Texas Thread

Texas is best state, discuss.

Also here's our discord. It's a Texas Jow Forums discord and we do campouts and meetups all the time.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine being 70% shitskin, turning bluer by the minute, not having open carry, the objective worst accent in the United States, and some of the highest obesity rates in the country and still believing you're "superior."

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The texas discord should be split into different zones. Like the state itself, its just too big and congested

Hell yeah Texas thread

Fuck Beto

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>joining the texas ang
feels good

okie detected

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hell yea dude I fucking love Texas, except dallAs

we have oc, dumb dumb

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you fucking suck balls you ass


You need a lolicense to open carry. Not even north carolina is as cucked as texas.

We're pushing for constitutional carry and I wouldn't be surprised if based Abbott helped it get passed.

Based fact poster.

Imagine being this blasted

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yeah north carolina where they literally get bullied by statues
big think

texas is shit
everything is shit
wake the fuck up god damn it

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fucking hell yea gonna be so lit here now

Jow Forumsfest was lit y'all

This is the TX server for meetups and shenanigans, there's a couple other TX servers that recruit from /b/ and /soc/ and shit. Fuck those jive turkeys

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Reminder that anyone against the real Texas discord is a Oklahomo or a Atlantic/Pacific coastie nigger

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>not a single retort
I know your school system is fucked and plagued by spic parasites but you can at least try a bit harder.

Your mom got fucked by a spic and he is now your daddy

Literally 10-year-old tier comebacks. You hicks are fucking retarded.

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enjoy your shit state jellyfag

so you're telling me those "facts" you posted weren't snide memes, you in fact actually believe they're true? lmao. ok retard.

Hello yes? its the modern age calling...why are you still living in 1300 with your tortoise neck sleeve dick????

>posts things that are false
>is surprised when people don't bother to refute things that are actually false

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Soc is gay texas is based


Thanks, I will. Unlike yours my state is actually white and free and we don't have to be obnoxious niggers to overcome our own insecurities.
Take your fucking meds, retard.
Your skin is literally majority non-white, is now classified as a swing state, does not have open carry, and has an obesity rate well above the national average. All of those things are true, redneck.

fuck you from alaska you dirt licking pussies

Imma join rn

Ice niggers need to keep their trap shut before they get 3rd degree taint burns from shitting over a fire in a snow storm

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Don't you have a suicide rate to contribute to?

You know Texas is better than your state. Why else would you try so hard to convince us otherwise? I know you're obsessed, but it's okay. Not everyone can handle glory of other people. Maybe someday we could even shoot at the range together when you accept what you know is truth

Imagine caring this much about a State that you supposedly don’t even care for

>Your skin is literally majority non-white, is now classified as a swing state, does not have open carry, and has an obesity rate well above the national average. All of those things are true, redneck.
aw, it's retarded. literally just google those, see you're wrong, and cry yourself to sleep, bb.

Whiter than you, Miguel.

>My state is better
>Doesn't even post state first, just bitches

>Implying any state could be better


excuse me?
check image, then apologize.
also post your state. you wont because you KNOW it's inferior.

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Reminder that Texas managed to host the worst meetup

imagine rooting for the end of gun rights, wew lad

Pretty sure our TX Jow Forums discord has the most NFA items in it among all the other state discords

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Damn right we do!

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We do have open carry, pick any state in the south for way worse obesity rates and the only blue is from Austin and it's expanding suburbs which is basically a leper colony anyway. I don't know what you mean about the accent, it's pretty much the most patrician rural accent there is... Not that anyone really speaks that way anymore, the US is approaching singularity pretty quick

You can get a license for lolis in Texas? Shit, maybe it really IS the best state.

this texas is going to be the new cali because it's filling up with beaners

This is going to happen very soon it's only a red state by 1 cunt hair

Luckily beaners won't come to my state because it's full of niggers,lucky me........

forgot my pic

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Lubbock reporting

Abbott does blow

Nah you're thinking of Colorado. A good portion of our state is minority white and we just got taken over by a full democratic legislature. They got cross dressers reading to kids, voted to give away our personal vote, horse shit gun laws coming next. CO is fucked


Alaska is just Texas but better in every way.




Should I get a VMac9-100 or a S&W 638?

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steers and queers forever

Samoans>Mexicans in every single metric.
The skraelings are a bummer though.

Everything you said was wrong...kys

any of yall live on the gulf coast? When I get out of the military I'm trying to live on a sailboat. Debating between Port Arthur, Galveston and Corpus Christie but I don't wanna be around too many blacks or latinos.
Just looking to hear some opinions.

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If you're truly living on a boat, why tie yourself to one state? The gulf is big man, just avoid the Mississippi delta region and you'll be fine. Biloxi is nice.

Clear lake if you wanna be in a white area, and you can sail out through the pass at Kemah if you wanna get into the ocean.

Of course I'm going to do some travel around the gulf and east coast when I can, but out of coastal states only Texas & Florida have no income tax + don't tax federal retirement, and I'm a true Texan so fuck Florida. (Alaska does too but living on a sailboat there year-round is impossible).
I'm not getting out for another 8 years anyways, so it's just some mind-LARPing.

Any Centeral/Southern Texans here been to a Taco Palenque? That shits the bomb

This was in 2010 lmao

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Except for the crushing winters and lack of any real industrial/tech hubs. Outdoors though, you guys are king of everyone, and on Jow Forums, maybe that's all that matters.

not a good look

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A brief history of Texas for those who are unaware:
>Texas was once apart of Mexico but they didn't want to be so they tried to have a revolution
>El Revolution wasn't going to well so they ask the USA if they can join
>The US seeing that Texas was infested with slavery took 10 years to decide
>US allows Texas to join but says they can't get all uppity if slavery is looking like it will be banned down the line
>US kicks Mexico's butt
>Few years down the line, it looks like slavery is going to go away
>Texas gets all uppity and tries to leave the Union
>Revolution 2.0 does not go well for Texas and they get their butt kicked
>Fast forward to 1959, Alaska becomes a state
>Texas is no longer the biggest states, Texan egos take massive hit
>Fast forward again to the 1980s
>Someone comes up with an anti-littering campaign
>"Don't mess with Texas"
>Texans take it as the unofficial motto of the state.

shut up okie

>White alone
>White, alone non-Hispanic/Latino
Whats the difference between being white alone and white alone

>white, alone
all whites, including those of mostly Iberian stock who are considered white rather than half-aztec "latino" brown people
>white alone, non-hispanic
whites not of Iberian stock

I'd check out some of the small towns along the coast with boat docks. Most everywhere there are Mexicans but north of Port Lavaca they're all niggers. You'll have a shit load of Vietnamese too, but they're good people

>Texas is best state, discuss.
Texas has been infected with libtards and Mexicans. Vast swatches of miles wide, are Hispanic areas where no English is spoken and everyone works for cash because of welfare and section ape.
Those texican clowns are resisting building of the wall. Texas is a mere shadow of its former self and doomed to be another southern California.

Texas will be the new cali because it's filling up with Californians.
Leftists from other states love Austin and are affecting our policies.
Texas politicians should really double down on gun freedoms. The move would force people to either not come to texas (because they fear guns) or to adopt gun culture.

dont forget lack of public land to hunt and shoot on
>lol just lease it!
states like idaho and wyoming are a best and Im southern

>dont forget lack of public land to hunt and shoot on
Didn't know this. Holy shit Texas. Get your shit together.

They need to start buying land from those that pass away or cant pay taxes on it. The public has next to nothing and it's really sad.

>not buying your own land

Seriously land here is cheap af

Seriously I feel like I move at least 1 Californian a month here. I hate my job.

>Seriously land here is cheap af
Where. Fucking Throckmorton wants close to $3000 an acre now.

Public land is socialism.

I sold a guy 20 acres out of Hallettsville for like $20,000.

I've lived in Texas for eight years and later moved to Idaho, and Idaho is hands down better than Texas.

it would be the most efficient socialist scheme Ive ever heard of buying land from private parties as nature reserves the people can enjoy and not even having to do any work on them besides have a game warden or two.

>But I am superior
*laughs in Alaskan*

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>Seriously land here is cheap af
stop user, having a massive acreage of game and ranges open to anyone is a net win for the gun community. More places to enjoy the hobby means more gun owners.
Having to buy and pay taxes on large amounts of land miles from where you live is not encouraging.

>*laughs in Alaskan*
That's quite a euphemism for suicide

It's crazy, the suicide rate among natives is really high and our cities don't even permanently smell like cow shit. Oh well.

Get fucked Texas. You take our businesses, we take your goddamned state. Austin is ours, we're coming for the rest. Skinny jeans, thin frame glasses, shitty overpriced "craft" beer and "artisan" coffee, high density housing, and Toms/Converse all stars await you all!!!! You better prepare your non binary genitals for the shitstorm that is coming.


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Any grills in dfw? Fuck this man I really want a gf.

Is there a stock market in texas? Where I can. Uy stock for state based corps?

Can I pay one of yall to get me some franklins BBQ fuck austin.

Isthere a place in Norte tejanos that allows you to shoot your gel block onnarange?

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on a range? If you kill us on the I 75.

I had one of you pull out on 365, no yield, no signal, no slow down. Almost hit him.
Gommit sudoku pally. Only your mormons are worth while

What is it about Texas that stirs all the agitators out of the woodwork?

I know, right? I have never seen a texas thread without these specific shitposts
>haha le 56%
>haha your the new california
>haha im a californian and moving to texas to vote blue
>haha anti-israel boycott laws
No other state thread has this amount of cancer.

Thanks guys.
Yeah, I got no problem with Vietnamese people either, they're good in my book.

It doesn't help that most of these things affect all of the US, not just Texas. That's why I can't really bring myself to make fun of California these days.

Texan here. Alas/k/a is top tier for sure, along with Montana. If I had to pick some place to live other than Texas, it would be one of those two.

This. Texas is a shithole. Never in my life have I seen so many unmarked police cars and people getting pulled over. They all spout "muh fast speed limits, muh guns and shiet" when the roads are flat and horrible, the police are breathing down your neck, and non-beaner shithole states have better gun laws. Not to mention how many nogs are here and also police kicking down doors to gun down innocent people in Houston. And I thought California was a shithole.

>inb4 assmad texas tards reply to this post

Amarillo reporting.

>Roads are flat and horrible

Clearly, you've never been to any state to the East of Texas.