Ghost Recon: Wildlands finally has a FAL. Rhodie cosplaying intensifies

Ghost Recon: Wildlands finally has a FAL. Rhodie cosplaying intensifies.

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They're still adding shit to that thing? Did they fix it so any of the gadgets worked, or that calling in mortar support didn't give away your concealed position?

Cause we're born Rhodesians and we'll fight through thick and thin

Dunno about the mortars, but I havent encountered issues with any gadgets recently.

That would require a rework of the AI and devs somehow forgot how to make good AI like 10 years ago.

Most of the shit they've added has been for Ghost War, which wasn't very strongly populated last time I played. It was a shame because it's actually pretty fun.

What is ghost war? I played the shit out of the open beta and bought the game on release but then never installed it cause I had moved on to another game. Figured I'd pick it up again and do the campaign later on but I never have.

gay arcade shooter kys

>Figured I'd pick it up again and do the campaign
If you have three buddies who'll do helicopter bants with you, it's pretty great. On your own it's like the Etch-a-Sketch to MGSVs Adobe Creative Suite.

you're all forgetting the GR:W isnt even an FPS game. It's a dressup game for Jow Forumsommandos, with guns instead of barbies.

>if you have three buddies
All is lost.

I got this game free with a graphics card a good 3 years ago and never once touched it. Tell me why I should download it.

play dress up and drive around shooting cartel members
that's pretty much all you do

It's the 4v4 PvP. The campaign is very mediocre, but the PvP was one of the few multiplayer console shooters I've enjoyed this generation.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

It's a middle grade open world shooter with reasonable graphics and gameplay, and probably some of the best gun customisation in a game barring escape from tarkov.

It's like a slightly worse MGSV but with other advantages (open world with plenty of vehicles, no need to choose loadout before deployment)

>breaking realism by using the gadgets
if you aren't sticking to realistic shit only then you can fuck off, including drones unless you are putting it at maximum height to use it to larp as a UAV.

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I'd rather the fix the bullshit aimbot AI on difficulties beyond regular.

>AI can fucking drop you in a nanosecond after firing
>can see you in pitch fucking darkness and instantly drop you
>Helicopters can see you through thick bush and forests, in pitch darkness
>beaners duel-wielding Mac-10's sideways can instantly drop you from 1km away
>AI will snap-aim to you the moment you expose a fucking hair
>the active-camo prototype you unlock barely works, even at night

Your AI teammates and rebel support are fucking useless and couldn't hit the side of a barn inside the barn.

That being said its somewhat fun game to dick around in, the 4v4 MP is fun as well but needs to be made best 3 outta 5 not 2 outta 3.

the worst part is the "drive across the map to a shack in the middle of nowhere to get gun parts" aspect
why couldn't we just be able to develop or unlock gun parts like MGSV?

yeah I also never got why you cant just keep weapons you pick up off someone. Like, you still need to find a weapon case to access / customise a rifle, that you could just grab off a dead sniper

>drive across
Use a heli you dumbass

>use car
>hit patrols along the way, hounded by cartel or unidad
>take 15 minutes to get your standard capacity magazine for 1 gun
>take heli
>get shot down
really a great game

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>shot down
>he can't stay at low altitude
>he can't dodge missiles

i shouldn't have to stay low, nigger
helicopters were MADE for scenic high altitude flight free from the threat of fucking beaner SAMs

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you could also fly super high and you'd go undetected. if you're more than 750 meters above the SAM site, it cant lock on

I always hit the invisible ceiling but still get ganked by SAMs

what makes it worse is that they respawn if you destroy them

well, I dunno man. Maybe try being less shit?

The only feasible way to dodge missiles in GRW is by crashing the helicopter (with no survivors) before the missile gets to you.

You really need to stop playing absolute shitter skinner boxes for console babies faggot, Wildlands is fucking awful.

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I don't understand the problem with that.

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Suggest a better cosplay simulator, then

Arma 3 with all the mods you can imagine

>have an option to not get blown out of the sky
>insist on his own shit and blames the game when he gets blown out of the sky

>beaners duel-wielding Mac-10's sideways can instantly drop you from 1km away
EVERY SINGLE TIME. the second i reached tier 40 these low level fags started downing me with perfect spraydowns even when i was headglitching, there is not even bullet drop for the ai so it makes it so much easier to be shot down in a helicopter. Aside from that its a fun casual operator esque game

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That is THE fucking reason why we play the game

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You get to bring friends and kill beaners real operator style

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>Suggest a better cosplay simulator, then
Literally Arma you gigantic faggot, and as a bonus you get a game that isn't shit, a lifetime of content for free and you don't pay $15 for a single fucking weapon.

Wildlands is absolute cancer and you faggots lapping it up are the reason as to why the Ghost Recon franchise is so fucked.

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Do a barrel roll and dive. Works 95% of the time.

>Suggest a better cosplay simulator, then
Point to who you are in this photo.

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>you don't pay $15 for a single fucking weapon.
Arma literally has weapons DLC

Do you pay $15 for a single weapon?
Shut the fuck up faggot.

Idk I haven't bought any because weapons DLCs are gay

Are you retarded or merely retarded?

Who's a good Ubisoft goy? Oy yes you are, oy yes you are, you're the good little Ubisoft goy!

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Only the Extreme ai is bullshit desu.
Any difficulty lower than Extreme is easy enough, even solo with minimal hud

All difficulties are bullshit because they're nothing but magical hitscan that ramps the bullshit up or down.

Not to mention the entire damage system is dogshit due to being entirely based on if you're in stealth mode or combat mode, so suddenly a guy that will take 1-2 hits in stealth mode will suddenly take 7-9, same weapon, same shot placement just because ge's "alerted."

Rubbish game.

Division 2
Not only is it a better cosplay game, it has THE best shtf larp scenario

Don't buy the SCAR-L. It's a SCAR-H with a shitty, photoshopped lower. It even says 7.62 on the upper

>mfw bought the MK18. Might buy the Honey Badger

Israel thanks you for your service.

>He doesn't know about the cartel engineered Emergency Automatic Intravenous PCP, Cocaine and Benzos Feed™

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Don't make me buy more shit just to spite you

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>so suddenly a guy that will take 1-2 hits in stealth mode will suddenly take 7-9, same weapon, same shot placement just because ge's "alerted."

Explains why some dudes can take 3 rounds of .338 to the chest and not drop when the alarms are going. Or some taking up to 10 rounds of 7.62 from a lvl 20 SCAR.

>even when i was headglitching

What's that?


I wouldn't buy any of the weapons except maybe the ACS-12 because of the severe lack of shotguns, but only if it was like $1.

>buddy bought the Tac-50
>it doesn't have the 2-3km range
>barely hits targets 1km accurately fully upgraded

Why would you buy the Mk18 when the RG-5 exists?

if the gameplay wasnt so shit id give a damn.

3rd person shooters are for homofags.

Headglitching is where you can shoot over a barrier with nothing but the top of your head visible.

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>Wrong camo
>Wrong gear
>Wrong magazines
>Wrong FAL
Fucking retard, fuck off back to /v/ you no-guns faggot. Playing dress up is for estrogenic larpers who'd rather pretend than do.

I loathe that it's called glitching. It's a just symptom of lazy gun implementation. As in devs making the player camera and projectile spawn point the same thing, so your bullets just come out of your camera and not the gun model.

Only Wildlands is a third person shooter and your bullets do actually come from your gun.

Just talking about the term in general, not Wildlands.

That's odd, because this is a Wildlands thread and those comments were made in relation to Wildlands.

So why the fuck would you reply not be about Wildlands?

>point out flaw with game
>"hurr ur bad lol"

I wouldn't say that it's necessarily "lazy." Spawning the projectile from the muzzle of the weapon leads to other issues for instance in close quarters your point of impact would be lower than your point of aim. Of course this is more realistic but not good from a gameplay perspective. Another issue would be in extreme close quarters you could point your weapon right at somebody but you weapon would clip through their body and your bullets would seem to pass right through the enemy.

Isn't it stupidly grindy tho

I was just using what I've got unlocked. I could do it better but I don't wanna pay real life money for in game gear

Depends on what you want out of the game

>is pro gaydit

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all of the gear for cosplay purposes

It'll be easy to get all the gear if you play on low tier difficulty.
It's only grindy if you try to get best in slot, best stat items and weapons

Can you get it now? I checked the uplay reward section but I didn't see anything.

Not that guy but the picture in is from BF4

>why couldn't we just be able to develop or unlock gun parts like MGSV?

Yeah I sure love having to wait a week for my team of scientists to develop a stock that I already own.

Seriously fuck off you shill.

its in guerrilla mode

That's it? What about the regular campaign?

not available til march 7th

For what purpose?

fuck if I know. Just repeating what ubi says.

Are the any games with similar levels of gunporn and/or OPER8R dressup?

Sorry, *FUN* games.

according to the div 2

Arma and DCS are the ONLY Jow Forums approved video games. Fuck your gay ass thread.

>Arma and DCS are the ONLY Jow Forums approved video games.

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Is Fallout 3 "Jow Forums-tier" as well? What about 4? The only thing that sets New Vegas weapon implementation apart from them is the addition of reloading. That's it.

arma 3 is pretty boring for a solo player desu. mods help

>playing Arma 3
I think I found your problem.

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No game has anywhere near the gunporn as EFT.

>2 years later they finally add some accurate gun

The gun selection for the game was retarded.
>P416 for SF
>no HK416
>random Mexican cartel members with AK-12s, G36s and PP-19 Bizons
>can't install foregrip on the pecheneg

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there is a hk416. It's just locked behind the store paywall

Ground Branch is early access but seems legit.

GB IS legit, but I'm pretty weary of recommending it to anyone. In development since 2012 and still this barebones, I know they're a small team but jfc. It'd be like introducing someone to berserk, knowingly hooking them on something that'll never be satisfyingly finished; which is just unethical.
>is early access
Actually released last August, though that was obviously just to get fresh exposure and therefore capital, since they only just added more than one enemy model in January.

>arma 3 is pretty boring for a solo player desu
Literally fucking what?
A single dynamic combat or recon mission in Arma 3 is a fuck load more entertaining than the gruel that is Wildlands and the sandbox vanilla Arma 3 campaign is fucking incredible.

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I've been playing this series since OFP and I can say without a doubt that Arma 2 is better.

I dunno man, I've installed it 3 times since release (each a year or so apart) and after missing the shit out of it to get more RL gear and guns, I've gotten bored of the gameplay and uninstalled

Modding* the shit out of it

>I've been playing this series since OFP and I can say without a doubt that Arma 2 is better.
Nah, Arma 3 has a way better engine and you can have all of Arma 2's content in 3 so 3 is def the better game.
Take your ADHD meds.