How do you beat it?

Fellow kommandos,

One of the most powerful weapons is information and many agencies use this against us. I am curious if any of you have had experiences with polygraphs and if you have any information for us all to beat the test. I got an exam coming up for an agency and I need to get through this. Who knows, one day this might be a common technique in interagation?

Post what you got. Experience, techniques, criticisms, etc...

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Not sure if it’s a meme or not but at some point during the interview they may say something like “the machine is showing inconclusive/lie/discrepancy etc. is there anything you can tell us that will clarify/explain it?”. It’s a trick. Say no.

Clench your asshole when asked a question. The tests are complete bullshit anyways so it doesnt matter.

Is there a military/NSA pdf floating around on how to beat it? Im sure someone on here has it stored away...

They don't detect whether you're lying. They're designed to make you nervous, make you second guess yourself, get you to open up when they pull this maneuver
It's all about remaining calm, not falling for the tricks, not second guessing your answers

I have a friend who got into trouble with the law, is now a registered sex offender (chick lied about her age at a party, friend had sex with her and got caught) he has to take one of those monthly. He does all the shit hes not suppose to do, they never pick up on it. Even the inventor said it doesn't really work too, more or less just gives you a better vibe about some one.

This. There’s a reason they’re not admissible in court.

So, what felony did you commit?

Ate a neighborhood dog when I was 16

Sounds like you had a ruff childhood

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>tfw OP is hoping to be an ATF agent

Id love to be a cop but I’ve broken a lot of laws and am terrible at lying so this always seemed to be a deal breaker for me even tho I’m totally clean and sober now, it would just make me feel too nervous because of my Christian guilt I get very uncomfortable if I have to lie :(

OP here, nothing crazy just local pd.

I had to do the same before I went into the academy. The lady told me to relax and to be as still as possible and then accused me of lying because I was being still and breathing slowly. They’re gonna try to put pressure on you and get you to admit to something, just stick to your guns and you’ll do fine.

According to the "peckerwoods" put a thumbtack in your shoe,and step on it at every question . My bro beat a felony once with a failed polygraph, volunteer and don't announce the results, my client took the polygraph!!! That kinda shit(alva long)

So you lied and got away with it? Tips tricks please

Have you ever eaten ass before?

>missing the joke

You sound like a meth head

Does that help?

It's not about convincing the machine or the examiner that a lie is true, it's about convincing yourself it's true. Your body takes care of the rest.

>chick lied about her age at a party, friend had sex with her and got caught
>now he's a registered sex offender for the rest of his life and must tell all of his neighbors whenever he moves into a new place
Why is this allowed? Why is the US legal system like this? Seriously I will never understand what keeps Americans from chimping out like they did in 1776, they have all the reason to.

I heard that in order to pass the heart beat fluctuations you have to prepare yourself.
Stand naked in front of the mirror and practice what your alibi is. Make up your mind.

Believe your own alibi. Make it believeable. This helps you spot the changes on your face which can be slowly worked on.
As far as the heart rate is concerned that comes with practicemyou have to lie and not lie at the same time. Meet the alibi requirements mid way. Never outright lie in the beginning, but mix it to your own advantage and believe that it really happened.
Thats what he said. He was a 15 year parole.