
> This kills the F-16

Is American hardware even relevant today

Attached: mig_21_by_oxygino_d2kenxi-fullview.jpg (900x646, 63K)

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Imran Khan will confirm the Pakistani loss within an hour.

A Mig-21 and an F-16 dogfight. Both sides lost one of each.

hardware dosnt win fights in manned air fighting , pilots do .

What about the two MiG-29UPGs the IAF lost earlier today?

Can someone post this kill death ratio meme compare please. I need it

Bullshit. A poorly trained pilot in something heavily automated like an F-35 would not lose to a well trained one in an old Mig.

There is already another thread.

Also the pictures of parts that are suposed to be from the wing of the F-16 are actually from the Mig-21, the horizontal stabilizer to be specific.

>doesn’t post proof

Attached: 1551080898095.jpg (3300x2550, 752K)

Sorry mate but those are clearly MiG 21 parts distributed all over the place.

Attached: 2019-02-27 (1).png (596x343, 324K)

So far neither side has posted credible proof of anything, what i saw claimed as "proof" of downed F-16 had a MiG-21 stabilizer in the shot.
What was claimed to be a shot down Indian fighter was obviously a Mi-17 wreck.

Both sides are lying fucks.

Nothing is idiot proof. Your existence proves that.
There’s no reason an updated mig-21 with a veteran pilot can’t survive or even kill an f-35 with a noob at the controls.

but i thought Jow Forums told me russian aircrafts regardless of the pilot cannot kill a western machine!!!

did Jow Forums lied to me?

This is like the 4th thread made by vatniks about this, and in everyone they post pieces of a Mig-21 as "proof" that an F-16 was shot down.

Attached: lets poo boys.jpg (640x640, 114K)

india themselfs say they lost an f16 and paki lost a mig 21

Jow Forums tells something different

Sorry Ivan, but no pak f-16s have been lost. Your planes are still shit.

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>india themselfs say they lost an f16
India lost an F-16? That's impressive. Seeing as how they don't fly them and all.

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i dont know any pakistani news feed so im posting what the indians said

so a mig 21 PMU (poo major upgrade) managed to kill a pakistani f16?

so the wreckage we saw of the mig 21 was the one from india?

>what the indians said
The only country less believable is Russia.

Attached: 1422448710001.jpg (604x473, 133K)

Indian Roundel

Attached: _105820463_mediaitem105820461.jpg (660x371, 72K)

>i dont believe anything that doesnt fall into my narrative

the post

Sometimes the technological gap is too big, but this is generally true.

>I'm gonna make 20 threads about something that didn't happen because I'm a shitty person with absolutely nothing in my life beyond hating America and being butthurt about the absolute state of my country's shitty fighter planes
The country

>despite the fact that both countries confirm this
>but both parties confirm this user

Funny how all the images said to show downed F-16 has had MiG parts in them.
>Both sides are lying fucks.

>>despite the fact that both countries confirm this
You have 90 seconds to post a statement by the Pakistani government confirming the loss of any aircraft.

Thank you user

A IAF MIG-21 was definitely shot down. Pakistan says they shot down two.

India says they shot down a Paki F-16 but no evidence so far. They could have not shot shit or been lying, or gotten a fasle positive on a hit and think they got one.

A lot of Paki jets are slave and chinkshit too.

Anyhow, the US record is so good because the Jews are the big ones actually using them in combat and they are excellent at what they do. They preformed great with French jets too.

Plus no one counts Russia's impressive record taking out commercial airliners...

No one is saying that.

The pics are from Pakistan who says it was a mig. India doesn't even fly F-16s. They claim they downed an F-16 in Pakistan, which means no photos of the site. They may be lying. They may just think they downed it but didn't. Or, they may have downed a different Paki aircraft.

>No one is saying that.
There were plenty yesterday, just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Only one MiG has been confirmed to be shot down.

Claims of a second MiG and an F-16 are paki and Indian lies respectively.

Aircraft involved likely wasnt even an F-16, but instead an impressive JF-17 based on what was in the air at the time and where jets were stationed

Here is videos of other plane wreckage and other pilot. Corpse near wreckage is actually local person who was hit by crashing plane.

Stop being such a faggot, holly shit. First is from aero india 2019 midair collision, the second is the mi-17 (helicopter) that crashed over hundred km from the loc.

Get rekt whites and pajeets

Attached: karaboga pak.png (473x479, 246K)

>Another bullshit thread to hide

>despite the fact that countries confirm this
Proofs pls

Fuck off muzzie nigger your cuckistan is gonna get blasted soon you mongrel !

Funny how mutts will defend literal pakis as long as it fits their shit propaganda

not just a noob
a mentally impaired poo

Where are the pictures? The only pics are of the downed MiG-21.


So how many folks here are in one camp or another? please raise your hands....

I'm curious how long the NOTAM will last.

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>Mig-21 goes up against a sopwith camel
>"it's okay, both sides lost one"


Why can't you guys just fucking read shit ffs.
India says one MiG-21 lost
Pakistan/India claiming one F-16 lost.
Pictures/video have been released of a captured Indian pilot beat to shit by Pakis.

Pakistani air space is completely clear:

Attached: 5d8500ab336cb5abdf7b113b56956a24.jpg (900x1413, 131K)

I never knew a plane could just fold like that. It's like a can that was stepped on.

It hit the ground going god knows how fast did you expect it to be intact and undamaged?

Western pilots are some of the best trained and experienced pilots in the world.
So, better luck next time Vladimirovich.

>according to Indian source Pakistan confirmed Indian claims

It was a gun kill too. That's the funny part. Apparently the Indian pilot "didn't want to waste a missile" and shot chaff until he got close enough for a gun run.

Oh, and I just made that up, it's funny how Russian trolls literally saw me post about the F-16 kill that IS NOT CONFIRMED and made 3 threads about it.

Seriously can't even google their own sources for bs.

There's no proof of a downed F-16 but there is proof of two Mig-21s downed try again pajeet

Can somebody tell me what actually happened?

would you buy a mig21 for 30000 bucks?

>implying anyone wouldn't want their own supersonic private jet

Sure it's outdated in avionics and inefficient, but it's still a capable airplane and would be really fun to fly.

Someone flew a couple of mig's into Glendale airport. Not sure what models. I guess the maintenance was too high and now they just sit on the ramp rotting.

To answer your question: NO. US tech is a waste of money leading to endless compromises and graft, with the end result being laughable garbage that's semi-useful for bombing small dirt huts in the middle east.
Then, the military does it's damndest to replace functional combat planes (A10) with shit multirole garbage (F35)

Waaaaah Cry mutt cry and not be white waaaah

I always wondered what sound ass blasted animals without proper aircraft make, I finally know now.

>Pakistan/India claiming one F-16 lost.
Where are the proofs? Pakistan claimed no F-16s in the area.

What??? The 16 outruns the atlas 5 going straight up,and is entirely fly by wire, with triple redundant systems, that shitbox has a glide ratio 1 to 5, same as a brick

One MiG-21got shot down over pakistan, confirmed by wreckage and captured pajeet pilot. Bunch of other unconfirmed, conflicting claims being peddled by shills of all the interested parties.

u dumb bro. The A-10 isn't functional. The F-16 and B1 has replaced what it does.

Plus, the F-16 didn't get shot down.

Any info on what missile was used to take down the mig21?

Go be fat and not white somewhere else mutt

dumb muttposting nigger

Any K/D ratio on Su?

the flanker family only has 6 kills in total IIRC

We only have hard evidence of one Indian MIG-21 downed by Pakistan, the rest is all hearsay or propaganda. It's possible an F-16 or other Pakistani aircraft was downed and they're not admitting it. India has also claimed it killed 350 militants in a strike that Pakistan said killed noone.

Lucky there was no F-15s it has a 100 kill streak with fighters like these.

It killed 6 mig-29s.


mig-25 got some kills?

Attached: Gun Jesus.jpg (480x540, 29K)

>some random parts in the woods
Without any context and showing where those parts are coming from on the F-16 this is really nothing but some random garbage in the woods.

Why is this pajeet vs pajeet shit blowing up everywhere.

Minor skirmish between India and Pakistan, India doesn't want to share teh water I think

Yes. One took out an F/A-18C during the First Gulf War. Even a blind pig finds a truffle once in a while.

>Even a blind pig finds a truffle once in a while.
except pigs hunt truffle by smell.

Am I high or is that the nose and part of the cockpit from a Mig-21?

>The 16 outruns the atlas 5 going straight up

how do you qualify this shit? like in the first 5 seconds when it's going like 2mph?

Atlas can get moving up to like 22,000mph at the end of it.


t. slav

Bet that would cost 10x the purchase price at least to get airworthy

Are vatniks still posting in this thread? Lol.

It's been more than an hour and Imran Khan hasn't confirmed it.

Wtf you're talking about?

Do Poos really think the rest of the world is as stupid as them?

That's the same craters claimed to be from Pakistani bombing.
At least find new images to shitpost.

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Poos are now claiming F-16 engine.