What’s the best home defence shotgun round?

What’s the best home defence shotgun round?

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sbs vepr12

Birdshot obviously

PDX Defender

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#1 buckshot, specifically federal flight control if you can somehow find it. If distance or recoil are a concern, like wanting the ability to keep all pellets on target out to your property line, then federal flight control 8 pellet 00 buck. Very low recoil and an extremely tight pattern without the typical 9th pellet flyer that 00 typically suffers from. Its also actually available commonly unlike the #1 FC load.

Attached: buckshot comparison.jpg (1024x426, 188K)

For a shotgun. Two rounds of buckshot. Slugs after that.

wax slugs

3.5" magnum 10 gauge slugs. Blow the motherfucker's arms off.

#4 buck works pretty well. Smaller and lighter than 00 but still more substantial than bird shot.

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00 buck is pretty standard, and should be more than enough for most targets. but then over penetration becomes an issue. Id say most buckshot loads are fine. Just dont go for 000 3.5 inch magnum and the entire buckshot family should be ok

I just use Hornady 00 buck. Goes bang every time and I can always replace drywall

Shells as listed in order of use.
>2 shells of 00 Buck
This is used to stop your assailant
>4 slugs
These are for shooting out his knees and elbows
>1 rock salt
While he’s lying in a pool of blood spasming out due to the loss of blood and shock go ahead and just toss some salt right into his noggin’ to wake his ass back up and remind him that he’s a silly willy for breaking into your house.
>my actual shells loaded into my 590a1.

Dragon's Breath

#4 buck


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Nobody believes you.

kosher salt for the goyim

bolo rounds

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Seconding the number four. Also that snake is precious.

What about this?

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What's the purpose of the wadding?

Home defense typically does not include bear attack

Shells reloaded with bees.

What kind of shotgun do you usually run your Veprs out of?

I just came and farted a little.

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>furfag makes ammo that can double as prostate stimulator

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Dude,it turns your "invader/wife" into a robot.
As in;eep op or I just mowed the lawn,hand job tie sir.

It's cool dude, just put the bottle down and go to bed, you can finish it in the morning


>stabilizing fins prone to breaking off, keyholing your micro grenade to god knows where
I'd rather HD with an actual 40mm launcher.

>one 22 caliber bullet
>or 15 30 caliber bullets
Unless your shoulders are made of literal glass the answer is clear

I mean basically you get the same thing but with more velocity.

0 or 00 buck, dealer's choice.

that looks like a retarded meme-load, why not just use regular buckshot?


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Anyone who says anything other than #1 is wrong.
00 is fine but #1 is inarguably superior as you have more wound tracks and greater surface area as compared to 00. Both 00 and #1 reach optimal self defense penetration, but #4 does not.
If you can’t find #1 then get 00, but #1 is literally #1.

If you're worried about overpenetration then #4 buck. If you want to kill the nigger/spic deader than dead then use a slug. 00 buck works well too.

>#1 reach optimal self defense penetration, but #4 does not.

Unironically looking at gel-tests for buckshot loads? That's laughable. Shotguns are like bumblebees; poor performers on paper, but in reality they are excellent.

#4 will stay inside your house.

Should I load low recoil #4 buck in my shockwave?

Probably the same purpose as all other 12ga shell wadding.
Because it trades 3-4 00 balls @~1300 FPS that would likely split off for a larger MOA for a slug that consistently hits center mass @ ~2000 FPS. Not to mention the 3 accompanying 00 balls have consistent spread and MOA as well, generally speaking.


3 inch magnum slugs only

Literally every time I've put buck-and-ball style loads through a shotgun I run into the same problem: the slug moves faster than the shot in front of it.

It leads to strange wear patterns and scoring in the barrel since the slug is smashing the shot on the way out of the muzzle. As a result I have some pretty serious doubts the addition of shot gives you anything over simpling running a slug if that's what you want to do.

#4 has greater surface area

>bumblebees aren't supposed to be able to fly
But yes, number 4 is solid.

This boys, when are we gonna have a dragon breath thread?

Double zero buckshot is my favorite load but make sure ur using a full choke otherwise ur range will be limited to 10 feet. Slugs if your using an acog.

I also like #1 buckshot, but I don't want flitecontrol for home defense. Even with an 18" barrel and cylinder bore, a normal buckshot load only spreads a few inches at home defense range. Still though, nice choice on the #1 buck.

Attached: tfw #1 buck.jpg (1089x1237, 700K)

Ok Kyle

some guy i ran into at walmart bought the pistol calibered shot shells for home defense. i got some of the 22lr ones for a joke, but home defense... some people are quite the charactrr

Are patch thread memes starting to slip into the rest of Jow Forums?

Honestly i get using #4 if you run a daycare out of your house or something but it seems to run lower on penetration than I'd like. Vid related. At about 20yrds on a great shot line with a lightly built deer it seems to have just barely enough penetration to reach the organs. #4 buck used to be a fairly common police load but AFAIK has been phased out by just about all of it's users due to having less than desirable penetration. I could definitely see it having a problem with a less than ideal shot line, bigger than normal person, or even the lightest of barriers. Compare this with 00s performance at well over twice the distance, which usually has a reputation for both poor post barrier performance and generally staying within the body IRL.

I think people really undervalue penetration in buckshot loads partly due to their nearly mythical general status as fight stopping loads(largely derived from real world 00 shootings), but just as I'd avoid carrying a handgun load with a reputation for marginal penetration and a somewhat sordid OIS history, I'd really tend to lean towards 00 and maybe #1 buck for shotgun use. Yall do you, though.


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"reduced recoil"
>This nigga
Unironically have this in my memewave.

Those actually kick less than pic related. Significantly less.

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>reduced recoil buckshot loads
>6 pellet 00 buckshot shortshells
Is there any use for these aside from old guns that can't handle full chamber pressures? Maybe in a homemade slam fire shotgun?

Yes. People who can't handle recoil do actually exist, and people who won't train with hard kicking guns exist in fucking spades. While I might load the 3" shit ruiners, my girlfriend can't. When she moves in, RR or even minishells will take their place.

Calm down, Turok.

Part of preparing for a HD situation is making sure your rounds won't over penetrate. Also, most peoples homes don't have spaces that are 20 yards long. But hey man, you use what you are comfortable with.

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I'll use what I want and I'll criticize stupid niggers like you. Your advice is objectively bad and you obviously can't follow the 4 rules.

Has anybody ever messed around with a modern buck and ball load for HD?

Smaller people; kids, women, pygmys, etc.
Though I'd probably go so far as to suggest they should consider a 20 Gauge.

See Buck-and-ball a shit
Either run buckshot or slugs.


also if you wanted to duel wield shotfuns and 360 noscope

Buck & Ball is serious, what if the British show up?

IME reduced recoil 00 buck is usually 8-9 pellet. It gets adequate penetration and allows for faster follow up shots than standard loads, not like the extra velocity of a standard 9 pellet load is going to do anything in typical situations. Makes sense to me.
>Part of preparing for a HD situation is making sure your rounds won't over penetrate.
That is both wrong and stupid. Also #4 will likely still be ""lethal"" after a single interior wall, just not enough to be counted on to end a threat.
>Also, most peoples homes don't have spaces that are 20 yards long.
I sincerely doubt it's going to do worlds better at the 10yrd spaces i do have in my house, and it's over 20yrds from my back door to my property line. Having to alternate HD guns or loads because i heard a weird noise out back instead of downstairs doesn't exactly sound like a winning strategy to me. I also think it's fair to question such a loads closer range results given it's longer range results until proven otherwise. When it comes to selecting defensive loads i prefer to eliminate uncertainty when possible, not create it.
PDX1, warwolf, and i think some others i can't recall off the top of my head make buck n ball/slug loads

I have a couple boxes of this stuff laying around. Haven't had a chance to defend myself with it.

Attached: buck and ball.jpg (1378x1082, 1002K)

Why is it shaped like that?

These seem to have the ball on top of the buck

Attached: Buck and ball2.jpg (1777x1000, 1.01M)

Then you don't get the issue with the slug being too fast, right?

I chuckled. Thanks user.

I don't know, the other user said you get that horrible barrel wear with the slug behind the buckshot, this NSI ammo seems to negate that. I don't have much experience with buck and ball of any sort, I just have a few boxes laying around. I also have this double ball ammo and some other odds and ends.

Attached: Double Ball.jpg (1652x929, 1014K)

Alright Nigger, how about you enlighten me.

>That is both wrong and stupid. Also #4 will likely still be ""lethal"" after a single interior wall, just not enough to be counted on to end a threat.
Again, enlighten me

>I sincerely doubt it's going to do worlds better at the 10yrd spaces i do have in my house, and it's over 20yrds from my back door to my property line. Having to alternate HD guns or loads because i heard a weird noise out back instead of downstairs doesn't exactly sound like a winning strategy to me. I also think it's fair to question such a loads closer range results given it's longer range results until proven otherwise. When it comes to selecting defensive loads i prefer to eliminate uncertainty when possible, not create it.

This is a good point and is why i said use what you are comfortable with because people will have different possible situations. Speaking for my self and many other residents of suburbia, there are very few instances that would ever occur where you would be firing from your house to your property line, and even if you did have to do that the range will probably be at maximum 15-25 yards.

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Very good.

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Heavy Hitter



000 buck for maximum lethality

#4 buck for avoiding over penetration

Either one from a 3.5 inch magnum shell

I want it so fucking bad, I need to see one of these against a gel dummy wearing a level 4 plate.

Does it carry a shaped charge?

I have three rounds of target load then five rounds of magnum buckshot.
Also I keep my shotgun in my car ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>hear a crash at night
>can't be your dog, the ATF shot him last month
>reach for your gun
>not there
>sneak downstairs and see a couple of ne'er-do-wells hauling off your larger than lifesize sex doll
>you tell them to stop right there and they freeze in their tracks
>walk right past them out the front door and to your car
>forgot your keys, go back upstairs to grab them
>robbers are still standing there patiently
>unlock your car and grab your kel-tec ksg that you bought because you saw john wick use it
>head back inside and take care of business
>cops are called immediately at the sound of gunshots
>arrive around noon the next day to find what looks like the aftermath of a murder-murder-suicide
Anyway that's how I'd do it.

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This or 0 buck

>I'm retarded and cant read

How would breaching rounds work as a self defense load. Its basically super hot steel sand right? Would it be cohesive enough to travel and enter a human body?

drag stabilization

I think it only works within a few inches of the muzzle. I wonder what it would look like in gel from 5 feet away?

Harrell did a video recently on double ball, he got terrible accuracy. He used a different brand of ammo though, not sure if they perform similarly.

Is this stuff any good? I'm guessing no considering how cheap it is compared to other 00 loads.

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A lot of cheap 00 buck loads seem to throw a good pattern with 8/9 pellets, and have the 9th pellet fly somewhere randomly. I used to buy this buckshit from walmart for birdshot prices, and it was mostly used for destroying stuff at the range.

Attached: walmart buckshot.jpg (800x533, 89K)

fucking imbecile. jesus christ. you could build an empire selling stupid boutique shotgun shells to fat ninjas that think they're too good for normal ammo.

"this one has 2 balls of steel shot and two minie balls and a handful of rock salt, doesn't that sound COOL? it's 80 bucks a box"

Sounds like those specialty hunting loads filled with a combination of small, medium, and large birdshot pellets.

Every time this thread I tell you all but it seems to fall on deaf ears. So here we go one more time, 10 GAUGE! The bigger/more buckshot the better.

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Tiny 12ga for scale

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>Everytime you guys try to discuss effective ammunition I always suggest this meme

10ga is a meme now? Explain if you would please.

>buying furry ammo

Not a reason, you can do better buddy I believe in you.