New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:
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New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:
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Third for CPC
Those stories are lefty psyops to rally Liberal voters into action
does the chinese type 54 come in cosmoline and is it an alright first pistol?
I never have once read a story from "briefing" I just glance at the headlines when they pop up and this one caught my attention.
That being said, I'll believe it when I see it
Chinese copy of a Russian version of a Browning pistol in a Borchardt derivative cartridge.
They make nice fireballs and can defeat body armour pretty well.
I'd suggest a Yugo M57 over it, though. Larger grip and magazine capacity.
Who's ready for a semi auto and handgun ban?
Pic unrelated, just a pack of lucky strikes from the Korean war. Best damn smokes I've had, everyone ive given one was just blown the fuck away by how good they still were for 67 years old
>Who's ready for a semi auto and handgun ban?
PPC apologists, apparently
>Posting your fingerprints
>lucky strikes
What the fuck
So these are just stealth Jow Forums threads now right? Since at leat 80% of the posts end up being shitposting and shilling over political parties and have absolutely nothing to do with guns themselves.
I'd post my guns but people get upset when I do
>being a smoker
This is why I'm against socialized healthcare. Smoke all you want, but you foot the bill.
Yeah this place has been worse than usual since the new year I don't know what the fuck it is and who attracted all the obsessively political retards
Welcome to election year.
I literally bought them cause of steve1989. Gonna get another pack if I can find one for under 200$ again
>try talking about guns or post mine
>"nice try RCMP XD"
It's not like I didn't try
oh no not their fee fees, post away dear prohib user
nice off topic blog posts you fucking faggot
That's why I said its unrelated, cause it is. I'm just flexing with my 67 year old cigarettes. How much do you know about Korea, kid?
>How much do you know about Korea
zero, I don't give a shit about slant eyed insectoids that eat dogs
Smokers end up saving money, last 20 years of life are when all the medical expenses really happen, and their 20 years comes 20 years sooner, removing the middle decades of spending. Same with the massively obese.
What isn't okay is throwing all their damn butts around, when the emphysema takes them I'll still have to look at all the damn things.
The Korean war you actual autist. One of the most forgotten wars.
steve is it you are you okay pls post another video :(
How is it forgotten. It technically never ended. We have Kim Jong Chungus to deal with now.
everybody knows about it nobody is autistic enough to give a shit because it was utterly irrelevant and Canada's role in every war other than WW1/2 was irrelevant as well
>being into history and knowing about it is autistic
If libs win another majority it's pretty much over for gun ownership in this country, so we're kinda spooked.
>Kim Jong Chungus
yeah it fucking is you clearly can't contribute anything related to Jow Forums - WEAPONS so you're just blog posting off topic garbage fucking kill yourself and see yourself out of here until you're no longer noguns
>Not caring about gun laws changing and firearm related politics
You're a little retarded black girl aren't you?
OK on-topic post guys: I mailed in my PAL/RPAL application today and I've heard you can have your references call them to do the interview and make things go by faster. Does anyone know what number your references should call, or if this is even possible? Posting again because I got no replies in the last thread.
>also, thoughts on FNH FNS-9 and vz. 58 as first guns?
Okay buddy stay mad
>beating a dead horse of a subject with zero new developments and preaching to the choir is productive in any way
wow you're a fucking smart one aren't you
ive heard of that working to. im not to sure of a number as i didnt have to do it, got my pal and rpal pretty quick
Call them and say your references are going on vacation and you want to know the number they should call so the process isn't delayed while they're away
Don't bother, just wait and they'll be contacted or they won't. Vz58 good first gun I suppose but learn fundamentals on a .22 if you haven't already.
Seriously though, fuck Quebec. Without them, no liberals in power, no gun ban excuses, no crying hearts.
Where do you want me to put them faggot? How about I stick them in your eyes?
I've been meaning to pick up an X95 but they've out of stock everywhere for a while, what gives?
Why the fuck does everything cost so much here.
>Canada: $500 for a 10/22 takedown
>USA: $500 for a respectable AR15
>Canada: $60 for a mapul stock
>USA: $60 for full magpul furniture
I know this is basic economics but still it rattles me
>wanting a piece of shit
>5 stage dogshit bullpup trigger
>4 moa
>gas blowback into your eyes
>out of battery discharge shrapnel in your face
>unironically supporting juden
Don't buy a Tavor.
Had a TAR21, literally none of these actually apply except for paying hebrews
>canpar came by to deliver fuckhuge box of sweet 7.5Swiss
>I wasn't home
I hope they'll accept to leave it by the door tomorrow following the instructions I'll leave for them. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
Jesus Christ.
SOMEBODY flunked high school history.
You can only do this after it shows up in their system. You sent it by registered mail, right? Should take a week or three before it shows up, after which call them and ask nicely for the reference number.
That foregrip is weird.
Yup, registered mail with signature required. CanPost is saying estimated delivery of next Monday. And call where? The CFO in Miramichi?
I've got some experience shooting medium caliber rifles and handguns so not too worried about learning. I've shot a vz before and enjoyed how it handled, plus my family's from around there so it's got the historical aspect for me too (uncle and dad both did mandatory mil. training with it)
2/5 posts are board rules
2/5 posts are shitposts
1/5 posts is legitimate conversation about the incoming ban.
Why do you not care about canadian politics when it is related to firearms?
>55.5% leftist
Yep we’re fucked
>Post firearm politics on Jow Forums
>GO BACK TO Jow Forums!
>Post firearm politics on Jow Forums
>GO BACK TO Jow Forums!
It's an election year, expect it to get worse before it gets better. Admittedly I have been posting some political rhetoric here, but only because I don't want our country to take one step closer to tyranny by instituting a gun ban that punishes the law abiding for the actions of crack dealing gang members and Islamist terrorists...the erosion of freedoms in the western world is what the Jihadists want and liberal idiots are doing everything they can to make it happen.
A vote for the PPC(as cool as their platform is) is in effect a vote for the liberals, considering that various polls have shown the PPC only garnering 4-10% of popular support. That 4-10% could be pivotal difference come October.
Typically as history shows, once a group of people loose certain rights or privileges, they have a hell of a hard time getting them reinstated to the point that they were before having their rights trampled on.
Western Canada might as well separate at this point, death in a civil war is preferable to life under the yoke of Ottawa living in a globe-homo, post national state where tax payers are bled to provide gibs for newcomers, bailouts for Bombardier & funding to Aga Khan's religious cult.
In unrelated news, anyone hear about that unrest out east at that Mohawk reservation?
>Why do you not care about canadian politics when it is related to firearms?
see >beating a dead horse of a subject with zero new developments and preaching to the choir is productive in any way
Anyone here has a Vz 61? Do you rike it?
Fuck yeah!
What matters, with regards to the PPC, is where that 4-10% support comes from (And I expect that range to change as debates begin).
I predict that they'll do better in Quebec than anywhere else, which also happens to be where the CPC is weakest.
I'd rather get the .380 one, but the curved mag on the .32 is the more iconic look.
In other words, Québécois ruin the country, part X.
Are you illiterate?
>Province with almost no CPC support
How do you split a vote if said vote doesn't even exist there?
The PPC will be taking their votes from LPC, NDP and BQ in Quebec.
Sask the great! Sask the strong!
>Mohawk reservation
Sounds like some sort of internal dispute:
But like most internal disputes it's a bit opaque for an outside observer.
which one of you fucks is trying to sell their JHP for $300 on the EE
Back to guns, I posted in the last thread about a beretta 948. Has anyone shot one? Are they decent? Also, I can get a good deal on a T97 with the ftu. Anyone use these as coyote gun out to 200m?
Prettymuch, and I don't care about giving Israel money. If I could I'd buy a Galil. Wonder how many people bitch about jew guns but also buy chinese lmao.
anyone here go to lower trent valley fish and game club?
I just am wondering seeing as the Mohawk fought along side some of my ancestors during the revolutionary war. I have a great deal of respect for that tribe.
Quebec is not a province. It is a "nation within Canada" & should fucking make like a maple & leave.
Sometimes I wonder if the PPC has a few accidental leftist supporters, simply because their name sort of implies communism ("People's Party").
If it were that easy, then Hong Kong wouldn't be a part of China anymore.
We've had multiple referendums and the answer has been "No" every time. Separatists don't define the province and most of them are old farts that we don't take seriously anyway.
The people that stupid are the kinds that don't actually pay attention to politics and just show up on election day (if that).
>Separatists don't define
So that's why Brexit is taking so damn long.
The Brexit vote fucking passed, ya dingus. Do you not see the difference?
It passed in 2016, yes. Last I heard, it will actually happen this coming March, but I ain't holdin' my breath.
>make like a maple & LEAF
Anyone have any news about when the Maccabee SLR is going to start shipping out?
Want guns?
To the MAX!
Actually, I want ice cream. What party offers the most freedom with ice cream?
CPC is the party for milk-bellies.
This dummy will be out on his ass in October
>carbon kike
>not carbon cabron
Who actually likes Chinese cars? Not even the Chinese like Chinese cars. Many of them drive Japanese cars, despite their fervent hatred for Japan.
Just don't send in a photo at all and tell them you've become a Hutterite.
>implying that the way historical war has influenced the development of weapons, tactics and related technology isn't Jow Forums