what are some easy small settlements you can build for yourself with limited tools like just an axe, a shovel and a saw in the wild? like forest area
What are some easy small settlements you can build for yourself with limited tools like just an axe...
Same thing folk have been building for millennia, log cabins
Building those takes lots of effort tho
>building a lasting shelter in the woods with basic tools
>little effort
Choose one.
Just dig a foxhole and slap a roof on it
where do i find such straight stocks in the wild woods?
Find a big tree and file it down
I've always thought of renting a tractor and digging a large trench and driving an RV into it. Then just cover the top with foliage or something
why not a korsu?
how do you stop these things from flooding anytime it rains?
the dirt absorbs it. put some plastic in between it and the korsu and you'll be fine
Sometimes people also dig little gutters around the edge of it and a “drain” out though it only really works if it’s on a slope
Damn - you are not very familiar with korsu, are you?
When done right korsu (dug-out) the way Finnish Army did it is basically a log cabin built underground with multiple layers of wood and soil on top of it to stop artillery shells from caving it in. And yes - you may need to build underdrainage as well, if you want it to remain dry. There was a set of blueprints published by FDF circa 1948 or 1949, which contains the final development versions of korsu based to wartime experience and they are neither easy or fast to build.
The easy to build thing would be what is commonly referred in Finnish as maakuoppa - basically a hole dug on the ground with layer of wood and dirt as roof and a tarp as door. Not comfortable or warm, but certainly easy to build.
What happens when you just decide to stop the war on the spot, and the other side doesn't care to shoot back?
Well, you make yourself comfortable and build a terrace...
...make your command-post look nice...
...improve your lodging...
...build a nice office for your paper-pushers...
...and a meeting-hall...
...and a cafe...
...and a cinema...
...and then you'll make the yard look nice, too.
And then you can just lie back and watch the tourists rolling in. Germans, Italians, Japanese, Hungarian, Romanian...
Sometimes a Frenchman comes by, too.
Do you know where to find these blueprints?