How difficult would it be to just pick up a gun and go fight?
To be a mercenary in the age of social media
How difficult would it be to just pick up a gun and go fight?
To be a mercenary in the age of social media
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Go to the French Foreign Legion and have fun. Considered it once,but then remembered I hate the French.
>French Foreign Legion
I don't want to be a slave
You can go join any number of insurgent groups in the middle east and north Africa. Some of them won't even get you shitlisted from coming home I think, just pick one fighting the Taliban or Al Queda or ISIS or whatever flavor of the week enemy USA is dealing with.
While they might not get you blacklisted, they will get you listed.
You'll get yourself killed if you have no training, and also if the guys you fight along side have no training
The FFL won't take you unless you're a desperate shitskin with no other options. They want african/asian/slavic criminals they can treat like dirt, who won't complain. Not bored sheltered white boy adventurers.
By law, they can't take wanted criminals. That doesn't mean they don't take wanted criminals, just that they have laws in place "preventing" them.
They won't deport you if you are a criminal, but that doesn't mean they'll shield you from justice if INTERPOL starts asking about you.
>Not wanting to be a Legionnaire
Pretty sure those are supposed to be Russian troops in Central Asia.
Who cares, saying choice stuff to your aunt on facebook will get you listed.
There's a difference between being caught up in the internet net sweep for saying wrong keywords and having a dossier in the CIA and NSA that labels you as Foreign Fighter
Ex legionnaire from Guinea-Bissau here, I post somewhat regularly.
Don't fucking join it's a waste of the best years of your life. Do literally anything else except join the Legion.
Would it be worse than me just packing my kit and buying a ticket to Eastern Europe?
Not him but by technicality there is nothing keeping you from bailing if it sucks if you just join up with some Ukrainian vatniks. The Legion you have to do 5 years contract from your first enlistment.
I live in Eastern Europe and it's not magical sdalgerland where bands of roving mercenaries roam the vast fields of Chernobyl. It's just a bunch of shitty second world countries.
You can go to venezuela right now and get away with murder.
I did private military work (security for US diplomats) in Caracas (venezuela capital) about a year ago.
Shit got wild.
Whole families were "disappearing" in the middle of the night.
Weekly gang shootouts.
Their military is actively killing humanitarian/aid workers.
So hit up South America if you want to do some low-key murder.
>Fighting for money
>Not Fighting for your People
You disappoint
Only because westerners always desert or demande civil
Its not so bad right now, if you got out in 2016-2017 or before its much more lax now. Of courde it always depnds on the chief and compagnie
My people aren't in any danger right now
That's not a legionnaire. Also
>fighting with a bunch of niggers for a country other than your own so said niggers can invade it
top cuck
>considered it
>hate the French
Shut up neckbeard. FFL has the most brutal initiation of any major mercenary group. Most humans wont or can't put up with that level of abuse and physical toll. When a mission drops you complete it or are left behind regardless of time or equipment constraints. More often than not dead FFL are not claimed and have no FFIR or identification, and you assume a fake ID for combat or espionage purposes IF you make selection.
what about central american ex commandos? I am ex millitary from a central american country, dont want to work for a drug cartel to see some action again.
Tru, but they havent had any real action in decades.
i asked something similar a while ago
some user said if i got a network+ or security+ certificate i could go do pog shit in sandistan for blackwater-derivatives
honor, loyalty etc. etc. don't pay the bills chuvak
Is that a dead FFL soldier?
No one has.
>ridiculous selection process, shit gear and pointless suicide missions when they actually have something to do
all of this to what end exactly?
Well I mean... that gear isn't that bad. Anyways there is no end other than knowing you are a hard mother fucker and have fought in conflicts no one else has, but the point is that "fuck the French" isn't the reason some Jow Forumsommando didn't "join" the FFL.
He wasn't FFL retard
Does anyone remember this guy? I found out about him on Jow Forums. He's some guy from California who watched some youtube videos on paramedic stuff, bought a plate carrier, helmet, and a ticket to Egypt, and the next thing you know he's wandering around Libya with an FAL, getting into shootouts, poking around munitions dumps, and acting as a nurse for this doctor he meets up with who later dies. Eventually gets captured in Syria, tortured, and returned home at some point. He is very poorly regarded by the people of Something Awful (though I've never seen those people provide good reasons why not). He captured hours and hours of sometimes mesmerizing footage of the Libyan Civil War, and it's pretty much all lost to time now unless he decides to start reuploading.
currently have Sec +, want to go work in sandistan. how? currently working military IT in a shit position, just got in. how do I go live that pog life?
I made 1erC and no higher, not one deployment, still got all the bullshit jobs like cleaning all the way through my career when new guys went into their little mafias. Took years before people called me by my name instead of nigger.
Legion are poor soldiers.
Caro is alive?!? Holy shit, I was on SA back when he was captured, everyone was sure he was toast. I haven't been a goon in a few years so hearing he survived is pretty big news. I remember hearing his NPR interview when I was driving to work one day and laughed my ass off since I had been trolling him on the forums just a few weeks ago