Next purchase?

Burger with $1600 burning a hole in his pocket. Looking for something new or used, milsurp or not. Ideas? Already own an AR15 and 1911, glock, so be creative. Revolver, shotgun, "decent" AK. What tickles your pickle and why?

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A revolver shotgun AK

Tikka ctr with a nice scope would be practical. Mossberg for fun. Sub gun for fun.

Ak. Buy a wasr, spend the rest on a revolver. Or spend the rest on 7.62.

Based and pedo-pilled

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Save more and get a scar, you have no 308

good suggestions so far. Have to admit getting into an AK is alluring. Also the Tikka seem to be well regarded.

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Good call - I have no 308.

Get a drop in .22 kit for your AR, save yourself the money on 5.56 and be able to get good muscle memory on a rifle you already own. Aks are among my favorite things to shoot so you might have to get one too

get one of those tricked out AK shotguns and a case or two of slugs and 00 Buck. and a bunch of mags.

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Instead of buying one gun, You I could instead buy 8-10 Maverick 88s at pawn shops, and ammo, and have a loaded gun for every room of your house and one for your car or truck too.

That amount would put you in a nice FAL or M14 if you like battle rifles. The FAL handles very nicely, the M14 is great for long range target shooting, and both are classic, iconic rifles.

Nice try sasquatch. Trying to trick me into buying a weapon, taking it into the woods,and being mauled...

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a lot of crank and ammo and go crazy......that's a nice weekend.

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Quantity has a quality all it's own I suppose. Though last time I went into a pawn shop here, I caught some guy finger banging the roughest looking piece of beef jerky this side behind a rolling cart. It was awkward.

FAL is interesting. How hard is it to find mags I wonder...

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Get an AUG or save up a little bit more and get a Mateba Unica 6

Christ that's fine looking.

Get a couple of Browning BDMs and save them for a rainy day.

I still see them pretty regularly at gunshows in East TN. Haven't paid attention to prices as I no longer own an FAL, but the mags are pretty distinctive so they are easy to spot.

A perfect day.

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Trapdoor springfield. The fun of black powder in the ease of .45-70 cartridges. Ammo can get expensive though.

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