Spending more than $30 on a knife

>spending more than $30 on a knife
I sure hope you guys don't do this. If a knife breaks just get another one. They are literally just sharp hunks of metal.

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if you spent more than 30 on one they might not even break in the first place

>They are literally just sharp hunks of metal.
I've heard about a guy who had same thoughts.
He ended up being one of the main spoilage sellers on the market.

You can spend more than a 30 if you want something special, that has collecting or art value.
Today I bought me a Lauri blade. I plan to take it to my friend to make a plexiglass handle for it. Trench/prison style

I had to learn this the hard way but it's the truth. I don't buy expensive knives or sunglasses anymore.

>if you spent more than 30 on one they might not even break in the first place

This is pretty untrue. Also anything you carry/use everyday can and will just get fucking lost. Case in point: I had a 1st gen AFCK that I carried for years. Found out it was actually collectible and worth like $300 or something. Decided fuck it it's just a knife to me. Lost it innawoods hog hunting exactly one week later. Karma is a bitch though because I found a serrated version of pic related in a sports field near my house.

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Good thing I can intentionally break my esee and get a brand new one no questions asked.

>not having the knife your father gave you when you turned 16 and using that for everything.

>not doing research into what knife you’re getting and making sure it’s durable and well made regardless of price

Mind blowing how many of you autistic fags do this

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>thinking any amount of research makes anything you buy indestructible.

>treating your possessions like trash

>being afraid to use something because of how much you paid for it


got one for ten dollar its crappy nice

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she is fucking dead, that dude with the shotgun got her

>buys a tool that is so expensive he is afraid to actually use it

I own customs. Some of us like art and craftsmanship.

When I feel beating on something I use a Mora or Ontario.

The Mercator K55K is a pretty sweet cheap pocket knife. I highly recommend it.

Thats just Knife Gnomes, user.

>not making your own blade
Nigger you dumb

Post the next under $30 knife you wanna get. Saw someone mention this in one of the Benchmade hate threads. It's ridiculous. I must have it.


Buck knife. Worth every penny.
Actually, it's more like a buck and a half.

>knife breaks when you actually need it
>potentially injure yourself or die
Not everybody uses their knives solely for box cutting and larping.

Anyone have any experience with the voyager? I know Cold Steel is a meme company, but I've wanted one of their knives since I was a kid.

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Cold steel youtube vids and their swords are memes. Their folders are quality.

I stopped buying edc knives after I got my COLD STEEL ESPADA XL. Everything else is inferior. Every now and then I'll buy a knife as novelty, but nothing even comes close to replacing my COLD STEEL ESPADA XL. I had dozens of knives on my wishlist. I could watch knife reviews and browse knives online for hours. None of that interests me anymore. Keep buying shit knives and you'll never know this feel.

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how the fuck did I stare at that for 5 fucking minute without seeing red sonic

Ontario rat 2 d2 best knife you can get for 40 bucks in the entire world,shame it's not made in America.

At 40 or cheaper you can buy two or 3 and not feel bad about abusing the shit out of them.

I even had burled maple handles custom made for one it's a work of art. I show you but i can't take pics right now.

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I'd love a Mark 3 but find it difficult to justify the cost.

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On that note, I'm almost tempted to get and upgrade a Glock. Get an FM81, pull the plug, ram some cork into the bayonet tube, tap the remainder of the tube, replace the butt cap with a short bolt.

I have the voyager xl vaquero, and it is a huge evil knife that I don't really have a legitimate use for. It's a meme knife but it's a well built reasonably priced meme knife.

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>a legitimate use for. It's a meme knife

Memes are a legitimate use in current year.

i like hiking deep innawoods and alone. what's the best knife i could have for easy access and to help take down a mountain lion fast so i don't end up like this guy?

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my knife was $230

How good is the lock, like actually? They advertise the fuck out of them, but I've never had a folding knife with a lock that didn't at some point start failing.


Buck 120, probably

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revolver is a solid bet bro

Who ever actually buys knives like this is redardismo on so many levels

Are you trying to tell him to get a glock brand knife or just carry a subcompact glock?

Don't think so champ

looks sick, going to look into it.

i like flying to idaho/montana for hiking/innawoods shit though. i'd rather take a knife in checked baggage over a firearm. i've never even flown with a firearm, i feel like i'd get interrogated even though i'm white and it'd be in a checked bag.

Any good knife so long as you don't baton with it.
Especially don't baton with the Glock. It's a partial stick tang knife. It's a great light knife, but it's designed as a bayonet for the AUG. It's not a beater.

Glock makes the Austrian field knives. FM78 and FM81. Straight blade & w/ serrated root saw, respectively.

It's good. I have a Large Vaquero. I would totally buy a large or medium Tanto but for $80-90 they're are other good options too.

What are you trying to say? Glock has many subcompact models and I assumed you would be talking about a subcompact because of talking about hiking. Or are you saying that you were talking about the knife the entire time and I was idiotic for bringing up pistols.
Many of us are autistic, but that is no excuse for poor communication.

if it's a budget folder I recommend the Ontario rat in d2 40 bucks. I would however trust a fixed blade much more to take on large cats buts sadly I don't have any recommendations

$50 is the sweetspot for knives. Up to that point you generally get real increases in longevity. VG10 and D2 really exceed the requirements of 99% of people, and can be had for the >$50 price point. I've got pic related, carried and used almost every day for a year and a half and the only wear present is very small scratches on the finish from use. VG10 is fantastic.

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Addendum: It's still a better beater than most knives. It's $30 for a compact knife with a sheath that fits down a single column of MOLLE that has a steel guard. It stabs, it cuts, it saws if you get that model, and it can be modded to do more. After committing an autistic level of focus on researching knives, I can only declare that Glock makes a damn good knife.

I watched a few vids on that fully serrated vaquero and it's one nasty fucker. I bet a DA would have a field day with that if you ever had to use it for self defense.

poorfags fuck off

thanks for all the recs.

user, >$50 means 'over fifty dollarydoos'

Oh shit lel, should've been paying more attention meant that to mean

Meme or legit?

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It's a very functional design, but they're generally way overpriced for the steel you find them in. The US wasn't particularly concerned with things like the edge retention of their soldiers knives.

It's an outdated design that could and should probably be revised or replaced. It's still functional, but has some notable flaws and predictable failure points.

Because I don't like owning shit knives and I hate the look of the boomer tactical knives that feel like it's a toddlers toy

>How good is the lock, like actually?
It's legit genius imo.



Actually this, my Polymer 80 came in handy against a mountain lion. Had my pocket knife on me at the time, but fuck trying to use a knife on one of those

Field dress an elk with your 30 dollar knife then field dress an elk with a higher quality knife and you will realize that you are a complete retard. I personally have been using a Saddle Mountain Skinner recently.

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>it's a bitchmade

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Great steel great handle got it for about a buck ten. Whats wrong with that? Oh right you just care about pretending like you know something by following a crowd instead of actually having real experience or breaking free from your sheep mentality.

>Field dress an elk with your 30 dollar knife then field dress an elk with a higher quality knife and you will realize that you are a complete retard.
Really? Cause I've done it with a $15 knife and thought it was better than the $200 knife.

My #1 favorite fixed blade is still a Mora. Thing cost me $15 and I haven't found anything to outperform it. Likely because most high end knives are still stuck on retarded ideas like making the thing retardproof for batonning. Next best thing I've found is my Gerber that's probably older than both of us put together. It's expensive nowadays, but I have no idea what it cost when it was new. Probably not much.

If the thing has halfway decent steel, a design that isn't retarded, and you're competent at sharpening it, it's going to be a good knife. Buying expensive shit is a more retard-proof option, because you're more likely to get a good knife than if you go buying from the bargain bin.

>Whats wrong with that?
Mostly that Benchmade is donating to antigun politicians and assisting police buybacks and gun destruction.

I own two cold steel machetes that I use to clear brush. I like the quality

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I know it's upsetting that spending more money doesn't always make something better. Just a fact of the world we live in. I'd say you'll come to terms with it eventually, but you probably won't.

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Sorry, I don't think I qualify as a poorfag. Especially if our standard we're arguing about here is Benchmade. I own a few Benchmades and more USA made Spydercos.

My opinion doesn't come from seething poorfag rationalization methods, but actually doing what you described and using both high end and supposed low end knives. Fixed blades I'm pretty confident in saying there is no difference if you do your research and aren't into batonning. Folders I'm more willing to spend money on, because Axis and ball bearing locks are cool. But a liner lock works just fine too, as does a backlock.

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Harbor freight teir

It's hard to fuck up a screwdriver or a basic bitch knife.

Oh man I can smell the sour grapes from here Mr. Fox.

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>implying you have to treat your possessions like trash to use them.
You'll never have anything nice, and you deserve no better.

Anyone else kind of dissatisfied with the direction the knife market is taking? I'm glad we have all these new companies in but it seems like there are to many new knives to really keep up with and a lot of them fulfill the same niche. I'm getting sick of gimmick meme or all metal frame lock China meme.

That's just you maturing bro. There's always been a ton of shit knives on the market. You're just realizing there's no satisfaction in owning a cabinet full of shit knives. Dopamine hits from shopping for shit you don't need is not the path to happiness...unless you're a woman.

Probably this. Knives are a mature technology and unless you have some really specific application you don't need anything fancy. The knife world is all marketing mostly directed at manbabies who think collecting knives is more grown up/manly than collecting action figures. It's the same destructive behavior though.

Based fidgetposter

>fighting a grown mountain lion with a knife
Don't do it user. At the very least carry a subcompact pistol for that

I bought a $65 Leek because my dad has one

There's still plenty of older shit on my list but I don't know generic Kizer number fifty doesn't appeal to me much, only recent knife I liked was the carribean

Here's a question. For a desperate survival situation, would you rather have a 6" knife or an 8" knife?

I bought a Himalayan imports kukri. Sucks to suck, poorfag

I have the nonbowie one, pretty nice

>Also anything you carry/use everyday can and will just get fucking lost.
How the fuck do you lose a knife?
>Need knife
>Retrieve knife from where you keep it
>Use knife
>Return knife to where you keep it
I've been carrying the same knife for 20 years.

Well I can only guess what happened to mine because if I knew what happened it wouldn't be lost....

>be me
>innawoods looking for pork the pig's inbred cousins
>knife clipped in pocket
>terrain is SE US jungle.
>lots of up and down hills and hollers hills and hollers
>lots of thorns and grabby shit
>get home no knife in pocket

The guy is baiting, anyone knows a correctly made full tang knife will withstand any amount of use for a whole life, might even reach your grandkids in working condition if it's treated properly.

Ok knife for random tasks
I use mine for light cutting and coconuts at my bar, is probably good if i need to kill the bar

Don't sweat lardass that celebrates the five times he has been in the wilderness. I have wispy branches get under my clip and snag my knife all the time. I went to a coiled lanyard. It coils short and allows full extension to over my head.

>using tools means treating them like trash
Neither of you have worked in a shop and it shows.

WTF does using a folding knife have to do with "working in a shop"?

Holy fuck. I used a folder all the time when I worked in a shop.
>quick deburring
>edge removal
>opening fucking boxes and crates
>cutting rope
>prying items apart that are too tightly fit to allow a prybar
>stripping insulation from wire
That is just to start. Inb4: use the right tool. Sometimes, you just need to keep shit moving because time is money. Sometimes you are away from the other tools or niggers borrowed them.

>Being a poorfag.

He'll learn after he spends more than $30 on medical treatment after his shit knife gets him injured.

I see. You're one of those fags who just want to be seen constantly handling a knife.
Your opinion has been discarded, user.

>edge removal
Your knife is supposed to have an edge...

Becker bk7

Based and redpilled.

Apart from a historical military bayonet, sentimental knife or tool, this is pretty solid advice. Tactical Teds will defend their $300 purchase but a $20 knife can lock up solidly, have decent steel and be made sharp. Gucci pocket/sheath knife is jewelry and mostly a status symbol meant to impress. My grandfather was a butcher for decades and he taught me how to sharpen knives. I have maybe 200 or so that I inherited or picked up on my own. I have fancy German stag knives and custom made daggers and Bowies. I keep coming back to a handful of cheap high carbon folders that I can sharpen and slice paper with. It’s a sharp price of metal that folds into a handle or is a glorified sharpened prybar. Save your money on something more objective in performance like a gun.

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>not using the word indigent at the emergency room for gibs like everyone else