Is it really all that bad to like "tacticool" accessory-overload if they at least serve a purpose still?

Is it really all that bad to like "tacticool" accessory-overload if they at least serve a purpose still?

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Not at all, as long as it serves an actual purpose. 2 flashlights, a bayonet and an IR laser on the range gun you only every use in daylight is dumb af tryhard shit. Flashlight, IR laser/light, suppressor and NV scope makes complete sense on a gun you use for nighttime varmint removal.

>vfg but that's personal preference
That's all I have on my AR. Is it tacticool? Sure I guess. But do I use all of those things? Absolutely.

There's a big difference between serving 'a purpose' and having purpose on your rifle given your needs. As far as the sling/light/optic combo, it's a really good rule of thumb but again depends on what the rifle is for. For home defense for example, my priority is light -> optic -> sling. I don't buy IR laser/illums (even if they look really cool and serve 'a purpose') because night vision is not something reasonable in my near future.

tl;dr fuck serving 'a purpose' your accessories should serve _your_ purposes.

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tacticool can take many shapes and forms.

on my t91 i put a 45 degree offset reflex sight. this could be seen as tacticool because of john wick etc, but it serves a very specific purpose for what this particular rifle was built for.

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Flashlight makes sense for a HD gun, lots of people like shooting with optics, and if you have grenades to use, and a target for them, obviously a launcher would make a lot of sense.

Otherwise, it's perfectly reasonable to have one rifle setup that's practical (obviously subjective) and then just putting together something you'd just enjoy or think is cool.
Maybe that something is historical, or it was in a movie.
The only questions you gotta ask yourself is for the 'practical gun', ergo, the one you rely on, and whether or not an attachment is really worth your while.

Pretty restrained if you compare to some of the stuff you'd see on Arfcom.

>and if you have grenades to use, and a target for them, obviously a launcher would make a lot of sense.
How nogunz are you? You have to pay a DD tax stamp for each individual grenade and launcher, people just get 37mm instead of the 40 mike mike for shits and giggles.

What am I looking at? Where's the buffertube on the little spoon?

You don't have a quadrail with two attachments on each rail, so I would't call it mallninja or anything.

Why is the sight offset, if you don't mind me asking.

It's called dry wit, my aspie friend.

I want to do this for real and not with airshit and have the baby AR spit 300's


Not the same guy but fuck you I do mind you asking

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I'm fucking asking him, and you can't do anything about it!

t91 uppers are a lower height than normal receivers, similar to a sig 556, i think because its gas piston as well. the front sight is removable, but not a flip down.

because the co-witness would look wierd through an optic due to the lower sight height, i run it with a milsurp Taiwanese t91 rear sight.

the 45 offset reflex is my primary optic however, because it allows a wider field of view, shooting while on my back, shooting prone. sort of rainbow 6 inspired which is why i always think its a little basement-dwellerish

Hey, as long as it works.

Why don't you eat your own ass commie faggot

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little spoon is an airsoft gun, look closely at its muzzle and the nub on the back of the lower

How DARE you call me a commie? I'll fuck your dad!

Oh. I guess that makes sense.

looks like a bionicle penis

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Looks like he got circumcized in that case.

or really bad phimosis

they're both airsoft guns

Not if I fuck ur dad first you double commie

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I like tactifagging up my guns as much as the next guy, but you have to remember that the point of a carbine is to be short, lightweight, and maneuverable. Putting a bunch of shit on your rifle that you don’t need takes away from a carbine’s strengths.

Optic, weapon light, sling. Everything else is larper shit unless you are law enforcement or military.

What if I don't like optics, but I keep a bayonet affixed, because a pointy end on my root and tooty gives me peace of mind?
