>Pic unrelated
Just wanted to check, is there much in the way of socialist gunclubs?
Given what little I have seen from mainstream media, I suspect the answer is probably not.
>Pic unrelated
Just wanted to check, is there much in the way of socialist gunclubs?
Given what little I have seen from mainstream media, I suspect the answer is probably not.
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Well most socialists are anti gun because an armed populous typically isnt conducive to an over reaching government
Check out the Socialist Rifle Association.
The same socialists who armed themselves over the bad orange "litteraly hitler" are the ones who vote for the politicians who want to strip those rights away. They are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical boot licking autists who need to be gassed.
Considering socialists are a bunch of cucks who don't like guns and think only the racist police should have them, you're fresh out of luck.
But good luck. I'd hate for a civil war to be one sided.
Karl Marx clearly says
>Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.
I dont know what socialist you have been talking too but they sound like some lame centralist.
it's because they're dumb burgers who've been indoctrinated into thinking socialism is synonymous with government and they're too lazy to read enough history to figure out that it grew from anarchist movements
if you're looking for honest to god violent communists antifa is your only bet, but no, most gun clubs are either apolitical or conservative
a few are libertarian
yeah, the democrats are all gungrabbing authoritarians in jackboots and the republicans are religious nuts
Nobody actually understands whatever ideology they're killing each other in the streets over. It's entirely based on the tribal political structure of bashing the other people's heads in if they don't agree with the thing you believe in despite never picking up a book and reading about it in your life.
In short, every modern political movement is either corrupt jackasses, thugs working for the corrupt jackasses in some way, or numales to buff the vote count and get eaten by thugs that work for the same corrupt jackasses they're voting for as a PR stunt
The Socialist Rifle Association is the only one off the top of my head.
I think the IWW might still be relatively pro-gun for being a worker union. There really needs to be some advertisement for pro-gun, pro-fitness socialist groups. I'm sick of all these watered down red liberal shitbags.
Most socialists are pro self-defense, and community defence
Dude lays it out very clearly, Communism is basically a post scarcity society kind of like startrek, Socialism (taking the stuff that makes rich fucks rich and instead using it to make everyone mildly wealthy) is essentially the path to that destination.
The USSR an oft cited example of failure had pretty much every card stacked against it (got its better half royal fucked to rubble by both world wars) and then in spite of the richest and most powerful half of the planet vigorously stomping on it, rose to become rival to the USA, despite starting on epic difficulty while the USA was on easy mode the Commies still caught up. If you take that and instead start with some of the richest and most powerful countries instead of the poorest, you get to star trek levels of post scarcity pretty quick.
The Soviet Union was eventually allowed to survive because they agreed to trade with the western world. Stalin wanted an autarky and that was not to be allowed by the established global order.
>red liberal shitbags
Good luck user. They are the constituents of most socialist groups and they only see arms as a stepping stone to control.
That is a morbibund organization. The main organizers are pretty much entangled in the larger scheme of organized labor and it would take a lot of power to displace corporate labor.
lol WTF was the cold war ?
Also stalin was a shit and they guy your thinking of was Gorbachev, he fucked up a whole lot of shit with his dumb ass knock off capitalism.
based apolitical cynicism user
They never caught up, retard.
Who was the cold war against then?
We are talking right after the revolution of 1918 right? The white army was called off after the Soviets agreed to start trading again. Lenin dies and then Stalin takes over. WW2 and then the Cold War happens because there is no buffer between the Soviets and the Western nations.
There was never any indication in the west after the 1920's that the Soviet Union would ever be removed from Russia.
your mother's fat ass blocking the fucking sun you dunce
ah yes the country that collapsed into itself is definitely the victor here
Yes, they have been fairly thorough at the historical editing.
>founded in 1919 then rapidly grew until it was eventually crushed as part of the murder of the American labor movement during/after WW2
Thank FDR and the AFL and CIO for that.
If a skilled solider with a shitty gun takes down 20 enemies and hold off a numerically superior and over all better equipped force, but then dies in the end are they just the loser?
That sort of fellow generally seems to get regarded as a ferocious hero relentless in the face of adversity.
well i guess you could consider the mujahideen ferocious heros in the soviet invasion when you put it like that
Thats why the CIA liked them so much as I understand it.
except your hypothetical "soldier" literally got drunk and shot himself in the dick
If thats how you want to sum up 60 years against the most powerful portions of the planet while on a shoestring budget, that's up to you.
considering that the main killer of soviets, was other soviets, its hard to portray them as anything other than idiotic
also kind of ignorant to call their budget "shoestring" while they funneled weapons and money into satellite states and neighboring communist countries
Maybe reddit is more your speed, little guy.
If they hadn't done that they would likely have been vigorously "liberated".
Russians shot their dick off when they drove a wedge between them and their fellows China and most Asia. Then trying to ignore china and get into a spending war with the most powerful mixed economy country in the world (US) instead of updating their crumbling infrastructure and corrupt politics.
They were their worst enemy, US won because it was the better militarily which was because it was better economically, which was because it didn't dick over its major allies (like Russia had done to china)
They had nukes, they were not getting liberated while they still had those and the same is true for any nation with nukes.
N Korea is the greatest example of how to keep your nation from getting invaded. Have nukes, let everyone know it and no one will fuck with you.
Karl Marx also says
>The whole proletariat must be armed at once with muskets, rifles, cannon and ammunition, and the revival of the old-style citizens’ militia, directed against the workers, must be opposed. Where the formation of this militia cannot be prevented, the workers must try to organize themselves independently as a proletarian guard
It seems he wants to disarm everyone except his merry band of faggots aka "the proletariat". If you are considered part of the "old style citizens' militia" such as the 2nd ammendment provides for, no more rights for you.
i knew he was a fucking faggot.
>gun rights for me but not for thee
That was a legitimate fuck up, also somewhat symptomatic of a number off issues with the USSR and china.
Both China and the USSR lacked any real foundation to build upon (pretty sure thats why Marx said capitalism was something of a stepping stone to socialisim) and the pressure of keeping the promises of socialism while having to basically build everything from scratch pushed them to some stupid shit.
Do you work for money or make money from paying others to do all the work? If you actually work for money your the proletariat.
opinion disregarded
Avoid John Brown gun club, they are just LARPers.The SRA is really the only good one out there
Are you high? We are the proletariat. And unless you own a means of production, that means you as well.
Hey now, some of them are just idiots.
Do you think anti-gun politicians want their body guards to give up their guns?
Or just everyone else?
The Neo-Nazis same the same shit.
Dumb fucking nigger.
Kill yourself.
If the CIA quit modeling then it might be a different story.
I do own the means of production, though. I own land and heavy machinery. Why should I let you homos ruin it?
God you people are fucking retarded.
name a socialist state that hasn't enacted gun control
>post scarcity
Not before we become an interstellar, space-faring species.
Socialists need to he purged along side the commies and Nazis.
Ask Ian and Karl.
Castro encouraged his population to own guns and successfully fought off foreign supported invaders so if anything socialism and gun rights are perfect for each other
Fucking commie liar only party members in the "Revolutionary Defence Commitees" can have access to them and they're kept in state armories, you'd get executed for taking a gun home.
“When no other recourse is possible, all citizens have the right to struggle through all means, including armed struggle, against anyone who tries to overthrow the political, social and economic order established in this Constitution.”
we still have better rights in some respects here but Cuba is not as hostile to gun ownership as one would expect of a commie socialist regime
Only socialism could have the resources of an international empire and have that be a "shoestring budget"