How are Americans going to handle the fact that their “mighty F16” got BTFO by a MiG-21. Kill count needs to be updated. This shows just how much better Russian aircraft are. Make all the jokes you want, the MiG21 just rekt an F16 like it was nothing.
>inb4 butthurt amerifatts
MiG-21 Rekts F-16
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off Pajeet/Serguei/Chang
Wow check out this f16 tail and Pakistani roundel. Truly India is fast approaching superpower status and Russian equipment is second to none.
>coping because your precious F-16 got bounced by a Vietnam Era Soviet jet. Amerimutts will always make excuses. This is why euro fighters are by all means superior.
>he says over the burning carcass of two Indian MiGs
Show me the wreckage, ranjit
Truly I am taken aback with your substantial evidence. This event clearly marks the end of western civilization.
Is OP a faggot? I say yes.
One needs evidence for that
I think the PAKs confirmed that it was only one now.
Any proof an F16 has been shot down? Or is this butthurt vatnik posturing?
This. Only one MiG and one Mi-17 have been confirmed to be shot down. Everything else is pajeet/pake bullshitting
If this is the honesty precedence were starting with then this is going to be an even bigger cluster fuck than Syria
>He keeps posting this, hoping it will be true
Lul'd, why are Russians so pathetic?
Actually, for once this isn't the vatniks doing.
Pajeets are butthurt they lost a MiG and are bullshitting numbers.
>Overly Toxic
Yeah, im gonna pass on this shitty b8
It's both, actually.
>OP is the only ruskie on this board
Just because some of them post retarded dumbshit doesn't mean we're all like this fag
Wait what how the fuck did India lose a fighter jet? First time on Jow Forums in a week.
Mig 21s aren't F16s
Pretty sure it got downed in a dogfight
So the poos are at war?
Who cares? Enough of you act like niggers to give you all a bad name.
>I'm a good Russian, I swear!
Yes retard, have you even checked the catalog
It didn’t India’s Air Force is extremely well trained. Far better trained than that of the Pakistani dogs “Air Force”. OP is a piss drinker, Pakistan is full of goat lovers and many idiots. They lied about it and probably painted already found materials to look like Indian jets as propaganda.
He just said he hasn’t been on in a week you autist, lmao.
It's quite easy for a few retards to spam shit on chans.
>I'm a good Russian, I swear!
Well, I don't act like an overly proud faggot
Monkey models
weak bait
And you couldn't use any of the other three vatnik and streetshitter gloating threads to post this?
Also, post some pictures of the wreckage that doesn't have MiG-21 or Mi-17 parts in it this time and maybe someone will believe you.
Not gonna lie former Indian pilot here, this is fucking hilarious watching my jet crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't let Modi get the nuclear codes
Proofs or gtfo
>Well, I don't act like an overly proud faggot
But you let them speak for you without any sort of objection and than get cranky when people notice that most of you act like shit.
>It's quite easy for a few retards to spam shit on chans.
Would be even easier for a even smaller group to distance themself from their idiots, but you decide to do literally nothing about it. You reap what you sow.
>without any sort of objection
Okay, since you are getting obviously nitpicky and even more cranky, let me reformulate it: no noticeable objection whatsoever, no one knows that this is from a russian, while at the same time everyone gets when one of you is on another rant or insulting tour.
Its a pasta.
So I should spam the fact that I'm russian everytime I post anything? That seems like that's gonna be annoying as fuck, my mate.
No, where did i say that? Why would you need to do this? Do it when you are saying something against some retarded vatnik and everything is fine and dandy.
>That seems like that's gonna be annoying as fuck, my mate.
Agreed, unless it is relevant to the discussion i don't see how that would be met with anything other than hostility.
*Do it from time to time when...
Alrite, point taken.
That's the spirit.
Mutts BTFO by a true white-man technology. kek
It was a Chinese JF-17, fuck off Ivan
Ru tard
It's not even a tail, it's the crumpled profile of a Mig-21 nose lmao. Look at the nosecone and refuelling probe.
You mean it was a jf17 that shot down the mig21.
>refuelling probe
While you are right in that it's not a tail, that's sure as hell not a refueling probe either.
>incompetent shitskins are incompetent
>catalog gets shitted up like the street where op lives
Yeah it's a pitot
pitot tube, but yes
Someone post the Pajeet spray pasta
This thread is entertaining. Please keep going.