How do i join a Private Military

how do i join a Private Military

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Keep playing Cowadoody 14 hours a day like you're doing now, they'll contact you when they think you're operator enough.

jokes on you i only play 13 hours a day


If you have to ask, youre a fucking bozo who doesnt even remotely qualify for the job. Theyre looking for experienced guys with years of combat experience in the military, sometimes experienced law enforcement guys with swat training, not some dingus who thinks he can just apply cause he took a few tacticool courses.


fuck dude i even got fired from mcdonalds is there really no job for me

you can always be a guinea pig

for the PMC?

for the Ebonics pornography industry, they gotta test those BBC on someone before they use em for films


How the fuck do you get fired from the easiest food service job in existence? Fuck.

Why the fuck would you want to?

>live in polland
>highschool dropout
>try to get a job at mcd
>spend a month getting all health and safety permits
>start working
>work my as off
>ukrainians laugh at me
>fucking ukrainians dont they know they are inferior to my master race
>never show up again
>for the next 3 months get $50 checks
>noone ever contacted me again
>at the end get parting list saying they wont renew our job contract.

like for money

i've done this, it only happens if you have right military experience and know the right people. the days of answering an add in the back of SOF are gone. But I hear you can join ISIS online now, so you have that....

but isis dont pay
also im jewish

That's honestly the most pathetic thing I've ever read on this website. Ever.

You dont, fatass.

then you must be a new fag.

test rope with your own bodyweight

i can feel the hate

Join a military branch and try to put yourself in political, escort, or special combat roles. From what I've read about them, thats who they hire from the most. Guys who know how to talk, political spheres of influence and how they work, people who have gotten VIPS through combat zones, and any special forces people. After a few years, you should know the right people to actually join one.

I remember this fucking lid who couldn't even pass Infantry school was saying how he's going to join a PMC and fight ISIS and all this bullshit before he got kicked out of the military.

Hope he killed himself

Also if you can't join the military or whatever, join the FFL. Shitty human rights but whatever