
Going to talk to my recruiter and get an army 11X contract because of that fat enlistment bonus.However, I've told a couple of my buddies and they all ask "WY NOT MARINEZ!!!". And deep down inside I can't help feeling like I'm retarded going Army over Marines for money. What say you faggots?

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>Enlistment Bonus
You sweet summer child
But also fuck those crayon eaters go Army fucker


t. butthurt army fags

-money chasing fags join the army, actual patriots in the marines
-marines have way better uniforms
-marine corps boot camp and infantry training better
-marines just cooler and more badass in general

only thing army has going for it is money

>more opportunities than ever to make $100k/year and live a comfy life
>he wants to throw his life away and die in some sand shithole for Israel or KSA

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inb4 311 posts by 20 IPs

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>not joining the air force and doing a normal job for all the same benefits whilst civilians still think you're an actual soldier

But the 11x bonus sucks

>only thing army has going for it is money
and special operations


If you are joining for money, you shouldn't join at all.

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>he thinks people actually die in the military

Whats the average number of Army Casualties in the year 2010+8?

Am crayon eater, don’t do it.
Go with the army, it’s better in almost every way

lmao are you one of those "gotta defend muh freedoms" retards? Newflash shithead: the military is the ultimate "backup plan" for a lot of young men.

I've lost eleven friends to combat, dead (8/11 during 06-07. All by IEDs but one, who was partially decapitated by an RPG hitting his turret shield. RIP DB

You would get a swift kick in the ass by their families for claiming as much, because our dead are still mounting in the dozen or so combat zones we remain in.

Actually, yeah. My family has served since arriving in our home-nation, and served in nearly every U.S. conflict since the Spanish-American War.

I unironically love the United States, I served because of that. Since discharge, my main effort has been to serve in a civilian capacity. You say that shit as if it should offend me, when it does quite the opposite.

Every single day I'm reminded one way or another, to appreciate the nation to which I belong.

I went over to kill any and all assholes that wanted to harm Americans, and I got my chance, as did they.

We mucked up the place in Iraq worse than we found it, I won't lie. But three other quasi-affluent buddies joined with me. One was lost to a PPIED, another injured in a Chinook crash, and another whose MRAP was tossed by a DBIED like it was a child's toy.

Each one of us regrets parts of our service, but we'd do it again without hesitation.

As I've said elsewhere, you don't join for the money.

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and why not

Don't know specifically what you are referring to.

why don't you join for money

seems like a lot of people do that

and the bennies

what makes them wrong exactly?

The pay is shit ($1,700)/month when I started a decade ago, shouldn't be more than $200 in pay increase since for E-1.

Don't get me wrong, you are not completely wrong. Roughly 90% of my buddies came from poor backgrounds, and in that way the military is still an escape for a lot of guys.

You feel like you are rich because you spent most of the last month in the field/deployed, not because you actually are.

My platoon once did a 152 hour week, and lowly enlisted pay at that measure was less than $3.00/hr. The work will ultimately break your body, if not mind first.

Greatest "benni" is the GI Bill, anything other you need one hundred documents to prove you are eligible. I'm a Purple Heart recipient, and the only benefit that comes with it is free license plates. That's it.

Again must admit, that wealth is relative and that paycheck might seem appealing, but it really isn't when compared to the work load.

The greatest benefit is the ability to build a new home, a secondary family. That was most what a lot of guys were running away from, and honestly I don't blame any for seeking "shelter" elsewhere.

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Just do it for the work and money, whatever you need.
Don't fall for any long winded moral crap about defending freedom, serving your country, etc. because at the end of the day it's the same thing i.e. work for a paycheck.
You've got to pay the bills no matter what you do, and this is a great way to do it.

Do what you've got to do in life, that's how it's always been done.
If it gets too tough, THEN come of up with a reason for why you're doing it in order to justify the shitty time spent.

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>Just do it for the work and money

This is completely true, if you are single with no kids. That is the only way that serving can be profitable.

Money gets stretched the more mouths there are, and being single is the best way to be if you wish to make a career out of serving.