Funny how this single picture litterally ends racism

Funny how this single picture litterally ends racism

Attached: 8a60130baebc26e2ea0b7afab82e5303.jpg (600x891, 143K)

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Sickle cell anemia.

not weapons related.
also niggers are kikes are subhumans and always will be.

Attached: 1532001016858.jpg (454x340, 88K)

I'll take the one without Aids, thanks

Is this bait?

so the non-russian?

something something 13 percent
something something over 50 percent


My child may need your blood, but nothing can curr the cancer that reading this post has caused me.

The fuck is this bullshit doing on a weapons board. Fuck off, soi boi faggot.

Attached: 1507694162821.jpg (255x200, 10K)

Can I test the blood for AIDS?

Image implies that at least one bag reeks of Popeye's and malt likka. Another of refried beans and tequila.

statistically each of those are from white people... but this is not weapons related.

Attached: allthatshitbyyou.gif (446x469, 1.14M)

>child takes black blood
>suddenly goes out and robs a gas station, rapes the cashier

>your child
Is there any reason why they can’t use my blood instead?

Different blood type

>It's funny because you can't see all the STDs in the Niggerjuice

Attached: KD20ac8_d(2).jpg (640x1259, 77K)

>more females have HSV than males
Is there any reason for this?

Jokes on you, I'm O-

This kills the patient

It’s the one that doesn’t contain HIV.

Attached: 1492115826139-pol.png (1200x900, 92K)

2nd and 3rd! 1st one is a nigger and 4th one is a spik

Attached: blood.jpg (600x891, 274K)

Attached: 1505272869091.png (986x797, 869K)

Someone should develop a communicable form of sickle cell.

Its funny how this literally isnt weapons related discord tranny shill

Organ donation requires same race doners, while mixed race transplants are very hard to match

Do you want to live in an Negro neighborhood? If you answer no. You are a racist.