Is the American army really the best in the world?

Is the American army really the best in the world?
Whenever I read about history and their technology, it's nothing but a telling of inexperience, failures, and obsolete equipment.

>b-but they won WW2

No they didn't, matter of fact, the second they had to face 1/3 of what the red army faced in the battle of the bulge they had to run back and wait long until the winter weather eased their ability to connect their troops to their already obsolete logistic, only to fight a wreck of the panzer divison...

It seems the only strength the US army has is to abuse technologically advanced weaponry and win wars without "fighting" them, by minimizing man effort and casualties.

It's a fair doctrine, but is the army itself really good? Could the US army ever beat historically experienced armies like the UK, Russia, Germany or China?

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>not posting the better pic

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We have lots of stuff. More stuff than everyone else.

>No they didn't,
meanwhile 4 german planes were downed in the west for every 1 downed in the east, and the luftwaffe was the single most expensive branch of their army costing 40% of their wartime economy
likewise, germany spent 10% of their wartime economy on submarines, almost all built for the purpose of interrupting north atlantic trade

then we go into "hidden costs" accrued in the west
panther production of spare parts fell 40%, aggravating reliability problems and forcing cannibalism of damaged panthers
production of panthers itself was slowed down because the plant that produced the maybach engine suffered numerous bottlenecks due to the constant bombing
thousands of 8.8cm guns were relocated to protect germany from air attacks, and the aluminum they consumed in shells cost them about 4000 planes worth in opportunity cost

while the soviets were the largest player in the ground war
the US contributions in the air and at sea were huge, even though their toll came economically rather than in the form of dead bodies

>Is the American army really the best in the world?
Probably not. But only one way to find out for sure.


Big brained anglos use machines and factories to achieve foreign policy goals.

Small brained slavs use green conscripts, cheap equipment, and large numbers.

>Whenever I read about history and their technology, it's nothing but a telling of inexperience, failures, and obsolete equipment
No, it isn't. Not really. Provide some examples, I'm sure it'll be entertaining for you to flail around in retardation.

Not the best, but the most powerful due to blend of size and quality

What you smoking Maynard?

>Is the American army really the best in the world?

Name one other world military that stood by while their whole country got slowly invaded and conquered.

NO OTHER MILITARY even comes close to the treason and ineptitude that the US military committed.

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>Is the American army really the best in the world?
>is so festering with corruption that it's incapable of even designing uniforms anymore

The US Military has been in the shitter since 9/11 and it's probably going to lose the next war badly. As in institution, it's rotting from the inside out, standards and enlistments are plummeting, the people are divided, and its leaders have IQs in the double-digits.

America is fucked. The sooner you realize that the better.

Attached: US Military before and after 2001.jpg (960x310, 118K)

>ITT: assblasted yuropoors and retarded schitzo Jow Forumsniggers

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fuck off phil

Of course it is, by the sheer scale of its resources and the fact that it has consistently defeated any technologically and economically superior foe, and always maintains a favorable damage/loss ratio against virtually all opponents

>So devastatingly defeated that they still have an inferiority complex about it almost 240 years later
>Pushed back with ease
>They still glow in the dark 74 years later
>Soviet Union
>Literally driven to collapse through mere economic trolling and the fact that they couldn't afford a war against Afghanistan
>Legendary tactical and technological superiority
>Any dusty middle eastern shithole
>No competition at all

The military isn't allowed to involve itself in domestic affairs. If you want to blame someone for the US being overrun with shitskins, blame politicians and lynch them. The military isn't allowed to.

dont fucking reply to that guy. hes the same schizo who posts every thread.
hes probobly a texinigger.

why is it when its early euro hours that post quality always drops like a fucking rock on this board?

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>domestic affairs
Getting invaded and conquered is not a domestic affair you dumb retard. ZOG media poisoned your brain. Wake the fuck up.
Pointing out that the country's conquered is somehow schizo? LOL... nice try Moshe.

I'm not phil.

Phil is a stormfag

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>It seems the only strength the US army has is to abuse technologically advanced weaponry and win wars without "fighting" them, by minimizing man effort and casualties.
You say that like it's a bad thing. Sorry the US has the edge on R and D.

>obsolete equipment.
You contradict yourself a few sentences later.

every single Jow Forumsnigger who believes this shit is a schizo bar none.

every single post you make proves it.

youre not fooling anyone, phil.

I truly believe war is about logistics, logistics and logistics. Morale and technology play a certain role, but ultimately war is about having the right assets in the right place at the right time. The US military, for all its shortcomings is the best in the world at logistics, and has been since WWII.

I'm not phil goddamnit

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I've heard this before here and I would generally accept it to be true but how do we know that? Is it just due to the incredible force projection the US has or is it organizational?

Which part is not true? Why don't you try to convince others?

>No they didn't, matter of fact, the second they had to face 1/3 of what the red army faced...
Funny how frequently people bring up "World War 2" and then only go into talking about the European theater. Maybe because going outside of that aspect makes their point that "America did nothing" collapse.
When you look at the US military, during an after WW2, and into the present, you will see some failures. It still has a better record than any other force that could even be deemed close-to-comparable, because the reality is that nothing else really does compare. The last true threat to the USA died in 1991 and the China is still decades away from reaching that kind of power.

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They both reinforce each other. Being tasked with incredible global force projection requires the organizational know how. The US military is operating at a logistical level far beyond any of its peers.

China is currently sweating because two third world shitholes are acting like they may go into a real war.

The Poos and Pakis could tank their economy if they fuck up the sealanes. And China can't do much about it if they do, because if they support one, the other will see nuclear weapons as more attractive.

We really should have flags like fuller Chan Jow Forums

Yes, the United States Armed Forces are the best, objectively, the world, as a fighting force. The reason you see so many "failures" and shortcomings is because a good army/person/anything knows their shortcomings. The United States Military constantly highlights their shortcomings, even the most minute ones, and constantly improves on them. This is to ensure that the force is as balanced and lethal as possible. If you look at any conflict the United States have been in, virtually 100% of them have insane KD ratios for US troops vs the enemy, that is even for Vietnam. Everyone jokes about Vietnam, however if we had a stronger war effort there, which would have been impossible, we would have won. The United States also constantly has training operations across the globe, and with many other nations. Recently there have been a shit ton, one single one was in Thailand. We also make up at least half of many of the operations we are a part of. For example in ISAF (international security assistance force) in Afghanistan with NATO and some other nations, the US made up more than half the troops. We seriously are the best military by far. To simplify this, one only has to look at our numbers to realize our military might. Specifically numbers of aircraft, ships, the numbers of types of ships like aircraft carriers, etc. The fact that we have more than (12?) aircraft carriers, all of which are nuclear (not counting smaller (landing?) carriers), when other countries only have 1 at most, with France having the only other nuclear aircraft carrier. I could go on but I should sleep.

Sorry I forgot that you were focusing on the army. You only have to look at the sheer number of fucking helicopters, drones, good tanks, and other shit that the Army has to know that it is fucking jacked.

Our soldiers are also extremely professional, educated, and equipped, much more so than many other militaries. You may laugh at that statement however, everything really isn't as professional as it seems. The US military just looks unprofessional because it is extremely transparent and as I said, likes to highlight its downfalls. Other militaries rarely do things like this. They just keep face and are shot though with lots of corruption.
On the surface the American military's troops seem retarded and stupid. However, on the inside, every military is like that to a much higher degree. The US have just managed to keep morale high whilst keeping good discipline whereas other countries cannot really do that. Most countries must at least somewhat choose between discipline and morale, however, the US and Western militaries don't have to.

Basically if you saw the shit that really happens down to the troops in the Chinese and Russian militaries like you do with the US military, you would see how much worse they are.

Nathan Bedford Forrest please fuck off, or at the very least start using new picture with different filenames

How is losing more men fighting one enemy superior to the U.S.?

Serving with burgers in the middle east you see how they work... and i dont particularly like it.

The american military is very inefficient logistics wise (have double the stuff of the rest of allies but spending like 5 times more money); too specialized in the bad way (quite competent combat units but a fuckton of useless welfare-soldiers wearing baggy as fuck uniforms and with rifles hanging of their shoulders as woman purses) and lots of goblinoid personnel (spaniards have some native south american manlets, french some african "really black" guys, brits some of their own pink skinned big eared dumb kids... but the US is the brownest, ghettoest bunch).

muslims are way too obsessed with Israel. Been like 50 years since the six day war m8 get over it

No they didn't, matter of fact, the second they had to face 1/3 of what the red army faced in the battle of the bulge they had to run back and wait long until the winter weather eased their ability to connect their troops to their already obsolete logistic, only to fight a wreck of the panzer divison...

We brought the japanese empire to it's knees practically on our own, while simultaneously giving free shit to our allies and still maintaining a second front in europe. Don't give me that we could won entire war without usa help bullshit you faggot. Vatniks and bongs were kissing our asses for war supplies and intervention into the conflict.

I would rank it as follows:

1. US
2. India
3. UK
4. Russia
5. China
6. France

Mostly true, but i think we are mistaking "most powerful" and "best". US has obviously the most powerful military in the world by far; if it is the "best"... i dont think so.

>The military isn't allowed to involve itself in domestic affairs.
The military has a fleet of aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, stealth fighters, stealth bombers, thousands of tanks, APCS, millions of rifles and spare parts kits. Nobody tells them what to do.

>India #2
>UK over Russia and China
And are you by any chance from India?
This ranking is honestly retarded. All of the ones you mention are major powers, sure, but get real nigga.

>No they didn't, matter of fact, the second they had to face 1/3 of what the red army faced in the battle of the bulge they had to run back and wait long until the winter weather eased their ability to connect their troops to their already obsolete logistic, only to fight a wreck of the panzer divison...
How's it feel knowing the Soviets were so inept after that midget Stalin's fuck ups that the great stronk socialist fraternity had to have the capitalist US to supply effectively their entire economy for the whole war?

in effect a small us auxiliary
downsized its military to the dirt, refuses to fight along side its allies because it loves muslims, essentially inexperienced to modern combat outside nato wargames. literally irrelevant by choice.
fought two wars with Chechnya, lost one of them, suffered heavy losses in both because of incompetence. "byat well just roll unsupported armor columns into city, what could go wrong" dont even get me started on their sandbox adventures oh lord. Russian doctrine is simple: shell the city into jelly then send in the drunkards to sweep it up.
Really? An armed force thats never been in a war is experienced? fucks sake.

desert storm was the closest thing to a peer-peer conflict since ww2. Go look up how much of a beat down that was. But i can already hear it:
>muh veitnam
You wouldnt say rhodesia lost their bush war would you?
>muh sandbox
Go look up how well russia did in the sandbox. Actually ill save you the time. Just as bad.

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>2. India
LOL'd fucking hard, Pajeet.

POO IN THE LOO and take a swim in shit.

PS: and go back to india.

Not now, we have filled our military with barbarians that do not even care for the USA.

This 10000%

It was a shock because our number crunchers thought it would be a retarded move on the German’s part given their man and materiel situation. Lo and behold they lost it all in a month to no gain.

>Is the American army really the best in the world?

No. They have some good troops but nowhere near as many as they should have considering its size and the amount of money spent. Many are just useless mouth-breathers. The US Army and marines mass-produce "good enough" soldiers who can win with overwhelming air/arty/logistical support against a dumb opponent like saddam.

>We brought the japanese empire to it's knees practically on our own
Oh boy. You completely ignore the huge Japanese forces in Manchuria and Burma. Burma was the biggest defeat the Japs ever suffered until the Russians invaded Manchuria and crushed the Kwantung army in days.

The US floored China. Hard. Several times even, back when it was still an Empire during the Boxer Rebellion, to the Korean War where China had the advantage of knowing US strategy and tactics but still got skewered to the point it had to pull out, and their Air Force outfought the Luftwaffe and IJAF on even terms.

I really can't find fault in your logic. Thanks for the blackpill, fuckface.

Imagine being this naive.

The USA is historically a non-white country so when. It comes to destroying white people they are very excellent. They just don't do well against non-white armies because they see themselves in non-whites and hesitate using full force against them.

Paki detected. India is a literal superpower on par with the EU and the US while you Pakis are a 3rd world shithole filled with ugly shitskins that the whole world laughs at. Damn it feels good to be an Indian.

If you want proof look at the conflicts that the US has won versus the ones it hasn't.
American Revolution: fighting against white Christian monarchy to mix with Natives and establish degenerate democracy
Civil War: burned the shit out of the South because New Yorkers have always had a hard on for killing whites and they really really loved negroes
WWI: Killing white people
WWII: Killing white people with a side of killing Asians civilized by whites
Waco/Ruby Ridge: Burn everything, kill women and children, use Jew media to make sure no non-whites dare have empathy for them

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, all failures.

>The USA is historically a non-white country so when

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>implying its not
We literally fought a war because people we're sad about niggers. That's a pretty non-white thing to do.

This is the real answer. No one, and I mean NO ONE in the world has their shit together, and can keep it together on the scale we're operating at. Institutional inertia, nepotism, liberal cuckaduck, women. Did I mention women? There's no way you build a well functioning organization this large, let alone a military, and have it operate perfectly. Frankly, it's amazing it works at all. Take the wins you can get.

Imagine the rest of the world besides China and Russia without the US funding their military, and defending them. Yes we're the best Army. Because we would be far superior to Russia and China instead of just a little if we weren't worried about being everyone's big brother. But that's where the money is.