote would expose them to parasites at an exponentially greater rate.

Oh and I meant internal parasites not just hookworms and ticks... You know; things that would be a problem after skinning.

What if you char the worm meat black

Yes that's a picture of a carcass. A live coyote isn't far from a carcass. They are mangy dogs. Again, rub your two brain cells together retard.

I would eat dog in a heartbeat. I dont see the problem here. Its meat.

So you've dried out very stringy tough meat. Mmmm.

>Not hunting coyote and deer for the sweet sweet parasite meat inside it’s organs
I bet you guys don’t even have a leech farm

It's tough, stringy, not that well flavored not to mention the risk of diseases. I'd eat spoiled potted meat before I chomped down on coyote and probably come out ahead in the health department. They're pests, you don't skin and eat rats do you?

>leech farm

I have a mosquito farm faggot. No effort required to catch various diseases and parasites whatsoever

>you dont eat rats do you

..if i were hungry enough maybe.

I ask because the faggots run around on my land, And I like meat, and I dont want to just let em rot into the ground after I shoot em. Feels like a waste

Im a fatass and love food not gonna lie

Shoot them and toss them to rot like a normal person. Turtles gotta eat too or leave them as hog bait. I'd eat nutria or crow well before I entertained the thought of dressing a coyote.

I plan on waging a war of extermination against the yotes this year, I would hate to see all that meat go to waste. Anyone know any decent ways to cook them? Was thinking of doing it in the crockpot like coon meat

>turtles gotta eat too
But will the turtles really eat the 6 or 7 dead coyotes? Maybe the crows would.

>I would eat crow sooner than a coyote
Seriously? Thats a trashbird that (in my eyes) is much more tainted than a coyote..

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>not getting as much crowtein as possible

It's like you dont even want to be able to fight like a crow

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You shouldn't eat niggers user, they have aids.

It's preseasoned

this dubs never lie !

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Leaving a dead 'yote to rot isn't a waste. It's carcass will feed other scavengers or at worse decompose and become fertilizer.

Maybe the ones that can be called in will be malnourished. The big dogs are the smart ones, a desperate yote will surely go after a baby rabbit to live a little longer. Right now is fawning season for deer and antelope, so smarter or cohesive yotes will go for them and get some good feeding out of them. Others stick around ranches to feed on calfs and their manure, the latter due to it being rich from the mother's milk. If you're as desperate to eat as the hypothetical coyote, you're better off using a leghold baited with some carrion.

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It's edible but not highly recommended. I guess if you're in a pinch and the opportunity presents itself sure. Still you'd be better of getting a rabbit, squirrel or even a fucking crow in a survival situation

Family friend got this 60 pound female the other day, she was stalking cows apparently, shes just a little girl too

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Meant 50* Theres some big boys up north, mixed with wolves and dogs I guess. That's a lot of meat to leave lying around

Sounds like some good compost to me. Meat may be meat, but diseased meat is still diseased.

So that's like 43 pounds of bones, guts, fur, and sinew.

ok well now that we have established that you have no taste buds or standards, yes it woud be good meat (4U)