>m-muh devil dog “shock infantry”

Watch this crayon chewing buffoon get btfo in a wrestling match against a girl probably half his weight.

OH NO NO NO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA even the chairforce lads could beat that.

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closest he can get to getting his dick wet cut the dude some slack

You act like the military hand to hand training is some thing to brag about. These fuckers dont spend that much time doing it, so chances are she easily has 5x more training than them.

It’s very impressive that she survived that illegal slam at the end from the cowardly cheating bitch getting btfo and desperate, yet kept the hold and still had the energy to get up and shake “””his””” hand.

This, Marines arent exactly fighting for their lives with their barehands like they did when they were fighting the Japs or Chinks anymore

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Just fucking lol at getting destroyed by a 100 pound chick in hand to hand combat because

>but muh training ;(

There is not a single fellow soldier I know who wouldn’t have lifted her over their head and tied her into 7 different knots. Is this the power of protozoan iq Marine reasoning?

>No experience in grappling
>Heh gurl power
Yikes, post body, and cringe
You know its worse for you to beat a girl now days, your fucked nomatter what

>taking this seriously
It's virtually guaranteed that the people who screech about the Marine Corps require life support just to survive, that's how retarded they are.

Military hand to hand is just a few super basic moves that get practiced a few hours every now and then.
That’s it.
Go to any MMA gym for a month and you are more experienced than 90% of all service members.

>illegal slam

>Go easy on girl
haha you got beaten by a girl
Oh my fucking god you mysogonist pig, fucking nazi, *gets doxed and life ruined forever

Hard choice


You're retarded, please shut the fuck up.

>go hard on girl
>no one seriously hurt
>not very impressive because beating a girl is easy

You don’t lose anything from this, and your pride is protected. She chose to get in that ring and challenge you. Maybe if it was a boxing match where you cratered her face in there would be trouble. No one’s going to call you a mysogonist Nazi, this isn’t a Jow Forums fanfic.

>tied her into 7 different knots

mmmm, based and bdsmpilled.


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>not slamming her on the ground head first when he was holding her
>not proceeding to have your way with her corpse then.

What the fuck are you talking about? My friend got doxed by this cunt for beating her in wrestling and she sent out her beta orbitors to attack him and he still kicked their asses

>be us marine
>probably be raised in traditional household
>probably be raised to respect women
>have mental block about hitting women

>this cunt

The one in the video? Who is she?

1&2 my friend


That wasn't hand to hand combat dumbass, that was sport.

If the intent had been to kill each other, my odds would have been on the marine, and not because he's a marine, but because of how much stronger he was physically.

My bad

things that never happened

>this boxer is shitty at golf
>he must be weak and bad at sports
Cool, now send a guy in with equal experience and who isn't a cuck who goes easy on women for being women and post your guns with timestamp

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That video wasn't a marine fighting for his life either. If it was you can best believe that that young man would have been striking, eye gouging, REALLY choking, head butting, pounding stomping, elbowing in close and every other dirty trick.
nut grapping, pussy grabbin, throat rip an gouge.

That video was a show to put on to show how strong women are for a political correct gain.

Never fuck with a scrappy guy thats been in one or 5.

>h-he could have won if he cheated!

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>Coping on his phone this hard
Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood,
Where Christopher Robin plays.
You'll find the enchanted neighborhood,
of Christopher's childhood days.

A donkey named Eeyore is his friend.
And Kanga and Little Roo.
There's Rabbit and Piglet.
And there's Owl.
But most of all Winnie the Pooh!

Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh,
Chubby, little cubby all stuffed with fluff.
He's Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh,
Willy, nilly, silly old bear.


还有Kanga和Little Roo。


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>one wrestler beats a man who doesn't wrestle in a wrestling match
wow, next you're gonna fucking tell me Michael Phelps out-swam a fireman, or that your mom out-cum-guzzled you, OP

I mean, if both contestants were allowed to "cheat" is it really "cheating"?

Sure whatever you say.
I'll say this. The krav maga fags have it right.
fight with everything you have and with your whole body. No quit.

>h-he could have won if he cheated!
Killing your foe is cheating?

its a padded cage with rules. Shes allowed to win because its not an actual fight. Not real at all.
not even remotely. The Guy even held back his chimp level. He could have broke that chick in 2 if he wanted to.

man shills must be out in force for their 9001 agenda tonight

She could've gouges out his eyes too you spic.

Yes she could
And I'm not a spic

But thanks for your salty tears bitch

>us marine
>not a spic

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This, at such a size and gender difference you should be able to man handle her even with "more training". The "dude" in the video was fucking pathetic.

Imagine being so shit you can't even win pretend fights against girls.

really?? you're going off of strength? You're also retarded as shit, please shut the fuck up too.

That marine is a tan belt in Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. He literally doesn't even know what grappling is. The girl is an actual practitioner or BJJ.

She won this fight the moment she stepped into the cage.

I'm not defending the Marine, but this isn't exactly a good example of how the Marines in general fight, let alone in a war zone, where their training is actually focused on and can be applied. Mad props to the girl though, that was solid technique for the most part and she had good use of manipulating body weight, especially when she was splaying out on her stomach to stop him from getting a leverage advantage about midway through the bout.

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this was a grappling bout, no striking was aloud.

Use your brain, i know its in there somewhere.

Not him but hitting/grappling is still hurting, faggot
And western "men" are programmed to think hurting women is bad

Now make her face a VDV paratrooper and see what happens.

>Military hand to hand is just a few super basic moves that get practiced a few hours every now and then
And he wasn't allowed to use a single one of them.

This is now a sinophobe thread
Post chinks dying

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Jesus Christ!

I got more

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In an actual fight one punch would've rocked her if not knocked her out.

She’s not half his weight. I beat the 106 guy we had with no arms and he was half my weight.

Any other wrestling bros miss this shit?

Look at these onions boys trying to COPE
Yeah, that at the end threw me off with the guy overseeing the match not doing jack.
A hard choice by nobody cares

It’s a wrestling match. You can pull cheap shit, but you cannot cheat. That just shows you aren’t a good sportsman

Her technique was pretty solid

I know in HS wrestling the match is stopped when a wrestler is on the back of another that is standing. Why wasn't this match just stopped then and there?

That's what happens when you don't teach people to FEAR AND RESPECT THAT ESCALATOR!

But it is not honorable to brute force against a more skilled opponent in a match.

Marines don't extensively train in jiu jitsu/mma, of course he's gonna get fucked up. I'm a bjj blue belt and I've rolled with former mil before, they are really not any better trained than your average civilian, they're just more fit. If you had given that marine even just 6 months of solid training he probably could have destroyed that girl.

The reality is, if you haven't legitimately trained mma and you go up against someone who has, you're fucked. No matter what delusions you have the reality will hit you hard. I've rolled with jacked bodybuilders, former mil, etc and if they aren't trained I can steamroll them everytime. So this result really isn't that surprising. And I have seen the well trained girls at our school do the same thing to newbies. The difference is that once you get a year or two of training under your belt, as a man you can destroy pretty much any woman or at the least stall them out, even the upper belts

I'm genuinely curious as to what the context of this clip is. The girl clearly knows what she's doing and the guy has no fucking idea. I doubt he even wrestled in elementary.

Did the Marine mouth off and the girl decided to fuck with him? Did they do it for fun? Was this set up to make a girl power statement, because honestly all it said was that all girls need to know how to grapple.

You can hardly call it a fair match if strikes aren't allowed. The girl clearly had the advantage in grappling techniques, but it'd all amount to nothing after one well placed punch to the face. Demonstrations like this are dangerous because they delude women into believing they stand a chance against an enraged male or predator. Women should give up martial arts and go to the range.

this is actually retarded
who would win if punches and kicks were allowed like in a real life scenario
wrestleings dumb its just weight placement

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He could have won if he knocked her out cold, but it's "wrestling", so no.