Is it still useful or just a meme now?

Is it still useful or just a meme now?

Attached: rpg-7.jpg (650x279, 22K)

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Does infantry still get killed from HE?

>destroys 90% of vehicles
>good high explosive for soft targets
>simple and cheap is the way it feels tonight

its not the high end choice, but its good for most situations and at a decent price for what it does
not only is it useful, it's very versatile

brilliant simplicity
it's just a fucking tube

I mean is it still useful against MBT/IFV/APC and copter?

MBTs? Maybe older ones like T-72s without reactive armor while using the tandem warhead.
IFVs and APCs also still effective assuming you are using the upgraded HEAT warheads or the tandem ones. Helicopters are hard to hit. Mogadishu was a bit of a fluke but if you can hit one it will nearly surely kill it

Still absolutely deadly against everything but the most modern armor, reactive armor and standoff/slat armor systems, assuming proper employment in the hands of a somewhat trained user.

The RPG, like the AK pattern rifle is a very simple, very cost effective, and as a result pretty timeless design, obviously there are more advanced and better weapons, but an RPG-7 Shaped charge warhead will still fuck up the armored and unarmored vehicles, light fortifications, foot mobiles and helicopters of the vast majority of the world's armed forces. It relies on a very simple, very reliable and very cheap method of piercing armor, and can launch a very wide variety or warhead types. Only the last 15 or 20 years models of armored vehicles have been successfully protected against it and it remains a serious lethal threat to anything that can be practically hit with it.

The RPG-7 is just a delivery system for a number of different types of warheads. The most common is a single stage shaped charge warhead which, while not very effective against most MBTs thanks to composite armor and ERA, is still very deadly to lighter vehicles like APCs, IFVs and MRAPs, which have an increasingly prominent role on the modern battlefield.
Beyond that there is also now a 2-stage tandem warhead meant to bypass ERA, RPG cages and spaced armor. That is plenty lethal to most MBTs.
Besides that the RPG-7 can fire anti-personnel warheads that throw fragmentation on impact. These are specifically designed to dick up groups of infantry that are bunched up.

Overall I think it's still a very effective and versatile weapons system. Not to mention how robust, relatively easy to use and common it is.

Yes faggot damn

Jihadi John doesn't care about his odds. All he knows is that dying in combat is better than being a king. Plus even 1 rpg you've managed to halt everybody on the receiving end long enough for your friends to take position and shoot.

Mogadishu was absolutely not a fluke, those RPG teams had been specifically trained in a reliable tactic to hit helicopters using RPGs that AQ developed during the soviet invasion of afghanistan.

Two or more groups of launchers work together to make the helicopter evadean obvious diversionary attack then the second team hits them in the low energy moment that follows a helicopters hard maneuver, when they are moving slowest. The "Black Hawk Down" incident was not at all a fluke but hard lesson learned about how vulnerable transport helos are in urban environments and at low altitude while they deploy troops.

We still use them in the IDF. For anti-infantry and anti-technical roles not anti-tank (use MATADORs and Spikes for that)

More of a fluke of fast roping in to a hornets nest like G.I. Joe and not thinking logically about having your helicopters ass hanging out in a warzone full of shitters that were more than capable of taking you down.

The only thing it doesn't break is multimillion dollar tanks and hardened, reinforced bunkers, both of which were pretty much responses to this particular thing, and both of which are considerable investments for anyone.

Considering that the PG-7V is a dirt cheap rocket to make, the cost efficiency on this thing is through the roof.

Thanks I thought RPG7 is only a meme now and they have moved on to later variants such as RPG27 or something.

Don't forget that there's thermobaric warheads for leveling large soft targets like large buildings or even small complexes, or simply providing enough of a blast to disable or kill troops even in heavy cover.

Everything from Russia is a meme. The Chinese RPG is far better.

There are new russian rocket launchers that are getting exported that are more specifically made for use against more modern tanks that the RPG-7 struggles with, but why get rid of such a solid tool with such low cost?

the RPG-29 is also much more expensive and much heavier

while you would want one of those when fighting an M1 abrams
it would be a needless burden for most troops who will not likely encounter one
lighter weight and cheaper ammo means more shots at any given time, making it far better as a generalist weapon

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Neither blackhawk was hit while inserting troops, they we're hit while providing ad-hoc CAS because Slick willy refused to allow AC-130s for fire support, and so 160 SOAR was used both as Insertion and CAS, which is a role blackhawks are not intended for at all. Littlebirds are to some extent but the blackhawk is a transport and should never have been shiehorned in as a gunship.

The window for inserting fast ropers is so quick, usually less than a minute that unless an RPG team is already in an ambush position where the helo is going to hover they wont be able to reposition and attack before it has dropped its troops and pulled back out.

The two birds hits in mog were both hit on the move while orbiting the target area providing "fire support" with their door miniguns. .The anti-helicopter drill the Muj developed against the soviets was to fire a single RPG very obviously at a helicopter and then when it turned to evade fire several RPGs into its new flight path. Since helos bleed energy pretty drastically to change course they'll both be moving much slower after the turn and also be slower to evade the second volley, because slow moving helos react sluggishly. And by the account of the guy who were there thats exactly what happened in mog, coordinated attacks fired ion volley at helicopters that had just evaded an attack.

>cheap as fuck
>super reliable way to blow stuff up from far away
RPGs and M2's will continue to see service for the next 400 years

I don't get one thing. If Blackhawks were downed by RPG-7 fire during Mogadishu debacle, wasn't that mean the Somalia fighters fired the tube upwards right? Based on my photo of RPG-7 backblast, how do Somalia fighters managed to fired it without any burn injury or killed fellow fighters with backblast close to the ground?

Attached: us-marine-fires-a-rpg-7-grenade-terry-moore.jpg (900x600, 98K)

They dug special pits in the alleys to channel the blast. No shit.

Hang it over an edge, or better yet shoot from far enough away that the angle is pretty shallow.

They also tried to weld tubes with an elbow joint in the back but that didn't work out. Caused the RPGs to lunch upwards very violently, injuring the users.

Thank you for the subtext below not all of us read Mandarin

>TFW only old Jow Forums still remembers this happy African finding joy of firing RPG-7 meme..

Attached: qgJaqoS.jpg (960x648, 146K)

Thanks for the information. This means during that time the Somalia fighters were trained by someone who got experienced against helicopter in FIBUA. Who? Afghanistan vets? Vietnam/China/Russian advisor?

Have a picture of IRA terrorist wielding RPG-7 btw.

Attached: 2016-12-08_opi_26953404_I1.jpg (620x342, 35K)

alternatively: they didn't give a fuck about backblast or friendly casualties because they were ignorant somalis

Attached: blackhawkdown.png (1073x725, 15K)

>This means during that time the Somalia fighters were trained by someone who got experienced against helicopter in FIBUA. Who?
Osama Bin Laden liked to claim credit but it was AQ as an organization.

>dozens of different warhead variants, including thermobaric charges and tandem charges
>cheap as all hell
>proven reliability

it's here to stay, and it won't be gone for a long time, maybe forever.

why do people keep thinking anything other than the latest, shiniest, and most expensive toy is useless?

the only thing posted more is "is X obsolete because Y can destroy it" and "is X useless because someone said it was"

>is this a meme

Cuban and Russian advisor leftover from Angola still providing their services to Somalia's during that time.

>why do people keep thinking

Because people living sheltered lives in an online imageboard are bombarded with pictures of really gucci kit, and don't see the whole picture when it comes to supply/demand/logistics.

In most warzones on planet Earth, unless you're one of the EXTREMELY few special forces units that gets a say in what you're issued, chances are good that you're going to use whats available to you. Going on sheer numbers, thatll be something similar to an RPG and not the latest greatest rocket-propelled thermobaric heat seeking computer trajectory assisted overpriced and underproduced line item.

In addition to , what really gets me is LARPers on Jow Forums acting like handguns are somehow relevant in literally any context aside from concealed carry.

When it comes to military and even most police forces, the marginal performance differences between the hot new striker gun of the week versus some old steel Browning is fucking irrelevant.

As long as it's safe, has capacity, is reliable, and sends slugs in vaguely the direction you're aiming it, a pistol is a pistol is a pistol.

Like I said way up the thread.
Al Queda was operating in somlia at the time and was actively training Adid's militia. AQ delvoped the tactics in Afghanistan fighting soviets, who also made heavy use of air mobile infantry and gunships in the form of Mi-24s(mostly in the gunship role, they were poor assault helos and were very quickly removed from the role entirely) and Mi-8s, the soviet equivalent of a Huey.

Thats why I said it was a not a fluke, they we;re trained milita doing exactly what they had trained to do. MOST goatfuckers are exactly that, ignorant untrained peasants with AKs and little to no concept of how to into modern fighting, but NOT all of them, usually the armed mobs are used as screening and cover so that the other, more trained and thus more valuable fighters can move to where they need to be and do their thing. Those teams were there specifically because AQ/Bin Laden and Adid's milita knew that with little luck on the timing and location of a raid they could get RPG teams in position in time to try to knock down some birds, they hoped to down some aircraft and capture the crew/massacre rescuers with numbers in order to gain a bargaining chip and humiliate the US both militarily and politically. They even claimed victory after the battle despite the fact that they lost nearly a thousand fighter, so many the Adid's militia never recovered and fell apart shortly after.

Poland RPG-7 mods are weird one.
>"Fellow Polish, Amerikanski have new new RPG that are disposable"
>"Kurwa! Poland must have one to!"
>"Easy. Take out our abundant supply of RPG-7 rounds, packed them inside thin aluminium tube and give shoulder butt that goes up"
>"Perfect! Here's your food ration stamp"

Attached: 600px-RPG-76.jpg (600x136, 14K)

Launcher is fine. Modern warheads will keep it relevant for a long time.

Guess they are learned especially after Marine Cobras decided to massacre a lots of Somalia tribal elder (Who ironically supporting the UN/USA) during a meeting to peacefully persuaded Aidid to surrender.

Attached: RPG-7-600x388.jpg (600x388, 97K)

That's interesting as shit. Is it possible to take down a modern helo with small arms fire in a similar way?

>A modern helo
Most military helos will be 7.62 rated cockpit glass, so your best bet is to aim for the drive shaft and turbine housings. If you are talking about civilian helos you should have no problems with .308 going through the cockpit glass.

You have to force them low though since a helicopter flying high off the ground will be nearly impossible to hit without tracers.

One of them took out Seal Team 6 by wasting their chopper so yeah they're relevant.

>sheer numbers
winner winner chicken dinner. These thing are everywhere. You use what you have. Are tows designed to fight infantry? no. But if someone is giving them out en mass and its that or storming a position with aks you spam any group of dudes with tows and lmao right on back home. If the cost is nothing any benefit is worth it.

Attached: 1535151025859.webm (1280x720, 1.46M)

While we're on the topic, how effective are RPG HEAT rounds against infantry? You pretty much only ever see insurgent groups equipped with HEAT rounds in for their launchers and firing them at foot patrols. Seems like they would be kind of useless against anything that isn't a solid target.

Attached: image.jpg (600x450, 30K)

HEAT still has a large explosive component in addition to the copper liner
this can allow you to penetrate steel lined cover or thick concrete barriers while still exploding and sending splinters in every direction
so the HEAT can be seen as a compromise between blast and penetration that allows it to be used in any situation

that being said, there is a HE-frag warhead available for the RPG-7
it lacks the bulbous shaped charge seen on most rockets, although it also lacks a rocket motor
nobody seems to use them

Attached: RPG-7 OG-7V HEF.png (1880x1645, 357K)

Joseph Duo. He is doing politics now iirc.

Hate it or not. For African, Damn...He's naturally ripped.

Attached: 11liberia-duo2-superJumbo.jpg (2048x1370, 519K)

it's basically a giant florescent "Spooks plz drop a hellfire on my head" sign at this point.

The venturi in the back has to be made to spec othewise the launch will not be as recoilless as you'd want it to be

Cage will be just as effective against tandem warheads as it is against the normal ones... It works by giving you a pretty good chance of something else then the ignitor hitting the cage, causing the warhead to squish/rip apart instead of detonating.
You'd need either a proxymity or acceleration fuse in order to make the RPG-7 effective against cages.

How do modern HEAT rounds work for dual purpose anyways? I know how HEAT does armor penetration (high velocity molten copper punching a hole), but is the explosive charge that big that it can basically stand in for a full on "normal" HE shell of the same caliber without losing much in the way of effectiveness?

The cool thing about RPGs is where theres one, theres usually another 3-5 around
If the first doesnt the insuring barrage surely will

based anti-chink pasta poster

the PG-7VL single stage HEAT round for the RPG-7 can penetrate 500mm of steel and carries 730g of explosive

for comparison, the original bazooka had only 250g of explosive filler and was considered capable of defeating trenches, bunkers, sandbag walls, and concrete barriers
(the M20 super bazooke carried 900g, but was also significantly larger than either RPG-7 or M1 bazooka)

a full on HE shell might carry more payload, but the HEAT shell has a "good enough" payload while also serving sufficiently in tackling armor

Interestingly. Even Malaysian recently equipped their soldiers with new RPG-7 as cheaper supplement for their METIS ATGM and Carl Gustav rifle which assigned to specialized troops.

Attached: IMG_4761-2.jpg (1980x1320, 2.86M)

Even the Malaysian Police VAT-69 unit supply their operators with RPG-7 as their effectiveness of RPG-7 multiple warhead has been proved during Filipino terrorist attack in 2013.

Attached: VATRU.jpg (960x640, 150K)

Starting January 2018, Philippines Army also re-equip Philippines Armed Forces with RPG-7 imported from Bulgaria to replace WW2 era Vintage M-18 57mm recoiless rifle.

Attached: 2013-09-10_m-67_90mm_recoilless_rifle-straits_times.jpg (722x410, 81K)

Certainly opens shitboxes like Abrams all day long.

It still shoots rockets, doesn't it?


rocket propelled grenades

dumbfag here, whats the differebce between rocket/missile and rocket propelled grenade?

Semantics and differences in language.

The RPG can fire warheads without rockets and with rockets. When you fire it the thing is effectively a grenade launcher that then may or may not ignite a rocket


Which is better there? Does one have a wider array of ammunition and warhead choices? Or are they about the same?

even .50 bmg can punch through most APC
RPG can defi disable a IFV
tank, prob not. but you can still destory the track or some opitics

Yikes, how do you think they convinced the first guy to test fire that?

>I mean is it still useful against MBT/IFV/APC and copter?

Yes, even MBTs.

Attached: RPG-7_-_ETIF-2010_(cropped).jpg (2201x416, 816K)

Tubes that launch explosives will always be useful, even if they aren't the height of technology.


Didn't US Army make a trial to find out suitability of equipping troops with RPG-7? I wonder what the results of that trial.

Attached: avengers-trailer-12_610-1.jpg (610x333, 46K)

Vehicles tend to be protection rated for either 7.62, 12.7, 14.5 (which has like twice the power of 12.7 BMG, it's pretty fucking scary round) or 20mm and above, which is rare outside of IFVs or addon armor kits, most normal APCs and transport vehicles tend to be rated for 14.5 at most.

Why not like attach a 90degree upwards funnle om tbe back so when he aims it up it would just blast out at a flat 90 degree angle instead of just directly against his feet and ankles?

The first guy died so they gave up on it.

Haha tööb

Wait you guys kill more than just civvies now?

Attached: tf.jpg (374x374, 41K)
Good enough for me.

That's the first video I've seen where an army is actually using the Anti-personnel warhead.

If something is cheap and it works it will always be loved

Haha long boi

Not that bad of a documentary really.

Quantum HEAT

>attach a 90degree upwards funnle om tbe back
>so when fired, instead of backblast cancelling out recoil forces, it is directed upwards so you still get the immense recoil, along with a massive downward force pushing the tube into your shoulder
>I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Torn rotator cuff? broken collar bone? Just walk that shit off...

What's the real difference between RPG2 and 7

Because it would rip the RPG from your grip and turn it violently around, probably injuring you.

RPG-1, RPG-4 are prototypes, RPG-16 are not widely exported. RPG-7D are paratrooper version for Russian VDV.

Attached: 128a2ce5ec7fd71aca1e4c2c180d7672.jpg (686x888, 64K)