Name my scattergat, Jow Forums

Name my scattergat, Jow Forums.

Attached: 2019-02-27 10.02.52.png (1280x720, 1.35M)

Niggeraser 14 Gauge Model 88

Benis extendo


I hereby name your shotgun "Mossberg 500". Don't be a faggot who gives names to your guns.

This. Names are for tripfags.

Dubs get

Rolling for dubs

The name "OP is a faggot"


Oh my!


Attached: 2019-02-27 11.15.31.jpg (941x530, 55K)

Masonic dubs win it. The light bringer wills it OP

Just simply "Gatt"

Epic thread

What the fuck is with those dumbbells?

Dailey Nigger Slapper

And what do you have there on the left user?

>op remember me when you post this garbage on r/Jow Forums for fake internet points.

If dubs or higher, you shall name your scattergat: Mandingo BBC

Only gun I'd actually name would be a Rhodie STAR B.

I'd call it "A:\"

Muh floppy drive

It's 3.5" and slots floppies, what more do you need?
