/akg/ AK General

AK General /akg/
It's Zenit or Nothing Edition
>Thread #781


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Other urls found in this thread:


>AK Buyer's Guide


Why is it called 7.62x39 when it's actually 7.92? It triggers my tism. Also, with a short barrel, do I want 5.45 or 7.62?

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You want 7.62x39 fireballs and hearing loss or you're literally a faggot

the format is "Old Thread Here " ARtard.

Not gonna lie, this is basically the answer I wanted, I just needed to make sure I wasn't missing out on something with the 5.45.

There is such a thing as too much zenit you know.

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File name faggot

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>says the dude with it horribly mismatched


the lands of a 7.62x39 bore are 7.62mm

Needs a B18 and a T2, a PT3, and a plum grip. Also get the M version, U version is huge gay

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Whats wrong with mismatched AKs? they are sexy as fuck

Gee Bill, TWO optics?
Also this

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I agree, when they're mismatched in a good way, they're pretty stylish.

Can you explain the principle behind not owning any NFA? Suppressors make a world of difference in my experience.

>"correct size"
>correct md90 birdcage flash hider
Except I'm never going to shoot the rifle consistently without a suppressor, and so the correct gas port size for that application is smaller than standard overgassed AK size, and the correct muzzle device doesn't even apply.
I know you don't own any cans but is this really so hard to understand?

Source on image?

Looks comfy out there.

Already have an M600DF
AK104 inspired has a light coming for it. Light for the PM md. 90 takes back seat to a light IMO.
>Serious business
The PM md. 90 is like my 4th or 5th tier grab option for srs bidness.

>Same shit image
>Old as hell
When is the last time you posted OC of decent quality?

Looks good. Kinda Khyber pass like.

>NFA is for bootlickers
I don't quite see how that is necessarily the case.

>Federal list
This meme is soo gay
>every time you want to travel
>identical functionality
You clearly don't understand the meaning of the word identical.

Is that yours?


T. 1 stamp

Very neat perspective. How do you like it? It mount low?

Not impressed by mine.

Great image. Nice stuff.

>shorter gas tube
>UF trunnion
>Not SBR
>Attero mount
>Cugir civilian export marks
Oh don't worry, it is plenty different

>shitty braced version of my SBR
The asshurt makes sense now

Looks good.

Congrats! Get some suppressors and Form 1 some stuff. Take the time to source some nice parts kits and pay to get them built right.

AK74 style IMO

Stoked for my PBS-1

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Why do you post in every single thread? More specifically, why do you post this exact pic in every single thread?

>inb4 some personal-level retort

You expect me to take new pics every day or something?

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He needs validation by any means

>When is the last time you posted OC of decent quality?

Only some Dracos have UF trunnions.
Amazing you still can't grasp this.

I wish Atlantic would restock their barreled receivers quicker, it seems that the second I finally scrape up enough from my paycheck, they go out of stock

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that was the point


waaaay too much zenit there for me pro. PT-3 is gangster sure, but not for me.

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>waaaay too much zenit there for me

>angry poorfag

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Finally some good taste in this thread

>that shine
e r e c t

>wuggy trying to talk shit on literally anybody's AK
Hey retard, your guns are literally on-par with RAS/C39fags and losers who got conned into PSAKs

Shit, you know what, at least most of those idiots have the good grace to be ashamed of their guns once they realize they fucked up. That's how low on the totem pole you are here.

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Anyone got any 14x1LH or 24x1.5mm muzzle device suggestions? Looking for something classic looking for the PM md. 90 that will also boost back pressure and act as a booster.

What other types of trunnions do pistol Dracos come with?

No quality local builders?

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what did he mean by this?

Rate my AK-104 inspired build.

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>No quality local builders?
I can't really think of any in GA, maybe you'd like to offer some advice? If you'd consider it that

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>STILL asking for muzzle booster recs despite insisting he won't shoot the gun unsuppressed AND that it runs fine as-is

Check Jmac customs, they have some pretty good classic looking muzzle devices

ZENIT uses hole technology.

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>He's asking wgws for advice
You should uh, really really really not do that.

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In a pinch I want to ensure it is running at the typical AK overgas levels.

Thanks for the suggestion. They used to make a shorty AK104 style booster in 24x1.5mm but I don't see it any more.

I don't know of any, but look around and get some quotes!

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lol the absolute best part of this is he literally complimented AND shit-talked the same exact gun multiple times in a single post.

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>What other types of trunnions do pistol Dracos come with?
Literally none. It's just a plate going across the inside of the receiver to cover up the back. Some of these also doubled as a UF trunnion but not all, by any means. I believe the M92 all came with them.

Guys I want your opinion

Should I get a 104CR since they are around and i can get one for just over a grand, or should I hold out and save up and try to get a bulgarian 105 clone built for me?

No, it's just nice to see some new guns every now and again. Before it was the faggot who had the night vision scope, now it's you. You shit up every /akg/, and you're a fag.

I've got a couple 104 boosters coming from russian, they'll time correctly to your combo block. I'll let you know when they get here--I only need one.

Not that fag but BIG SCOPES FOR BIG BOYS

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one of the few times I poked in /arg/ he was shitposting about AKs with bulgecat

>used to make a shorty AK104 style booster
They still do runs of them occasionally, I suggest following them on FB if you have one.

If it is advice to begin with. I know about Wuggs' fuckery, I'm just seeing if the shit he recommends is actually worthwhile

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So uhh, you've just never seen the inside of a Draco then?

Because that's fuckin wrong as fuck dog. They ship with unfinished UF trunnions. All of them.

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Technically that "plate" is the rear trunnion.

Then post some nigga
Or get ruspost, recreator, and my builder to hurry the fuck up with my 102
Takes time for new shit to get here

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duke of serbshit coming thru

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I wanna see this gun done
Zas is a qt

So is it the case that only some Dracos come with UF rear trunnions or is that not the case?

Get a kit built!

Hnng neato. They are shorter, smaller, and lighter than Krink boosters right?
PBS-1 soon. Very soon.

Lol, what is the story on that lower handguard and vertical grip?

Right on, thanks!

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Pic of the inside but I could be wrong, other sources

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Don't reply to my posts

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You know you cant filter people right

anyone know an idea of a good price to pay for a mint norinco 56s with original furniture?

Fucked that up

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What’s the consensus on 6.5 Grendel AKs boys? Already have all my AK bases covered and wondering about having one built or buying one of the 6.5G VEPRs

Wouldnt pay more than $1500 and that's assuming its marked Type 56S. Otherwise just deban a MAK90 because you probably wont find one for under $2000 nowadays (I might even say $2500)

Don't worry, I'm apart of that filter gang but it would've been a missed opportunity.

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Yeah m8 that's an unfinished underfolder trunnion
Compare it to the trunnion on the right, which is a Romy UF trunnion.

Literally the difference is the cutout for the stock. They just don't drill it in the Draco trunnions. It's otherwise identical.

Like I'm literally looking at my Draco and underfolder right now. Same exact rivet pattern and everything. Only difference is the stock cutouts.

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Stop fuckin @ing me retard.
You literally don't learn when we answer your questions, so I'm done answering your fuckin questions.

Yeah that's an unfinished trunnion. Some came with complete ones like pic related from your ar15.com link and were marked as so.

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How about you
>filter him

There is cheap Russian surplus for 5.45

Jesus christ clean that fuckin gun dude.

Also how do you not see that there's an entire trunnion riveted in there, that looks exactly like an underfolder trunnion without a hole on either side?

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K. Not much but here are my yugos. I welded bayonet lugs on them.

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Oh he's filtered.
Still shows up as a (You) on my posts.

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Newly acquired circle 10 kit on NODAK receiver and OG barrel.

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How was that process? I have an NPAP that could theoretically use a lug but don't really know if I care enough to bother

Getting an OG hungarian barrel pressed in ATM

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Takes about 3 hours and is fun over beers. Just a lot of filing.

And just a WASR. Also a lynx 12, but not worth posting it.

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What weld process?

MIG. I just knock the finish off the nub left over from when it was ground off. Then I slap some weld on there in the closest shape I can, taking care not to heat it up too much. Make a weld, drink a beer let it cool. Start filing until it looks like a bayonet lug. It helped that I had a WASR to model it off, and I just kept trying the bayonet til it fit.

So all Draco pistols do essentially come with a UF rear trunnion?

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Haven't you been told this multiple times?

Gun is fine post yours

Mine did. So did my M92.


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God damn do those guns have zero aesthetic value

The only some is probably referencing the run of Draco c’s which came with machined uf trunnions rather than virgin like most have

>the neckbeard is a stickler for clean guns
Lmfao, the memes write themselves

Needs dirt

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Posting cringe to this degree should be a bannable offense

trip on wugwuss

>Low-T incel triggered by slight evidence of facial hair doesn't clean his guns
The memes write themselves

It's a pre-range photo of a fairly new gun, only about 3k rds through it. It gets ridden plenty hard and the finish is starting to wear nicely, don't you worry.

I don’t have a ton of input, but the wolf ammo from my 20” vepr acts like a scaled up 545 in soft targets, very mean and yaw happy with a bigger bullet.
It acts a lot like my lead core 308 on thinner hardened steel targets damage/penetration wise. Just a bit smaller hole.
It’s somewhere between 762 and 545 for crater depth on soft steel. 556 blows everything out of the water because of the raw speed still, hard or soft. Even out does steel core 54r. Still my least favorite cartridge out of the common ones but damn does it destroy my steel.

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Good work.

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...and then you magically appear when people call you out to deny it, hmm what a (((COHENCIDENCE)))

Serbs are switching to 6.5 Grendel soon, aren't they?

Maybe we'll get a based Zastava AK chambered in it.