Best gun to use against a swat team

"Completely theoretical" what weapon setup would be optimal to fight against the swat and their armor. Asking for a friend.

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Do you stop glowing at the end of your shift? Or are you the same guy all day?

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Shouldn’t we be asking you?

probably what this guy did.

>I am almost decent. I'll be right there. 20 more seconds, please!

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Even if you managed to out-gun your local SWAT team, you're still fucked since the next escalation would be to call the National Guard. Then they either gun you down through vastly superior numbers or just airstrike your ass like they were going to do to Killdozer.

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Your best bet would probably be to disappear for a while and then show back up somewhere extremely public, but not filled with SWAT team members. Or walk into a police station, unarmed. That way they can't just say you were about to shoot them.

depends on what your local PD guys wear.

Id look in your local papers for big happenings that bring out the team. It will give you a good idea of what gear and weapons they run.

MOST smaller town pd's just run basic bitch ar's and PC's with steel plates.

What is important to watch for is armor that covers the full thoracic cavity.

Teams that dont wear the super heavy full body armor including shoulder pads, groin pads, gut length armor etc... usually take casualties on calls that go wrong even being as geared up as they are. There are plenty of instances of them no-knocking someone and getting ripped apart.

In terms of setup, any long arm with a large capacity magazine. Whats going to be more important is

(this is entirely theoretical)

theoretically defending yourself against some theoretical people the most important thing is shot placement. Front facing headshots are a sure winner. The next best is gut and groin shots which are fairly easy to pull off. All else fails, hits above the plate and below the neck are fairly effective. Hits to femoral artery in the upper thigh are extremely life threatening and hobble your opponent.

Really not sure why you need to know this but AR setup with a sizable magazine and decent ammo will tear people up.

Please dont do anything stupid, theoretically.

If the cops ever force you to kill one of them, your life is basically over. So don't pretend you can get away with it and try to hide. Remain on the offense and take out as many as you can. And die knowing that your name will be celebrated on Jow Forums forever.

You're pretty much fucked.
Not because they have cool gear but because there's a thousand of them and one of you.
And as the Dallas cop killer showed us if you turtle up hard enough eventually they'll just send in a bomb and blow you up.

Orbital precision laser cannon.

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It doesn't have to be that way brother, we can unite when the time comes

Incendiary IED for their entry, PTR91 for their armor.

Or Lofentanil-DMSO
Or Moroidin-DMSO

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AR15 or AK variant modified to full auto and with a drum mag of armor piercing rounds.
>Completely theoretical
Oh alright then, mount a GAU-8 facing your front door and reinforce your walls so they can't breach through them. The BRRRRRTTT and the shredded pieces of their coworkers flying by will scare them enough to just blow up your house, killing you but also making them look corrupt. And you'll be immortalized on Jow Forums.

whos the dallas cop killer?

A silenced Ar47 fully automatic, sawn off assault sniper machine gun chambered for 20 gauge cop killer rounds, with a 100 bullet extendo clip, red dot scope, laser sight, folding sock and a bayonet.

A DMR while also not being at home.

>your life is basically over
In the society, maybe. Nothing stops you continuing to live in some remote shithole. Shit, you might even manage to emigrate to a country where the US can't touch you.

>folding sock
A bit overkill, don't you think? No one needs that much power.

How are you going to conceal it in your black trench coat without a folding stock?

That's not what you said.


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>Getting all technical with your gun nomenclature.
Wow guys, I think we just found the crazy gun nut. Try not kill anyone on your way to the store.

y'all just aren't even attempting to hide anymore or what?

There's a clear difference between the folding stock and a folding sock, user. One was not meant for mortal hands.

Moist nugget, it's been fighting fascism longer than fudds have been chopping them up

righteous blood

>ban assault cloth hangers

op nothing is going to help you against 12 guys in full body armor with machine guns who will be surprise attacking you and using tear gas and flashbangs. The only way to win is to not play or do things I wouldn't even say on a obscure origami hobbyist board.

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Pinger with M2AP

something fully automatic in 7.62
and booby trapped doors and windows

Sprinklers spraying instaglue

M14 to get throw the armer

For people living in mexico or the mid east where these types of situations happen, like cartel ambushes or extremists groups that rutinely gang up and murder civilians, id say if you are confronted with 4-8 assailants at once you probably dont have much of a chance. Your only good option if its law enforcement is surrendering so you can live,

But assuming these people are some columbian death squad with zero intrest in taking you alive, surrender may not even be a realistic option.

If you have the means and ability your best bet is move to where there is an established rule of law, but that also may not be financially viable for you.

So first would be preparedness, if you are under a realistic threat of a murder team comming after you, you have to live the defensive plan 24 365.

Set your home up where theres at least 100 yards of open ground, clear all ground clutter, 200 yards would be even better, camera should be covering every field of fire and hooked up to your phone for easy monitering and all exterior walls should be reinforced in a low key manner, like stacking sandbags inside the walls as to not alert the attackers, the house itself needs to be at least 2 stories. You should have a hard funnel at the stairs and a steel reinforced fireing position with cameras for viewing and a fireing port, binary. 308 should work well for that, drum fed.

Also make sure the house is poured concrete so its harder to burn you out

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Hello occifer

Boiling liquid nitrogen and poor ventilation.

Within 30 seconds the effects of hypoxia can start, with no real warning that you're not getting any oxygen. in an already stressful environment the confusion of hypoxia is magnified. Within 2 minutes most people would be unconscious, having exhaled all of their blood's O2 supply.

Gas masks won't help unless they're connected to internal tanks of O2.

>call in the National Guard
Has the National Guard EVER been called to deal with an isolated criminal situation? Not a riot or mass civil unrest, but to take down a lone criminal or raid a fortified hold-out?

Realistically, running away. There will be 5-8 fairly trained and armored officers with rifles and an itchy trigger finger. It's always cool to hold your ground and all but realistically you can't break a SWAT raid.

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