


Attached: cartel_raid.png (1000x523, 771K)

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>full auto on a dead body

surprised to see the ACE

Looks like a bunch of dudes storm a building and shoot the fuck out of some unsuspecting dudes.
Nothing like ambushing some unarmed guys at a mechanics garage to show them you mean business.

This is a major reason why I dont want my corrupt government that already sells guns to these guys to disarm me

clearly fake, those rifles are illegal in mexico

no matter how bad they are youre still fucked if they pull up on you

I fucking hate that, even if armed. If i'm say, changing my oil, i'm fucking dead when they roll up in force.
I ain't ready to innnawoods 24/7 with my front lawn looking like Rambo: First Blood. If they want me dead i'm fucking dead and it terrifies me

Yeah, you may be able to get one, two if you get really really lucky. But what about the other 8 behind them?

>defending soulless drug cartel members that would slaughter your entire family without a second thought simply because le gubmint went after them
never change Jow Forums

Where the fuck did he get an ACE?

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Well you're irrational unless you live under cartel rule

prob bought in the states, smuggled into mexico then converted to full auto by a cartel gunsmith.

Are you retarded? The guys in the video doing the killing are cartel members. The guys they're shooting are cartel members. No government involved.

Numbers numbers numbers. 2 car full of Bad guys with full auto rifles will be bad for most situations, even a police station will be rocked hard if they come rolling in from nowhere.

got to be sure

>dat moment he orders the henchman to revers the truck into the doors
Absolute Kino, wouldn't be surprised if Sicaro 3 copies this scene

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I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure one or two single rounds to his head would be gg, i'm pretty sure the full auto burst was unnecessary

At this point its almost interchangeable.
As in it could be:
Cartel v gov
Gov v cartel
Cartel v cartel
Gov v gov

Same shit

most likely from a colombian connection.
the ace is the new rifle of the colombian army

no one is defending cartels you dumb dumb

terrible td or maybe a really light trigger.

Or you could watch the video and see it was very on purpose.

doesn't mean dudes an amateur tho, maybe he's just whateverthefuck. don't think a cartel would send a rookie as part of a hit squad outfitted with plate carriers and SBRs.

Those aren't exactly a rare or difficult thing to get when you're ignoring the law.

Honestly pretty scary. Good coordination and they understand violence of action. Obviously they didn't clear the rooms properly and maybe a bright green laser and the best choice in a dark room that isn't cleared yet, but they're getting there.

honestly it's good tactics. FA maybe not, but making SURE that mf you just shot is dead is taught in every infantry school.

Here's some good footage with sound

More like


Ok neverserved, did you know that canoeing a body is actually against the geneva convention and a war crime that you can get indicted for? I don't think infantry school teaches war crimes in any civilised nation. You ever notice how military types use terms like 'neutralise' and pretty much any word that isn't "kill" and "death"?

Actually you make sure that MF is neutralised, and if he is still breathing you have to render all reasonable aid.

>clearing by awkwardly walking into rooms instead of clearing from the door and then entering to check dead space
>didn't fully clear the garage, leaving survivors
>ignored most of the angles during the garage clearance, never checked inside of the vehicles
>truck driver got out of the vehicle to join the raid instead of staying in for a faster getaway
>no plan to breach the garage door prior to arriving, had to tell the truck driver to get back in and ram the door
>cameraman left his weapon light on continuously while in the garage instead of using a momentary switch.

I do agree that the anchor shots and VoA were
on point tho

You're kinda both right. They teach actual soldiers to make sure the enemy is no longer a threat.

If you're kinda committing an illegal massacre, fastest way to do that is a few extra rounds to the face, ya know?

preeety sure the word canoeing wasn't a thing back when the Geneva Convention was signed
If you think they're a reasonable threat, even if they're already shot, you can pump as many rounds as you want into them. It's only once you've actually moved past them that it becomes a warcrime. Also 99% of the infantry doesn't give a fuck about saying "neutralize" instead of kill. Methinks it's you who has neverserved if you think the INFANTRY gives a fuck about PC culture.

all true. I'm thinking in cartel standards though.

This, my father ran in the 2003 iraq invasion and said the same thing. You can confirm your kills until the fighting's over, then it's no benuo. i don't think anyone's yelling at anyone plugging a guy in close quarters a couple times to make sure.

>tfw 2003 was 40 years ago

>what is Operation Fast and Furious?

>truck driver got out of the vehicle to join the raid instead of staying in for a faster getaway
i dont think they really give a fuck

holy shit you must be a POG. every single DA unit I’ve trained with does this you don’t want passed a body until you’ve shot him in the head multiple times and brain matter is all over the floor.

t. team leader in batt

That was awesome. Very Mexican atmosphere, looks like something straight out of an action movie.

They should give a fuck though; what if
>someone is injured and needs a fast evac
>the cops show up unexpectedly
>the cjng guys have an ambush set up
>the cjng guys have a qrf
>they need to breach something with the truck

the last example actually happened in the video, they had to wait for the retard to get back in the the truck before they could enter the garage, if anyone was in the garage they might have had enough time to grab a rifle and get into cover.

isn't it also procedure to stomp on/kick the guy's head as you're passing to make sure he's dead?

btw is that you rangeranon?

This is why you never play dead in an active shooting situation.


not really anymore, if you come up to a guy with his head blown all the over the floor your kind of wasting time in the immediate clear of a room to do that, you can when you back clear if you want to.
I don’t post here often because of retards like thinking they know actual military practice by searching regulations from their moms basement. So probably not the same battboy that’s posted elsewhere

ricky is RRC and atleast an e7.
with how busy they are nowadays I’m surprised if he ever posts here anymore

Same place I did .

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Bro these guys are cartel gunmen, you think they care about efficiency or tactics? They do it for fun.

>isn't it also procedure to stomp on/kick the guy's head as you're passing to make sure he's dead?
he could be holding a grenade waiting for you to get close to release the spoon

just shoot the shit from a "safe" distance and wait a couple of seconds before proceeding, also be sure to be careful of the dead bodies be cause the grenade could be under them waiting for you to move it

Yeah obviously the reality and practice is different, but i'm addressing this MF saying that it's whats taught at infantry school. It's not.

Did you know intentional headshots are actually also against the Geneva convention? Sounds like Mr. team leader has never had to do an AAR. But I'm the POG.

Yeah, you sure are buddy
Gb2 compass school and landnav your way to some common sense

You've never seen anything beyond drills and exercises. What exactly makes you such an authority?

Kek. You deserve it.

It's about sending a message

Wasn't talking about practice but actually, specifically, about regulation. But I guess they don't teach reading comprehension in the army.

That breach tho

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You must be in the fucking chair force. People who “”””serve”””” on the periphery are so much worse than civilians.


>tfw cartel members see more action than your average 0311

should've been a ranger

yeah that was pretty dope


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Not uncommon to see burrito cops with them,

Nice trigger discipline, faggot

and people who serve for the sake of 'outserving' them and being 'informed better than yous' on an autistic imageboard are probably worse still.

>the cops show up unexpectedly

Checked and correct. Why the fuck go to the trouble of getting a semi auto rifle and then convert it to full auto when some Lt. Col. De Spico Goblino will just sell you an entire shipping container. Just like that other guy's Chink AK 100% wasn't a pre-Ban Polytech bought for $2500 in 2013 and then converted to full auto. They got that shit straight from Beijing, duh. The majority of American guns in Mexico are bought by the weaker/poorer criminal outfits because the rich guys can get real military grade shit, not semi-auto facsimiles.

Guy's twitter feed is kinda interesting, even if his outfit is called Popular Front. Only assholes glorify Anarcho Commie groups.

Fuck off, reddit

lol what is dumping rounds into him until you pass? stfu

sicario 3 looks fucking dope.

>my father ran in the 2003 iraq invasion
I... what? This is older-brother age, not dad age. I'm leaving this place; I'm too old.

>dad's an SNCO, 30 or so
>had kid when he was 28
>that kid is in his early 20s now


A lot of the drug cartel guys have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, so I'm not surprised. No different than the reason why they put in the extra effort to cut off someone's fingers and balls, instead of just killing them on the spot. Why? Because they want the victim to suffer. They take pleasure in doing it too.

This one is easy to explain too. When they think they don't have enough arms for the entire unit, they just bribe a police officer or military official for their weapon. And sometimes the whole arsenal. Hence why they are also able to get legit grenade launchers too.

Also, when one of the first cartels (Los Zetas) was founded, they actually got a small group of Mexican Special Forces guys to train them. No joke.

Unfortunately, this is what tribalism looks like. No different from when we used to hack at each other with sticks and rocks, over a deer carcass.


And this is why I don't believe in gun control. 2A was created as an equalizer between various members of social groups, regardless of size and power (but the original, pre-Revolutionary War basis was to allow colonial settlements to have a defensive force against Native tribesmen).

What is a
>controlled pair
Try next time.

Do you know what some of these words actually correlate to?
Who the Fuck is talking about the Geneva conventions at an AAR and not just about how Lt Wallace is a douche and FIST keeps getting shafted by the supply truck.

It's used widespread in Colombian army and in small numbers in Mexican army/police. That's where

he's a retard, just ignore him. Also,

>that twatter feed
honestly why do I even bother reading that shit

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Trigger discipline is the oldest Jow Forums meme

Nah, it was necessary.

This. People bitch about how consumer-grade US firearms are responsible for the cartel war gun violence, but they forget how many munitions are sold by US defense companies to LE/MIL in those countries. With all the corruption by crime syndicates, through bribing and theft, legitimate US gun dealers as well be selling directly to the cartels.

I like the part when the guy doing the filming realizes he hasn't chambered a round after hearing click when he tries to fire when approaching the house.

Tacos niggers are still niggers.

Uh what the fuck are you talking about? We were always told kill em all and if you hear any noises or see any movement keep fucking shooting.

RIP ceiling and TV.

Pretty sure the zetas were started by special forces not just trained