Operation Poo-Storm #12

Operation Poo-Storm #12

Al Jazeera says no casualties, minimal infrastructure damage at Indian raid site: aljazeera.com/news/2019/02/indian-air-raid-site-casualties-mysterious-madrassa-190227183058957.html

>Troops (million)

India: 1.3
Pakistan: 0.63


India: 2185
Pakistan: 1281


India: 4426
Pakistan: 2182

>Navy vessels

India: 295
Pakistan: 197


India: 110
Pakistan: 140

Pic related: Pakistani pilot(middle) who shot down the Indian jets today

Attached: D0ZjWxOXcAANnE1.jpg (1200x896, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>India: 2185


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I hope we get more a2a combat

Are there any confirmations of aircraft being downed? I'm aware only of the Indian MIG-21 wreckage.

You know it all then

so it was one guy who shot down both jets?

you're fucking retarded if you're still looking for 'confirmations'

Anyway here's the official word:

Pakistan government spokesperson said 2 Indian jets shot and Pakistan has custody of one pilot. Pakistan says one jet was downed inside its borders and that's how they were able to capture the Indian pilot. The other jet was downed on the Indian side of the border and they didn't get the pilot in there.

Indian government spokesperson says 1 Indian jet down and accepts Pakistan has the Indian pilot.

Indian's violated Pakistani airspace and flew some jets to blow up a "terrorist camp" They then said the mission was successful and the INDIAN MEDIA claimed they killed 300. No proof has been given at all.

The next day, I'm not sure how it happened Pakistani JF-17's took down apparently two MiG-21's and have captured one of the pilots.

The Indians first violated Pakistani airspace due to the fact a suicide bomber affiliated with the JeM who are believed to be sponsored by the Pakistanis killed 40 of Indias CRPF.

So far only images of two downed Indian jets have surfaced, one went down in the Pakistan zone and the pilot was captured, the other went down in the Indian zone and the pilot was recovered safely.

Attached: 5c7654cd2628983e9144a813-1536-768.jpg (1536x768, 380K)

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Also, there was a 3rd Indian aircraft that crashed, however, Pakistan said it had nothing to do with that crash, and India says that crash was due to technical issues.

holy shit. how incompetent can the poos possibly get?

Just wait

Pakistani PM Imran Khan's address to the nation(and to India) today with English subtitles:


The last words of a dying man.

Helicopters crash on their own all the time. The US had 5 in 2018 alone.

Next president of India, Allah wills it

dead man*

Indian media reporting on this speech

Attached: Screenshot_115.png (566x478, 168K)

The Indian pilot who was captured was beaten by random villagers, and it was a Pakistani soldier who stopped them and took the pilot into custody. As long as they don't torture the guy, the Paks will look pretty good in how they handled the downed pilot situation.



Interview with pilot

Part of me wonders whether this is as far as it goes nowadays, at least outside of africa.

Thanks to modern technology, weaker countries (like pakistan) know they'll be destroyed in a war.
Meanwhile the great powers can't fight each other for fear of nuclear annihilation, or weaker countries for fear of proxy warfare.
Nations like India are left stuck somewhere in the middle: not powerful enough to impose their will without bullets, but strong enough to know they don't have to back down.

It seems downright absurd for pakistan to escalate much further.
Seems just as absurd for India to eat 30 nukes to conquer them.
Without stupid or insane leaders, is there a path to war?


Attached: putin begs the americans.jpg (1034x580, 62K)

Civil wars

>It seems downright absurd for pakistan to escalate much further.
pakistan isnt the aggressor here, at least not at the moment.
its india who you have to watch for right now.

>dumpster multiple Indian aircraft

If the official record that india and pakistan are willing to admit to is just a poolot who got shot down attacking a terrorist camp and everything else is/was just saber rattling, I don't think this will go hot.

Never lose hope.

Indian government is saying it has rejected Imran Khan's offer for dialogue, with the reasoning being that India had not attacked Pakistani military whereas Pakistan attacked Indian military. This is very likely to heat up.

Pakistan attacked India first. They're pretty inbred over there. They'd have to be to keep attacking India like they do. Modi is also looking to act tough but at the same time India needs to do something about Pakistan. Pakistan has a huge problem and India might be the only one that can sort them out.

If the pakis had just let the Indians get away with bombing a hill in the middle of nowhere instead of retaliating by attacking a military installation India would have been able to back off, they have to act now or look like bitches

pretty much. the capturing of the indian pilot also didnt help.

>Pakistan attacked India first.
lol. Clearly you're not well versed in Indian history. I'd rather have the Chinese as a partner than the Indians.

I wouldn't be surprised if that guy gets treated as a national disgrace when he gets home and I'm floored that he was willing to talk. Don't they teach you in India not to say shit when you're captured, much less compliment the guys you're fighting against?

But at the same time, if they had let them this time, you think the Indians would ever hesitate to do it again?
And a country that doesn't respond to obvious violations of their borders by military force are never going to be taken serious by their neighbors.

Pakistan gets their airspace violated constantly, it's a fair trade for being a jihadi breeding ground

i'm pretty sure that's more a "make sure the indians don't think we're torturing their pilots again" thing

>Pakistan gets their airspace violated constantly

This is the first time since the 1971 Indo-Pak war any Indian aircraft had entered Pakistani airspace, tf u mean" Pakistan gets their airspace violated constantly"???????

>tf u mean" Pakistan gets their airspace violated constantly"???????

It was illogical for the great powers to let some incident in the balkans spiral into WW1, yet despite knowing this the logic of the international system at the time drove them into it.

So not only do you have to worry about irrational actors, sometimes rational actors walk into traps of their own making. Hopeful the fear of nuclear weapons has tipped the scales towards risk aversion.

India is not America

Kargil war captured Indian pilots were treated incredibly poorly, if he hadn't made that video Indian media would be getting even more riled up thinking he's being tortured

Same difference. Chalk it up as the cost of doing business with terrorists

Usa can violate any airspace they want, pretty much.

Pakistan does not appear to share your sentiment

Attached: 1437836988969.jpg (522x385, 58K)

The US also technically violated Pakistan's airspace in the Bin Laden raid and managed to avoid being intercepted narrowly, but at the same time Bin Laden's compound was literally a few km from a Pakistan military/government office in plain view to everyone.

Massing around Sialkot.

Attached: F31DA97B-43C3-4ADA-B308-8A045971AA05.jpg (2048x1152, 612K)

Pakistani Dong Feng TEL in the Himalayas, critically survived an Indian covert artillery attack. Minimal damage. Can be fired.

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This is a correct assessment. The less you hear, the closer it is to time.

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Something about that image looks weird as fuck

Literally from Russia

Obligatory strong muslim pic

Attached: muslim bodybuilder.jpg (426x426, 36K)

That's Russia you mongrel. Ever heard of reverse image search?

Russia does not use that camouflage.

That's a sikh

m8 that picture is atleast a year old. You know we can reverse image search right?

sikh gains

Indian Twitter trends

Attached: 8oolajos97j21.jpg (479x767, 47K)

That's obviously helicopter wreckage not a fighter jet

Based and warpilled


Clearly a Sikh.

Russia is sending their Gorshkov frigate to its first long voyage to the Indian sea to monitor Russian citizens working in both Pakistan and India. Hopefully it won't be sunk by either Pakistan or India. Supposedly it's load out was supposedly mainly land attack and some anti sub.

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T-series is going all out. Watch out PewDiePakistan!

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Uh bros why is Russia flying a confederate flag? Based?????

Are you just going to post this every thread to collect (you)s?

>"Pakistani pilot(middle) who shot down the Indian jets today"

OH REALLY OP!? He's got white skins than common Pakistani which got dirtier blackest skins complexion than native African. Sure that bastard are Pakistan? He's probably some Chinese mercenaries hired by shithead dum dum president Khan. Pakistani pilots are known as unskilled cowardly fuck who rather ejecting than facing more capable adversary even when flying more advanced fighter.

There are less than 70 operational attack helicopters between India and Pakistan combined?

Yes that's the forward fuselage of an IAF MiG-21. The other pic was helicopter wreckage.

Bad bait

That was the heli that crashed due to mechanical issues.

So is it happening?

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Shutup rajesh.

the russian confederation

Are attack helis really worth anything in front of jets?

If I have learned anything from this dumpster fire, it's that when two countries hate each other this much at least one of them can't have nukes. I mean, if the threat of nuclear armageddon is not enough to make the average person hesitate to want to kill them all then you aren't having a strong enough deterrent effect. You're basically just padding the death toll when they finally chimp out. If one of them wants to get on the nuke train anyway, force them to flip a coin. If they win they can have nukes, but if they lose their genocide spirit animal gets them instead. If you trust them enough to risk it, then you aren't angry enough to be barred from nukes. Can the UN or someone please hire me I got this shit solved.

We'll know more tomorrow. News from the front has died down because forces are getting mobilized and hiding their intentions now, so civilians are reporting less and less. The militaries are also probably discouraging people from posting on twitter about troops they see going by and such.

On the diplomatic side, China, Russia, and India are having a three country meeting to try and talk something out, but neither India or Pakistan have made concrete moves to lessen tensions.

The night passed and nothing happened it's over.

i hope it is. the shitstorm would be hilarious.

Let the apes fight

>troop build ups on the border
>nothing is happening
Not yet

lot of areas had internet cut and a lot of troops and equipment are still on the move.


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Thread theme. youtu.be/5l4OEJ38aLY

Frogs are also sending a carrier to the Indian Ocean

India accepting foreign recruits?

So what happened to the other Indian MiG-21? Fighter jets don't operate alone. There would have been at least one other MiG-21 in the flight.

Of course not, but that's not even a secondary use for them.

no ones dead. both sides are not really escilating shit. So who cares really it's like a non war war

the whole war seems to be done to get more support for modi. it's kind of sick if you think about it killing your own people just to win some votes.

that's his entire career


based and ronpilled

I need to see more tweets independently verifying this

I'm confused about this too. Sources said the other pilot is in hospital being treated and then people are saying the other MiG fell in Indian territory. Overall, India is saying one pilot is MIA.



>So what happened to the other Indian MiG-21?
downed over Indian Kashmir, so India is probably hushing up footage

This is fairly normal, clashes have been ongoing across LOC since Indian strikes
more and more hardware has been moved in though

>no ones dead.
naw, there's definitely a fair number of dead poos and pakis at this point

Both were shot down, one landed in Paki territory one landed in Indian territory. Paki one is the guy who's currently being held hostage, Indian one was recovered safely