War Movies

What's the best one?
Also which one is the most Jow Forums?

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Dont know if it counts, but Generation Kill is great.

Where can I watch that?

Independence Day is pretty boss.

I enjoyed the old Vietnam movies I grew up on:

Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now
Hamburger Hill

I've seen the first three, they were all good in their own way but apocalypse now is the kind of movie I need to watch again to understand it better

Don't, it's really not that great of a movie and isn't very Jow Forums imo. Maybe if you consider going insane Jow Forums which it kinda is, but there isn't enough weapons to justify it. Only the smell of napalm part in the begining

yeah after that it becomes very surreal and weird

Apocalypse Now, We Were Soldiers, and Platoon.

All three of them. Just watch them.

Apocalypse now is great. It's not much of a war movie though, and instead more of a psychological movie

>What's the best one?
Lawrence of Arabia, other movies don't even come close.

Amazon Primes got it rn i think, or you can just pirate it.

Not exactly a war movie but I personally love Kelly’s hero’s
>oddball was the shit

"Best"? Best realism, best action, best historical depiction, best characters, best drama?

Eh, who am I kidding. It is "Das Boot". Closely followed by "Stalingrad".

It's a comedy, but I agree - it's a great movie. Donald Sutherland was never better, Clint Eastwood still knew how to relax and Telly Savales managed to not be a freak for once.

The spanking scene is in the top ten list of cringy moments in war movies, right beside the orgy in The Ninth Company and Richard Burton flirting in Where Eagles Dare.

Tora Tora Tora.
>tfw one of your remote controlled planes goes berserk and crashes nearly killing people, but it creates a great scene.

Attached: Tora Tora Tora9.webm (988x420, 2.55M)

Apocalypse Now and The Thin Red Line are great movies to watch in the same day.

Ah the Apocalypse Now fedoras have arrived, might as well pull the thread
>le horror

I wouldn't call it a Jow Forums movie per se, but its still very good.

Its a wasted thread, babe, no one said nothin about lockin horns with no neckbeards...

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The cross of iron.
Excellent movie sympathetic to the eastern front German landser.

Definitely not SPR

Always with the negative waves man.

Holy mother of fuck! The balls on all of those extras, pilots, and stuntmen.

just saw this short film
it's pretty comfy


it wasn't scripted, the crash was an accident. that's why it looks so real

Oh man that is an insane amount of detail. Like that destruction is so realistic.

And now that I think about it oddball was pretty Jow Forums
>drove tanks but still have no fucks to give
>used explosives paint rounds to dick with ppl
>traded military surplus around
>drinks mid battle still not giving a fuck

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Most Jow Forums are films like sicario and maybe john wick

Yea but he asked about war movies not especially k movies

stalingrad is interesting because it's a german production about german soldiers, but i think it's cheesy bullshit overall. i liked it like 15 years ago, when i rewatched it a few years back i realized that.

i like Letters from Iwo Jima / Flags of our Fathers, Fury and Band of Brothers

Letters from Iwo Jima and Flags of our Fathers are good.

Not really a movie, but Unsere Mutter, Unsere Vater

Okay, I am intrigued. What part of the Stalingrad movie is cheesy? I'll grant that there were parts that had mainly a drama value, but 'overall bullshit' seems drastic.

Gettysburg is my personal favorite.

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I love how literally the entire cast, extras and all, were mostly volunteer reenactors.

just the general makeup, i've seen it too long ago to tell you about particular scenes. might also just be that i'm german and understand what and how they're saying it. i remember it as very cheesy, unlike Das Boot

>tfw we will never get a balanced civil war film again

Ah. Yes. A lot of movies looks different if the actors are actually of your own group. I'm Norwegian and every damn movie with our actors are cringetown. Not because they are bad but it is so obvious what cliches the characters are built on. And then there's the TV-commercial accents they are trained to use.

Heh. Remember "Derrick", though? Even as a kid i knew there was seriously bad stuff going on there.

It's right up there for me, partly due to it containing some god-tier acting.

Among the more straight laced war movies, "Hamburger Hill" is pretty good. Doesn't break any new ground as war movies go but the action sequences are well made and the general technical quality is decent.

Also, the "Bridge At Remagen" was a decent production.