Its 2020

>its 2020
>The Venezeula War has been going for 6 months
>Bernie Sanders has won the election in a landslide with both the Popular and Electoral College Vote
>President Trump has refused to accept the result or concede the election
>He is refusing to leave the White House
What is the legal course of action at this point?
Is the Secret Service or US Marshalls or Army sent in to remove him from the premises?

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Sanders would probably just sit quietly with his hands in his lap and let Trump keep ruling

>doing anything

lol ok bernout.

It really depends on how good he's been at securing the loyalty of the members of each force.

As it is, I think that he would probably get ousted by the FBI or Secret Service without the military needing to get involved.

Closed cage match to the death between the two.

My money would be on trump.

>accepting primaries are the same as elections

Trump didn't want the job to begin with. I'm sure his boss Jared Kushner will convince him to exit gracefully.

He's a big man but he's out of shape, with Bernie its a full time job.

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it started as a gag because The Apprentice wouldn't pay him more, but he is also a narcissist/sociopath that craves attention and adulation

Sorry bro. Ex-bernie sympathizer, he just doesn't have what it takes. He sold out on everything, from guns to foreign policy to trade. He is a weak simp who doesn't have the guts to win. He got gassed up by sycophants but he's less than nothing, he's not the kind of man who rules


I can't believe there are people who believe this. The guy wanted it bad. No matter what you think of him, he is the definition of Carlyle's "Great Man of History"

Wrong. He wanted the publicity so he could boost his brand name.

Sold nothing. Still promoting his social democratic progressive policy platform.
This is a discussion of laws regarding the military
Once he started running and was getting crowds of cheering supporters that became a drug to him
Its why he still holds rallies outside of election years
Supposedly he was going to use the defeat to springboard into a tv network
And he was expecting defeat which is why he was refusing any sort of planning for filling the administration

>promoting his social democratic progressive policy platform
>opposed open borders
>opposed immigration reform
>opposed easing regulations on guest workers
>lukewarm on guns by progressive standards
>licked the asshole of the democratic establishment after it was clear there was a clear conspiracy against him


>look at me I'm more radical than thou
What did you want him to do, run as a 3rd candidate?

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It's real clear he's a dem jackboot now as ordained by the party. They forget people liked him for his policies or maybe that's why they made him the way he is now.
Can't get in the way of the party favorite if you're on the same platform

this made no sense

I'm out of the loop with Sanders and if he plans to make bank on clueless donors again, but he's so old I would hope he's running then dies mid-campaign to further demoralize Dems.

>he's so old
Unlike the young and virile Trump?

trump is the most athletic and healthy president we've ever had you libtard

Not at all, I'm not a fan of bernie at all. I'm just pointing out that the claim that he has been a stalwart defender of progressive values for decades is laughably false.

At least the First Lady is hot. That's better than having a First Lady that looks like a fucking Klingon. A MALE Klingon.

Did you get to the klingon part and then decide it wasnt funny ebough and attempted the double gag?


Feel free to post an actual rebuttal that accounts for Trump's lackluster presidency.

Cope is trying to come to terms that his personal lawyer and RNC Finance chair just flipped in front of the media today...

>cohen went on tv to seethe like a little bitch and say that he hasnt seen any evidence of collusion
oh wow, how will drumpf recover from this one?

>What is the legal course of action at this point?
The American People take this moment of confusion and kill all the kikes in government (see: kill 'em all and let God sort them out)
Then we start removing all the filthy Marxists and niggers from this nation and nuke Israel.
If you don't agree with this then you hate this country and will be hanged by your ballsack on the day of the rope.

He'd be arrested for trespassing.

That would be more trouble than it was worth. They'd just take him down to Florida to golf, and not bring him back.

If there's anything that's burnt out, it's this guy's pepperoni nipples! They're roasting like fucking marshmallows, orange flames rapidly dancing over the highly-flammable starches like the output of a shoddy afterburner. It's nothing compared to the smoke that pours out afterwards. Someone get this guy a cooling rack and wet towel, the frickin' hothead.

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