/gq/ - gear queer

Arc Lights in Indian Country Edition

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just stick to your discord you faggots

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So dumb question but are you supposed to wear a backpack over a PC? Seems like the straps would get in the way.

Been looking at babby's first plate carrier and so far, Mayflower looks to be the way I'm going. However, I'd still like to hear from you fags what you run for the lightest PC/SAPI Medium combo. Trying to cut my combat load weight since half my shit is old Vietnam surplus.

this desu

Have you checked out the fantastic plate carrier thread available direct to you right at the top of the catalog?

Yes, that thread is not fantastic, as it is full of retards that don't own plate carriers. Looking to ask /gq/ specifically since you lot seem to have access to limitless disposable income.

The APC is pretty solid, though I don't recommend SAPIs since they're ICW and most people don't bother to get soft armor.

Recommendations for comfy aftermarket shoulder straps?
Currently looking at the HSGI option.

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Figured I'd go with SAPI medium plates because that's the most common cut that fits my build. Did the nipple/bellybutton measurements that the pastebin described.

What plates are you running right now?

He's talking about actual SAPI plates, not SAPI cut. Issued SAPIs are only Level III when combined with soft armor, vs. other available SAPI cut plates that can be found at level III or 4 standalone. ESAPI would be fine as well.

Gotcha, that makes a lot more sense. Definitely don't want to buy the wrong thing, I don't need to spend extra on soft armor to get the same protection for my chest.

Looking for a chest rig.
Opinions on X-harness vs H-harnesses.
Does one style work better or worse for different body types?
>t. muscular, broad shouldered manlet

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If the situation demands
Fuck you
Those are good if a little annoying because of the little affixing straps
Level 4
Fuck Steel
Spall coating on steel is a meme
Fuck steel

All straps are (or should be) adjustable. I like H but Rhodesian Back works too

Thoroughly recommend HSGI. Wasn't until I tried them that I realized what an actually quite horrible thing to wear a plain JPC is. Eagle do a cheaper option but it lacks the gooey neoprene of the HSGI ones.

I've got broad shoulders and hate shit rubbing my neck. I feel like the H option will be better.
But some people have said the H straps are better if you're a beanpole.

Dudes who pose like this are total chudds.

If you're in the shit there's not a lot of time to think about a Kodak moment

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Have you never looked at old combat photos? There's always dudes doing poseing similar to that or other
>In the shit
Woah there Audi Murphy, I didn't realize LARPING in the woods behind your house and posting in GQG was the same as "the shit"

Well do you mean SAPI medium as in the size or the actual SAPI plate.

lmao you know what "cool" guys mostly do outside of raids in Afghanistan right?

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s m h

>war is 100% combat

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got the d3crm and flatpack. best decision I've made, waiting for the AR mag inserts to get back in stock. can't wait to play on the range with it all

I want to drop $450 on crye pants, kneepads and a combat shirt, all in multicam black

am I a faggot?


I want good clothes for the happening :(

then why would you want multicam black

D3CR Micro or Spiritus Micro Fight?

>I want good clothes for the happening
If you want good clothes for the happening you then you don't want to look like an autist. >Everyone else is evacuating because of Natural Disaster or Hazmat incident
>LE securing area
>See weird neet in multicam black with a rifle acting suspicious
>gets shot
>Should have just evacuated or at least worn normal clothes, taken smart actions to mitigate risk, and heeded warnings


I prefer H. Easier/quicker on and off, more comfortable. X tends to keep the rig more snugly secured but I haven't found the H to be wobbly or slack. The UWIV's HH harness is top comfy. The D3's H and X are tough, but not as built up as Mayflower/Velocity's.

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>Everyone else is evacuating because of Natural Disaster or Hazmat incident

not that kind of happening friend

its more of a general answer, not feedback on your choice of clothing.
not that Crye helps change this in any way

I need a good source for hesco plates.

Officerstore just got them back in stock, nigger. If poorfag then order one with free shipping and wait for the $10 coupon for the next one. Otherwise, just order two.

You sound delusional

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shoo shoo socialist

Well what sort of area do you live in?

>You sound delusional
Isn't that why this support group was formed?

Do i get 2 of the same plate for a PC? Does the curve go on your back reversed?

Anyone here ever worn a Crye Airframe and Ops Core helmet? Which do you prefer? Pros and cons? I've worn the Opscore ones, but never an airframe, trying to decide which to get.

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Yes. You get two of the same plate.

Looking for feedback on this new setup. Since getting another MAV so that I have both a split front right and a one piece, I've moved my normal doctrinal stuff into the latter. This leaves my split front right for more unconventional stuff. So, this is my start on a good base.

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Is there a better brand for about the same price as these hescos? These seem heavy.


Best plates for a Ferro Slickster?

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Airframe is heavier and the venting provides a minimal increase in comfort, it also looks like a penis.

The fuck you have a tape measure for?

Those guys posed so long that their faces fell off

What micro chest rig would you recommend?

None, micro rigs are lame, just use a belt lmao

Because you can use both

Yes, typically people run the same plate front and rear. Some will run a rectangular plate in the rear because it gives marginally better coverage and does not impede range of motion like it would on the front. Multicurve is more important for the front due to how a Jow Forums dude is built. A single curve conforms pretty well to the back. Both concave surfaces face the body regardless of which style you choose. There will typically be a "This Side Towards Body" indicator on a piece of armor, whether plate or soft panel.

oh s h i t, but at the same time why bother with a micro rig when normal sized chest rigs exist. Especially when the spiritus is ridiculously expensive for what amount to a nylon box with velcro and the Haley is a lot cheaper but even at $135+$30 insert+shipping, you might as well just bought a normal chest rig lmao.

I already have a D3CR and want something smaller that I can throw on a slick pc

Thanks buddy.

>Is there a better brand for about the same price as these hescos?
In that price range you are typically best served with Hesco or Highcom - and both will be heavy. To drop weight, you will start spending money. You can get an L3 plate and add additional Kevlar behind it to achieve an L4 rating with some plates. Regardless, the Hescos will WIDELY outperform steel plates with regard to spall. Do not fucking do it. Pic related.

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I use a slick as well and t b h get a kangaroo shingle insert or pouch placard

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Route Recon and Survey stuff. Measuring struts on shitty little bridges. Also for measuring thickness of steel for blast calcs.

no ty

Not to be an ass would it not be easier to have one of the small flexible tape measures rather than that bulky thing

It isn't too bulky honestly. And I need it rigid so I can hold it out across gaps, because I can't always reach the other side of the dealio.

Like I said, that kit is my weird/universal one, this is my standard setup.

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Haley Micro; already got the features
Spiritus is piecemeal bullshit under the guise of “modularity” also bronies

Or you could get a slick Micro like the HSGI and put this on it.
It’ll depend on what you want for mag retention.

You look like an OC. As long as it works for you, I’m not going to tell you otherwise but I would recommend moving some of your bigger admin/pogeybait items to a camelbak with pockets or some belt pouches. Redistribute the weight as you see fit. It’s easy to load everything up front but you’ll feel the difference if you start diversifying.
Be like the engineer and go outside today /gq/

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Piecemeal didn't seem too bad, especially since I'd prefer hook and loop over zippers. But it lost me at bronies. No can do.

I like zippers for a multitude of reasons but I gotcha; both have their trade offs. I honestly don’t know what was happening with the brony thing a couple years ago. The mtek helmets, spiritus patches, the world got weird on me for a second.
On a related note; I’ve been using the “one big pouch up front” thing ever since I got my first blood bag way back in the schoolhouse. I’m glad the rest of the world is catching on.

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>go outside today /gq/
There is a pretty omnibus style study due to be released over the next two years regarding skin cancer and overall morbidity rates related to levels of Sun exposure. This is the first study I have personally seen on the topic that was not myopic. The synopsis of the findings of the study: high Sun exposure is correlated to twice the incidence of skin cancer but low Sun exposure is correlated to eight times the risk of DYING from skin cancer, in addition to the various vitamin D deficiencies that retarded doctors have been saying is not related to lack of Sun exposure.
tldr; enjoy the fucking Sun in moderation and forget about the stupid sunblocking chemicals that degrade into carcinogens.

Source. I never have enough derm. Also, introduce slow and cover up if you’re sensitive to burning. You’ll get used to it over time.

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I live in Southern California. The only place to “escape” is the mountains and desert. Now there is a lot of forested area but its not exactly a place to hide. Thats why I think a more urban camo like Multi Black is appropriate. I also like the aesthetic and my plate carrier is already black. its a militant but still greyman look

Im interested in crye because of the nice pants with kneepads and the combat shirts which have good materials.

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>Go to REI
>Assemble clothing
>place plates on top

True REI is an option, but do the clothes have ripstop, a dickload of features and fire resistant?

Just curious what some other people on here like to buy as far as clothing goes. Dont some of you spend a lot on gorkas and whatnot?

Looking like that is the exact opposite of gray man. Gray man is looking like an unremarkable normie that no one will remember. You want those pants and that combat shirt because they look fucking cool like Solid Snake, just own it, dude. Buy it, but you're paying for marketing and for actual functional purposes you'd be better off wearing ordinary clothes.

>shitload of features, fire retardant etc,
Yes. Depends on what you buy. You would do well to tease arch other brands who make stuff that gets issued: Patagonia, massif, etc.
What he said. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about but the golden rule is: make sure it’s comfy, appropriate to your environment, and train in it.

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>You want those pants and that combat shirt because they look fucking cool like Solid Snake, just own it, dude.
No no I admit that, I want to look “scary” in a happening (government goes tryanny mode and fudd uprising type)

Yes I realize crye is overpriced. But if Im wearing a full plate kit I might as well wear appropriate clothes too? If I want to look inconspicous I’d wear normal clothes and use my chicom under a jacket.

Im talking about clothes for fighting in urban combat.

PS dear FBI im asking for a purely hypothetical situation

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>Thats why I think a more urban camo like Multi Black is appropriate

Niggga, wut. Even in the blackest part of Compton, everything that isn't a nigger or an Escalade is beige, tan, or brown.

>implying urban camo is for blending into concrete

Maybe pic related is better?

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Short of honest to goodness RWDS, you’re not looking cool or scary. The only way to do that is to look like you have authority. If you’re fighting full-scale land war against tyranny, you’re better off with numbers than costumes.
I liked that Punisher Arc too, but MC Black is not going to meet your goals.

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If you want to buy something you think is cool - go for it, just don’t go around REEEEing about how smart it was.
Also, post black plate carrier

Edgy I know but i think its cool

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Get a PCU jacket. Join the 2005 GWOT JSOC master race.

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and the back

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Ive thought about it and honestly probably would if I had a lighter colored PC but since I got black I figured might as well go solid snek / swat with it

WTC Comtac IIIs for 150 or less

I feel like the smaller in size these are the more expensive they get.

Keep in mind the Spiritus guy is a furry/brony and always posts pics of naked women with dogs on instagram. In one of them she has a bunch of scratches on her abdomen and legs because when dogs fuck they hold on with their front limbs and they will scratch you. So he's probably a dog fucker too.

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Its heavy? Like considerably so, or just that its heavier than an OpsCore but still lighter than a MCH?

Doesn't the airframe also have less ballistic rating than an ops core or something?

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Post plates/neutered AR

Are 10x12 hesco plates a waste of time and money for someone that is 6'5"?

Depends, would they cover your heart and lungs?

Theyre IIIA’s from AR500 and I got a battle raifu

What should I have in/on my pack? I've got an extremely basic first aid kit, a ground sheet/rain poncho, and I'm planning to attach a pouch for my folding shovel on that molle bit on the front. I also have a bladder for the main compartment.
I've got a survival in a can thing that I might throw in there and I'm currently looking for mres.
What should I consider adding/changing?

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heres my shitty gear ive managed to scrape together.

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what is this for, a SHTF situation / bugout bag?
if it is then you want nothing more but the essentials you will need for the location you're in

It's not ideal if you are stacked at that height. Tough call. They are certainly better than nothing. Resale on eFag is pretty high for when you upgrade to Large.

looks pretty good. I’ll wait for someone to give you shit for the thigh holster