Hey Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums
I found some 8mm Mauser rounds in the woods and i removed the powder from some of them.
Can the powder be used to load 9×19mm or something?
Some of it was kinda wet but when i dried it, it burned very well.

Pic related

Attached: Photo_1551346635766~01.jpg (1037x1318, 457K)

>Can the powder be used to load 9×19mm or something?
Yes. You fill the 9mm case to the top -- about 25 grains of powder. Report back to us how it shoots.

Attached: Photo_1551346806910~01.jpg (1037x1469, 385K)

Rifle powder burns at a different rate than pistol powder, it's a big slower. Besides the damp powder being unstable and probably not burning completely, the reduced impulse could potentially cause a squib and would not be reliable in cycling any automatic weapon.

Do you have any idea of how much of that powder can be used without the possibility of limbs being amputated while firing the rounds loaded with it?

All the way too the top senpai. They're foolproof.

cut flake powder
since you're starting off with a unknown powder with an unknown burn rate start with minimal loads, just enough to get the bullet to leave the barrel without squibbing, and work your way up

It's not even a question- don't do it.
There's no way it would cycle even crammed full of powder, and due to its age I wouldn't.

Thats the kind of lengthy way but thanks anyway.

Do you have any more data on the bullets themselves? Markings, weight of the bullet, how it was found?

The powder looks like it's in good condition. There's not much discoloration on it or anything. Make sure you dry it out very well. If you want to load 9x19 it's not the best type of grain but it should work. Start low and build up.

oh yeah and pull the trigger with a lanyard from a safe space with a gun you're okay with losing, just to be sure.

Also, how wet was it when you got it?

I can tell where the bullets where made from the headstamps but thats basicly it.
Like i said i found it in the woods.

You just fill the casing to the top and smash it down with a bullet. It won't blow up. I promise you.

The powder wasn't that wet..
You could feel some moisture when stiring it with your finger

I cleaned some of that bullets, they look pretty nice but there is some rust on the tip and on the brass where the link of the mg belt was.

Attached: Photo_1551346877314~01.jpg (1037x1335, 287K)

pretty, i wish i had something like that.

What are the headstamps?

Too slow of a burn rate plus the powder has likely gone bad.

It's a bad idea but please post pics

post the headstamps on teh bottom. what country are these found in? are you a euro excavating battlefields?

>I found some 8mm Mauser rounds in the woods and i removed the powder from some of them.
>Can the powder be used to load 9×19mm or something?

Have fun with your squibs. propellant is cheap compared to ruining a gun or blowing your hand off. BTW, are you fucking retarded?