/BPG/ Bullpup General
Springfield Armory plz edition
Discuss bullpups, post bullpups, lament paying 2k+ on a gun because the magazine loads behind the trigger
/BPG/ Bullpup General
Springfield Armory plz edition
Discuss bullpups, post bullpups, lament paying 2k+ on a gun because the magazine loads behind the trigger
My first experience of a Bulpup was the L85A2 and I have honestly loved them ever since.
I’m debating whether to get the AUG A3 or wait until the F90 finally gets released.
Also is there any word on whether the vapor ware that is the DT MDR is ever going to be produced and released en Mass
>lament paying 2k+
Not all bullpups are out of poorfag range. RDBs are going for 700-800
So aesthetically I absolutely detest the look of the KelTec stuff.
That being said how do they shoot?
surprisingly well.
with some tuning of the gas system it can shoot very light, the long stroke helps to give it some familiar operation.
Eh, if you hate how they look then I’d just stay away. You buy keltecs for the memery and low price, not because they’re reliable.
My RDB shoots pretty soft, probably thanks to be ing long stroke and has the best trigger I've ever used in a bullpup. Dialing in the gas settings can be a bitch at first but once you've figured out out the extreme ends you can find the golden middle ground where it shoots everything.
Bushmaster M17s as well, at least the old ones.
.308 RDB when
Is there any realistic chance the VHS tape can get to america?
Cyberpunk/10 aesthetic
Fair enough that makes sense, while I’ll likely never buy one but I was still curious.
Trigger pull is much lighter than my AUG, bottom ejection is cool, but it makes it hard to inspect chamber if you ever need to do.
It must, so I can decal it 'Be kind, please rewind.'
Those would sell like hotcakes if they were a decent price.
The stock is so fucking ugly though. I hope there's other options otherwise I'm cutting it off and gluing a milk jug to the back of it.
Patience goy, it’ll be ready when it’s ready
I'm thankful that there's no GRIPZONE!
I always picture this.
Trigger is great (transfer bar pulls rather than pushes), 22 in barrel and it's built sturdy enough to be used as a club.
I imagine the next XD will be quietly unadorned comparatively speaking.
dropped shekels on this thing last week. Whats good bulk 5.56 i can blow thru it? I use Wolf for my 7.62x39 in my WASR. I saw they made 5.56 too. I just need good plinking bulk ammo, im not trying to be some high speed low drag precision shooter.
I really really want an SAR but I've heard the X95 is better in every regard. Plus IWI discontinued the SAR, so would I be throwing my money away if I didn't just suck it up and get the X95?
>cocking handle
What's with all the dubs? Is the bullpup kek's gun?
They are both memes so yes.
anyone here have a K&M Arms m17s?
Imports from Helghan when???
I've heard the VHS2 handling isn't too bad despite the long LOP because there's not much gun in front of the grip
Wolf gold if you want to avoid steel case. Tula, brown bear, or wolf poly if you dont.
Is there any good sorta standard cheaper bullpup that exists maybe around less than 1300$? Probably not?
What happened to the F90 after they made a big advertising push a while back? Did they still not release it for the civilian market?
PPU comes in bulk too, and you can get them in these neat "battlepacks". Slightly more expensive than Wolf Gold tho
Do all bullpup kits for the sks suck ass? Can they be made to work reliably?
>tfw FN no longer imports the FS2000
Less SCAR-16s and more FS2000s pls.
>going balls deep on assault rifle sales when there's talk of looming AWBs
It'll be good, temporarily, for AR vendors, would seem like an expensive mistake for something more boutique, let alone an AUG relative
ok cool. Im used to buying boxes of Wolf for my WASR so if they make 5.56 too then thats fine. Its only ever gonna be used on steel plates at 100 yards and to cull the watermelon and pumpkin herds when theyre in season.
AUG > all other bullpups
I've got the pre K&M one and its pretty great for the price. It's heavy, but the trigger is probably the best of any bullpup.
Sage. Its not perfect, but no one has made a better one yet.
Boatgun master race.
This looks like some Halo shit
I never understood why people are getting an ugly AUG knockoff that's worse than the AUG.
Rarity is cool. I've got multiple AUGs, but I imagine the Atrax would be a cool gun to throw on that pile. Comes with a bunch of features you'd need to buy custom parts for built in, i.e. no need for corvus defensio brass deflector, rails, etc.
They need to make a bullpup SCAR.
Any military that wants a bullpup will get it, and any civilian that wants a bullpup will oggle it. It would literally be bye-bye all other bullpups and hello shit tons of money for FN. I don't get why some companies are so stupid.
Took the spitfire off?
You can still get SARs somewhat cheaper in some places than X95s, so there’s that. Ergonomics are the big difference, X95 moved the charging hand to the middle of the gun instead of a HK style way up at the front. SAR had the bolt release behind the magazine and mag release in front, it’s possible to bump it by accident during use, whereas the X95 has it in a more conventional position above the trigger. Personally I like the aesthetic and ergos of the SAR better, but that’s just me
Thanks for the input. The ergos and aesthetics are the main reason I wanted the SAR over the X95, but several people have warned me including SAR owners I know that I'd be fucked in a few years when it needs repairs
RFB is .308
I'm not doubting the effort that went into this, but that just looks messy to operate
Also, isn't that charging handle a little close to where your face would be?
I almost wonder if the image should be mirrored and the charging handle should be on the right hand side of the weapon
I know but I heard they were planning on making the newer RDB in .308 as well
You could always get a DesertKeK
I want an aug because diehard but I hate the people who own them because they keep projecting and shilling their austrian gun 24/7 like
Also are the triggers really as bad as people claim?
Is that the new model with two ejector pins?
If not you dun goofed.
Though I'm not 100% sure its available in the us yet.
I'm torn between an MDR or waiting until the RDB308 comes out. The MDR ejection mechanism comes off so jams would be easy to clear, but downward ejection seems awesome because you can catch your brass easily. It'd probably also be way cheaper.
I think lel kek must be working on a 308 at this time given the success of the .223 RDB. There's no way they aren't unless they hate money.
F90 or the full auto variant EF88 is not that much of an improvement. We asked for many things like AR mag release, bolt release, STANAG compatible magwell, a trigger which isn't absolute garbage, and an easy mount for a m203.
We got a bolt release in an inconvenient spot, folding charging handle which no one asked for, fixed barrel which no one asked for, pic rails which make gripping the rifle uncomfortable and forced me to change my left hand position when shooting.
If they get released don't buy one it's a meme gun.
t. kangaroo infantryman
I’m somewhat disappointed at hearing this
So if you had the choice would you want the AUG or the F90
The folding handle makes it easier to conceal under a jacket or sling right handed on the back so you won't have shit digging into you. You shouldn't ever use a bolt release even if the gun is equipped with one, that's bad training. Good way to jam your shit up and if it's an actual emergency you'll be fucked. Many platforms don't even have these for that reason.
>fixed barrel
Wait what? The quick change barrel is like one of the major pros of the AUG.
Independence M193 shoots great out of my SAR
damn, just just got a VHS-1
even sprung for the dvd attachment...
If they did, France probably would have gone with that instead of the 416. Missed opportunity imo.
I unironically still want one, bullpops are my fetish.
unironically IMI
I wish Saint-Étienne didn't go out of business. The FAMAS may have been primitive in a way but the mechanism was slick and the external appearance was one of a kind. Newer rifles with similar carry handles never look quite right.
It is a real shame. The FAMAS is one of the most beautiful guns I've ever seen. Maybe not conventionally beautiful. The lever-delay was really cool, and it's heartbreaking that I'll probably never own one.
Nobody even makes clones as far as I know. The closest I may ever get is a VHS, which still looks cool, but a little overdone. None of the FAMAS' clean lines, but at least it has a carry handle.
Oops, that was meant to be the "I simply live with the pain" one. hehe
the standard EF88 derivative F90 was delayed to revise the design to the F90MBR. The F90MBR has all those things you mentioned and will be the version available in the US market. It's not really an AUG, but logistically it's a far better rifle.
depends on what you want to use it for. I am interested in the F90MBR for being a true future-proof platform (at least based on what is being promised), but for most people a Steyr magazine A3 flat-top AUG is hard to go wrong with. Very well proven design.
>fixed barrel
the F90MBR swaps upper assemblies like an AR15 instead of just the barrel. The change was made so when making a unit or armory level change between different configurations mounted optics and accessories would retain repeatable return-to-zero. It's a functional improvement for anyone who does not intend to use the AUG platform as the open-bolt SAW variant.
Lithgow promises much improved accuracy after repeated thermal cycling as a result of the changes, so for the average civilian in the US it won't be a net loss.
I read that bullpups suck and that traditional forward-feeding designs are better.
That's true, I'm just not sure about what I'm getting from a desert meme for the price you pay on them, even if they sorted out whatever issues they had at launch.
The main reason I wanted a lel kek was for the knockoff halo aesthetics and reasonable performance for the price.
I read that you should forward-feed some cock in your mouth.
Yeah, just picked one up with my tax check and taking it to the range tomorrow. Oddly enough i like the positioning of the mag release because i can push my grip thumb back to release it, leaving me offhand free to grab a new mag.
>Doesn't even take cassettes
>lament paying 2k+ on a gun because the magazine loads behind the trigger
Are you one of those idiots that pays MSRP at Cabelas? My X95 was $1600 and came with a SPARC AR
God damn
Kel Tec is stepping there game up
>When you forget to rewind your rifle
Maybe if there is couple of hundred people asking for them they could see possibility in civil market.
My nigga
This raifu makes me feel funny in my shorts. Straight out of Neuromancer.
You get the firepower of a full length barrel .308 in a small package, that's relatively accurate, and has the ability to be shot left sided comfortably.
This has got to be the most practical 5.56 on the market atm. I'm sad I just spent a bunch on an AR for my 5.56 gun. Fucking /arg/ tricked me, I should've listened to /bpg/.