Why is the M16 so hard to control?

Why is the M16 so hard to control?

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it absolutely isn't.

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>30-40 hours of professional instruction to operate an m16
I mean the rifle was built for retards to use, seems a little excessive.


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Now, I haven't fired an M16, but I've fired an FN FNC variant which is also 5.56, and you could barely feel the recoil. By all accounts I hear that the M16 is even smoother to fire, being lighter. Was she operating it one handed?


>you can feel the 'wind' three feet behind it.

Goddamn i hate these noguns lying faggot .

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a woman is writing this shit, wtf do you even expect?

>omg stop using your rights for what they were intended for!

>a woman
user, I...


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>two retards already got trapped

I've never shot full auto, but wouldn't a heavier gun be better for less muzzle climb? Regardless of that, the M16 is a damn sight more controllable than what came before it. It's a 5.56 and once you get proper training you should be able to control it for bursts. Very rarely does anyone just magdump any automatic weapon.

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>a few days' worth of range time and watching youtube videos is some sort of achievement only the finest of spec ops can pull off
>5.56 kicks like an artillery shell
>boots somehow aren't borderline braindead window-lickers
this is just hilarious, I'm not even mad to be honest


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This makes me want to convert to Islam, as to oppress women. I think this woman is an adulterer, we should gather together the men from the village and throw large stones at her.

>Growing up in the South
As a Southerner I always fucking cringe when they pull that shit. Trying to win brownie points. If you grew up in the South then you would have inevitably shot a 30-06, .270, 30-30 or a fucking .243 and you'd realize .223 isn't shit. Progressives always trying to score brownie points with one another it's so dishonest

she took safety classes bro
22LR is not to be underestimated.

Californian here, why are so many degenerates on the internet from the most unsuspecting places, like the midwest and south? I never saw faggots like this in California until a few years ago. Maybe it's because I'm from Orange County, but my question still stands.

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>30 hours of professional training needed
Former conscript here. I had about a total of 3 hours of shooting posture training and the relevant drills spread over 3 days with one session of simulator rifle range before I was thrown into the actual range. I did pretty well.

To say that the M16 needs over 30 hours of professional instruction before being allowed to use it is pure ignorance at best and at worst an insult to the US military.

>30 hours of training required
So like a week of dicking around with it? Got it.

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>The M16 is perfect for that.
I think he's confusing it with the AK.

Holy fuck I literally managed to get all my rounds on target the first time I picked one up. My grouping was shit but I was standing, using irons, and 55 yards away from the target.

The only rifle more retard proof than the m16 is the AK47. Drunk slavs made a gun that even piss drunk and vomiting slavs could use anywhere since you would have to bash it against a rock for 10 minutes to break it.

You are atheist faggotry. Strap your fedora on and fuck off /k is a Christian board.

I'll kill Christian authoritarians as soon as I'll kill leftist authoritarians. Keep your kike noses out of my bedroom, out of my children's genitals, and out of my fucking pot fields. Two different sides of a bad penny, is all you are.

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I'll just post here what I want to respond to it with. "Shut your whore hole, you shit-vomiting grotesque."

> 50 BMG memes applied to 5.56
Huh. Wow.

>AK is simpler than AR meme
meanwhile it's actually more intuitive to get an AR going for an uninstructed person than an AK...

As somebody who has used both, how do you figure, sports fan?

AK has safety on wrong side, mag release is stupid, mag insertions are harder, reciprocating charging handle is dangerous to newbies, more recoil, shittier sights, no bolt hold-open on last round.

Check and mate

>As if the average joe citizen can afford a pre-ban full auto m16 or even have the desire to go fill out the forms and pay the tax stamp.

But all that's irrelevant because most lefty "journalists" don't know a glock from a blunderbuss. Nor do they realize that you can't change or prevent everything by voting. One only has to look at the EU's track record and how much they care about the pleb's vote. Sometimes you have to get violent to force the governing body to come to terms, whether this be through mass rioting/protests, or armed insurection. Well armed dissidents are much less likely to be quashed by government thugs than those wielding makeshift clubs, bricks, and Molotovs.

AR field stripping is also much more intuitive, except removing the buffer and action spring.

>AK has safety on wrong side
It works just fine. I can shift that thing with my goddamn trigger finger you bitch baby basic bitch.
>mag release is stupid
>mag insertions are harder
I figured out how to quick-change AK mags in under 30 minutes. YOU'RE stupid.
>reciprocating charging handle is dangerous to newbies
Only if you're left-handed, you statistical irrelevancy.
>more recoil, shittier sights
Fair enough.
>no bolt hold-open on last round
So rack the fucking handle again on the upstroke from insertion. You lose maybe half a second, and you aren't fucking operator enough for that to matter. This shit isn't hard.

King me.

That's a Wu-man, not a woman. Knowing the difference might save your life some day.

Sorry bro are you triggered by a cartoon about your fairytale?

Shades of Achmed. Grow a thicker skin.

>Only if you're left-handed, you statistical irrelevancy.

even a lefty would need their hand to be more or less touching the front of the magazine for it to come into contact with the bolt

Literally wu should try feeling the wind three feet in FRONT of the shooter :^)

>30 minutes to figure out a mag change is supposed to be good

you degenerate pessimistic atheists need to be thrown into a pack of horny gay nigger rapists

Try teaching a nogunz how to reload ANY firearm quickly. Bet you money it'll take you longer than that. Speed reloads with the AR platform require coordinating the motion of both hands, one to depress the mag release while the other loads the next magazine. AKs require one hand to flick the ejector switch with the new magazine and then loop back to load the mag.

They're both easy, but the AR takes more fine motor coordination.

The danger is that lefties might get hit in their long noses with the handle.

that's a very anti-christian attitude, moronic goy christian in name only kike-pet.

then turn the other cheek, faggot

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Honestly the watermarks are more off-putting than the fedoratry.

Lol this just proves the point that most christfags are shitheads that hide behind religion so they can pretend they arent shitheads.

Mind you this is the same "woman" who said you could "drop" rocks from the moon to nuke people. So yeah, mentally ill fag is a lying bitch. News at 11.

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>said you could "drop" rocks from the moon to nuke people.
Sumimasen nani the what?

Remember last time voting resulted in a significant difference being made? Yeah, me neither.

wait, this tranny fuck hasn't killed himself yet?

>an actual bona fide boomer


Weren't they the ones who wanted to start a revolution to overthrow Trump?

Legit retarded

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She has to be joking.

That's how "she" played it off. Hahaha I was merely pretending to be retarded. -Mentally ill person who ran for congress

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Then again this is the same person who got caught trying to start a hate thread on "her" own forum board. "she" only got caught cause "she" forgot to log out as the board admin.

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Just keep voting, never mind the non whites will outnumbered you and vote to strip you of your rights, just keeping voting.

I'm more curious as to where he got a fully automatic M16 from, since even the army doesn't use them anymore

>Rare footage of Elon Musk dropping rocks onto Earth, colorized, circa 2019

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lmao that's like some crazy conspiracy you'd hear a homeless schizophrenic say

Lying tranny is lying tranny

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This is how I vote

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OH FUCK my sides!

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Try being from the Central Valley, I feel like I’m in a different fuckin country when I have to go to LA air ballSac Town

She's not complely wrong. Anything at the bottom of a gravity well is vulnerable to shit being dropped onto it.
I mean you can drop rocks from anywhere really, but the moon has a good supply of stone and you'd be able to build a facility with some kind of launch facilities there.
The science of it is doable, it's just not very practical and also it's just funny to think of Elon Musk doing it.

I mean you can crunch the numbers yourself and while several tons of rock won't be "100s" of times the destructive power of a nuke the energy released will be pretty significant.

the rocks would burn up in the atmosphere retard

>She's not complely wrong. Anything at the bottom of a gravity well is vulnerable to shit being dropped onto it.
> build a facility with some kind of LAUNCH facilities there.
Do you see why people called "her" retarded?

Only shot an Ar15 once, was a range bitch so that had something to do with it. I still find it incredibly odd that when I shot my AK74 it had basically zero felt recoil. First rifle I ever shot and I wasn't sure it was even firing. I was shooting 7N6 surplus ammo so unless my batch was underperforming it was as close to the real thing as possible. AR15 and the recoil was not hard by any measure but it was quite noticable. I've been told it's because the AK74's muzzle break is the godliest muzzle break, and I sold that ak years back so I haven't shot one again in years to see if my memory is hazy or something. I just distinctly remember shooting it and going "That's it? What the fuck." Ak47 I had and the AR had normal recoil. I did also have a recoil buffer I put in there but still.

>Weaponizing moonrocks


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Depends on how large they are, don't it? I mean I'm sure you're right though and there's no evidence of an asteroid ever impacting earth. All of them burned up in the atmosphere, right?

I think he's a gross weirdo idiot, but I also assumed there was some subtext there. Like stuff he was assuming people would just assume. Did you really think he meant like people would just throw the rocks?

Teach it again then, because I understand it's completely possible.

I too have read the moon is a harsh mistress

They correctly know to hide themselves away in secrecy but the internet lets them be themselves.

When the time comes I’ll make sure to put fags like you on the list right behind abortion clinics.

I think we have well established the case for this nigga being dumb, that being said the word that he chose was "dropped". It doesn't make any kind of sense in any astronomical sense. Like do you remember when we "dropped" men on the moon? It just screams " I have no idea what I am talking about, but I am going to tell you what reality is."

>"We need a superweapon to weaponize moonrocks"
>"No not asteroids, moonrocks. Erusea already did asteroids we're not posers."
>"Let's build a facility on the moon to launch rocks at Osea"

It's plausible but only a Belkan would be so mad as to come up with it.

Pretty much the perfect reason to introduce orbital combat into AC8 honestly.

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Any weapon used from space is still primarily going to be affected by the costs inherent to the Tchaikovsky rocket equation. Even if you're slinging moon rocks at the earth, the fuel and oxidizer you send up there with which you power your rocket back to earth are going to need increasingly big rockets themselves. Getting to the moon is not a trivial task, getting even the extremely lightweight lunar lander there and back took some extremely heavy rockets, nothing to say of the cost of whatever you're going to use to collect and launch moonrocks.

Rods from God died for this and other reasons, the moon is now several orders of magnitude more difficult.

Yes, i shot a thompson full auto and that thing barely moved

Modern muzzle devices mitigate recoil to the point it allows you to maintain control.
Im talking about VG6 epsilon and gamma. Also dragon. Except A2 flashider. Their is no recoil reduction in that

Nah, just use a railgun powered by Handwaveium and don't forget to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow.

In the greek language which is where that verse was translated from there are two seperste words for enemy; political enemy vs family/neighbor enemy. He used the latter word

Abortion is murder. No woman should be allowed to have one.
(See how that works)

We literally can use our nukes here from earth with ridiculous accuracy. But instead lets spend the money and resources to go to the moon and build a rock catapult because its obviously the most tactical place for earth and the most tactical weapon to use from there.


Space guns are a legit idea that the CIA murdered a guy for when he tried to help the Iraqi's build one.

Zero proposals for modern satellites use them though.

The moon is rich with natural resources. There's a reason we're going back to stay there.

I'm the ak74 user I wish I remembered what flash hider the AR had but that's probably why it had a kick for me. To be honest why the fuck would you not want a muzzle break to help with recoil?

You're forgetting the part where Iraq was going to use it (potentially) to shell the jews.

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So Elon Musk can drop space rocks on earth.

You missed the part where I said :
>it's just not very practical

She's not wrong, if there is an armed uprising in the US, the anti authority group will be terrorists and there will just as many 2nd amendment paramilitaries on the gov side who believe they are fighting evil insurgents; I wouldn't be surprised if allot of this board ends up diametrically opposed, especially if shtf actually happens.

It being lighter makes it *less* smooth, but the straight in-line recoil and the very low mass of internal moving parts makes up for it and means it'll shake and pivot less.

Like this vision of this uprising where everyone instantaneously decides to take up arms against the government is some historically illiterate bs.

This person makes Feinstein look sincere and trustworthy.

No I didnt. You cant say something is not "very" practical when it has literally no use or value.

Get that meme shit out of here.
5.56 has practically no recoil anyway, so muzzle brakes seem superfluous to alot of people for anything but aesthetics. They also add some weight to the muzzle, but it's pretty insignificant.

True enough, and most people will shoot it on semi auto where it's not a big deal. It may have also been I wasn't holding it right/firmly.

I'm fucking horrified that Feinstein, the jew bitch I will literally celebrate when I hear she's passed away, the scum of the earth abomination monster herself, is getting harassed for not being left-wing enough. That she was the 'moderate' choice for the Cali senate was terrifying, and I feel sorry for any Cali anons who felt obligated to vote for her lest the alternative get in.

>Well armed dissidents are much less likely to be quashed by government thugs than those wielding makeshift clubs, bricks, and Molotovs.
I don't know about that. Thugs with bricks dindu nuthin so they can break bones and shop windows and paralyze cities with near impunity. But as soon as a gun comes out, the police starts shooting back.

Johnny boy still hasn't learned, has he? Not much has changed since the ParkourDude91 restraining order.

Anyone have that news article written by that new york jew where he claimed an AR15 gave him PTSD?

Why whats wrong with revoting over and over again on issues until the plebs vote the correct way?

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