Operation Poo-Storm #14, Ancient Slavshit Edition

The weapons of the ongoing Indian-Pakistani war discussion thread.

The Indians bombed multiple targets in Pakistan.


Widespread artillery fire and skirmishes along the India-Pakistan border.


Pakistan launches airstrikes against targets in Indian territory and shoots down a Mig-21.


Heavy artillery fire along LoC in Kashmir and many rumors of troop movements around Sialkot.


To catch you up:

On February 14th terrorists associated with Pakistani groups car bombed a convoy of Indian soldiers.


Both sides have been talking shit:




Now both sides are preparing for a fight:



This could be the Jow Forums-est thing to happen since moot created Jow Forums.




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Other urls found in this thread:


Here is where we stand.

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the endless guerrilla warfare


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Indians claim this AIM-120 as evidence they shot down a PAF F-16.

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Seems like the international community is going to be far more sympathetic to Pakistan with the prisoner release. Do you guys think India's going to go ahead and push for war anyway?

Pakistan denied using any f-16. Now they have been caught pants down.

Coverage of Indian military press conference.


It looks like diplomatic things are happening and we will all be blue balled YET AGAIN.

Going to war with India and Pakistan is like playing chess with a pigeon. All they do is knock down a few fighters, shit in the street, and strut around like they won.

India prevented an air strike that could have made it lose a whole area of operations in its northern region, and we are saying it's pushing for war ? What am I not seeing here ?

Indian provided timeline of the air engagement.


>By Allah, i will give you a taste of my sole

Wait, the AIM 120 was sold to Pakistan? China must already have it.

The serial number is from an aim missile sold to Taiwan, image is therefore inconclusive

India rejected Imran Khan's offers of dialogue yesterday and stated today that the release of the pilot doesn't mean things are de-escalating. Definitely seems like Pakistan is on the defensive while India is pushing for war. Maybe it's just chest-beating and blowing hot air.

Ah fuck you mean to say that they're not going to have a proper chimp out?

Supposed photo of shelling in Kashmir.

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It's coming up on an election and Modi is pretty unpopular right now.

Apparently we’ll soon get BDA on the initial Indian strike.

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>Do you guys think India's going to go ahead and push for war anyway?

I hope so im fucking bored.

Based goatfuckers

Those poor trees

>Seems like the international community is going to be far more sympathetic to Pakistan with the prisoner release.
If the Pakis didn't the Indians would be making claims that they were holding the pilot hostage and torturing him (true or not) just to score sympathy from the rest of the world, so it's a smart move to release him.
>Do you guys think India's going to go ahead and push for war anyway?
Honestly, it's very hard to tell exactly what the Indians are looking to get out of this, right now they mainly seem to be in damage control mode but who knows wtf their endgame is.
That is claimed to have the serial number for AIM-120 order to Taiwan.
Not like the Indians haven't had plenty of time to manufacture "evidence" by now.
Just like that wreck with "F-16 serial number" that was scribbled with a sharpie and when you looked at the whole image the Indian Airforce tail number of a MiG-21 was seen on another piece.
Neither side is coming off as credible with their information.

I will reserve my judgements until evidence is valued by someone outside of the two parties.

Every fucking time
This is the most boring period in history

>1st worlders are so bored they get excited for the death of thousands because it's fun to watch

> death of thousands
Hundreds of thousands actually c'mon.

The world having slightly less poos would benefit all of us, and the Indian subcontinent would benefit as well.

Supposed video of Indian Mig-21 being shot down.


Sorry Ranjeet, I’m sure you and your family would like to live but I need some interesting videos on Youtube. Please follow and like!


Maybe the first part is the same for any AMRAAM sales?

Someones lying.

You can hear the people in the video say there's 2 pilots and you can hear what seems to be 2 ejections.

Mig-21 is single-seater. If there was actually 2 pilots and 2 ejections it could of been an F-16.

Looking for at least a couple millions desu

Oh no god forbid thousands completely unique and irreplaceable Pakis and Poos die

Surely if they'd shot down an F-16 they'd publish pictures of that instead of a missile? Even if it was charred scrap they'd have something to point to.

I wonder if he can get away with just posturing and declaring this a win, the Indian media is certainly spinning it that way for him. Then again, an all-out war would give him a huge boost by election time too, probably. Keeping things as they are right now doesn't seem sustainable for him.

Indians state that the wreckage of F-16 fell on Pakistan's side of the border, so they obviously can't take any images.

imagine having those hamstrings

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Is Naval blockade happening or not?

>hundreds of thousands
They're nuclear powers we can at least hope to get into the millions

>You can hear the people in the video say there's 2 pilots
Oh my god is this real?

>believing random screenshot on twitter instead of us gov website
C'mon Abdul, it's over.

Rumor mill says Paki F-16 pilot is dead and this is who he was...


God I want some F-16 wreckage, collect those delicious Amerishart tears.

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Forget about it being some irrelevant blog, the
>He was thrashed by locals who thought him to be an IAF commander.
is enough for me to not believe this.

Rumour mill is a rumour mill. I've not seen any conclusive proof of the F-16 or second Mig-21 purported to have been shot down - and considering the first Mig-21 and Mi-17 wrecks were first photographed by civilians swarming over the wreckage, I'm taking the lack of photographic evidence of either of the unconfirmed wrecks as proof of over overzealous kill reporting by IAF and PAF respectively.

It's really interesting to see the Vatniks trying as hard as they can to shill a F-16 shootdown by a Mig-21 with zero proof. I'll believe it when I see it.

Indian propaganda is so fucking out there. They go straight 0-100 without putting forth anything semi-believable.

Nope. India did mobilize a section of their navy last night.

At 0:44 in the video, one guy asks
"theres only one pilot right?"
then after that you can hear more than one voice say "no there's two"

I mean what do you expect? Have you heard their scams?

"Hello sir we are from IRS you owe 2 million RUPEES in Apple Payment

Remember, if the enemy shoots you down, you win

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Fake, the AMRAAM wreckage Indians have been showing has a contract number corresponding to Taiwan's purchases, not Pakistan.


Even so, it wouldn't be evidence of a Pakistani F-16 being shot down. For that we would have already had video of the wreckage, of the aircraft falling, a HUD video or some RWR data to show that F-16s were in the fight at all.

How desperate you have to be to go do something like this?

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I have no problems with them lying trough their ass to save face if it means no escalation.

You just singlehandedly solved the case user.

You have to understand that Indians are mostly uneducated morons that'll fall for any propaganda shown to them. I don't think it's aimed at external audiences.

What's going on here


A piece of scrap metal with markings registered to Taiwan is proof of a downed F-16. Surely they would never spray paint that shit on to save face?!

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You don't belong here

You don’t want escalation? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Jow Forums has solved it. There WAS an f16 shoot down.
Paki posters BTFO

I've just got a few questions though. If the eyewitness accounts are to be taken as accurate and that is indeed Pakistani's two F-16 pilots ejecting, why would Pakistan deny the F-16's involvement?

I've heard people saying Pakistan can't use the F-16 in any offensive strikes due to their agreement with America but surely the F-16's they sold to Pakistan is transmitting data.

Both sides are lying anyway and I just want to see some action.

I don't think an F-16 was involved either. The only way I can see it happening is it crashing in some remote, hard-to-reach spot that villagers can't easily get to, and everyone involved in the recovery keeping it a secret. Could be the same people who pulled off a 24-hour cleanup of a militant camp and 300 bodies.

Convenient that just the part with the markings is entirely free of damage.

>they do it for free

It's on the Indians to provide proof of both their strike and a downed F-16.

It's silly to expect Pakistan to have cleaned up 300 deaths in a few hours, and completely hidden all sign of a downed F-16.

If India had done it, they'd have proof.

They used Mirage 2000s with FLIR and nightfighting capability for the initial strike, they should have some footage of the camps they targetted, or the aftermath of explosions.

If they had shot down or even seen an F-16, there'd be video footage of a falling F-16 or wreckage. Indian aircraft would have HUD video, RWR data of F-16 engagement.

So far the only things we can see are the following:

-Indian wreckage being passed off as an F-16, their own expert corrected them on live Indian TV and spilled the beans that it was likely a Bison.
-Indian pilot captured, now being released.
-A few burned fields in Pakistani Kashmir where Indians claim 300 dead.
-One peice of AMRAAM AIM-120C-5 wreckage.

All of the rest is muddied due to propaganda, speculation and misinformation.

Finding an AMRAAM =/= dead F-16

It will be interesting to see what the MiG driver has to say when he is released.
It would be unlikely, but pretty funny if he told everyone there was no PAKAF jets shot down

Good fucking god, Social Media is the worst thing that ever happened to warfare.

On one hand we get these cool firsthand views of events.

On the other, third world militaries post like teen gangs having a shitfight with completely cringe captions, status messages, and some emojis even. Good fucking God, I hope they massacre each other thoroughly for being so cringy.

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Let's say the Pakistanis did use the F-16, why would they deny using it?

They’re bound to terms from the US on how and when they can use them.

Maybe Pakistan has a top secret, highly trained strike force of janitors able to clean any mess?

Still don't know if that AMRAAM is legit. Seems convenient that the weapon details, contract no. are all in tact, readable and the only evidence presented now, 36 hours after the engagement. Pakis had Indian wreckage and pilot on display since yesterday


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>I hope they massacre each other thoroughly

So does the whole planet

user, if you think about it, If India doesn't war with Pakistan now they'll give Pakistan more time to build a more contestable military.

Can't the F-16 systems report any data to the US if they we're used.
If they were used wouldn't USA say something?

Would you admit that your f16 got taken by mig-21 of all planes?
Anyway it's just funny seeing them btfo by their own post. They've been shilling so hard these past few days.

While you're on a roll, can you take a guess why the Indian officer in Delhi killed himself? Evening of the dogfight, an Indian Air force officer returns to his quarters and shoots himself with a shotgun.

There has been much bullshit and foolishness throughout this entire farce.

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>an Indian Air force officer returns to his quarters and shoots himself with a shotgun.

I personally assumed that he was a person compromised by the Pakistani intelligence services with no way out

I don't know how AIM-120 are constructed, but is it possible that recoverable contract numbers and shit are a design feature, specifically so you could track which missile was used?

read the replies, that's the helo pilot

Oh by the way, this isnt the only evidence of a second pilot. In yesterday's happening, the Pakistanis intially claimed they had 2 pilots. Only later in the evening did the pakis clarify that they only had one pilot.

There are various degrees of "unreliability" of sources and context reduces or increases probability of false information. Pajeetoids are bottom of the barrel and routinely just make up outrageous shit out of absolutely nothing in every situations even in their major media sources and directly by their military brass.

You can compare some Pajeetoid claiming "the other side fired the first shot" in some remote border clash while the others side blames the Pajeetoids. You cant compare Pajeetoid claiming "yeah but we killed 100 no 200 no at least 300 of you!!!" without any trace of anything but a bunch of trees being unearthened in a relatively calm situation after we watched some grilled Pajeetoids on the internet as proof of dead Poos.

Its eyewash to pretend every source is equally "unreliable" and give Pajeetoid claims the benefit of doubt.

If a Pajeetoid claims something out of the ordinary happend its not even worth mentioning until it delivered some evidence that if confirmed would be actual proof parts of their claims are true (i.e. not here is a droppable pod that could be here for any reason) or someone else confirms it excluding of course the usual habit of Pajeetoids claiming someone else "admitted" it

The insurgency that India would have to fight if they rolled tanks to Islamabad and overthrew the Paki government would be immense. Their only real option would be winning hearts and minds, and by winning hearts and minds I mean slaughtering every military aged male they saw.

>The 43-year-old commander was reportedly having severe personal issues with family and career, according to inspector Dhumanjanj Sandeep Mishra.
India's peddling this bullshit. Whilst some aspects of it may have been true I'm guessing those issues aswell as the pakistan and india escalation helped cause it.

I doubt there's some conspiracy where he was compromised by the ISI or India killed him because he was going to leak to them. We'll know later on probably.

Sand niggers are every bit the ignorant liars that the streetshitters are.

Billions :^)

Also slaughter the women and children, just to be safe.

And the chickens and dogs too.

lol an insurgency will be the least of their problems
>“At the time (1987) when the opposing armies stood face- to- face along the border, and India was contemplating a pre-emptive strike, General Zia flew to an Indian-Pakistani cricket match in India, where he sat beside (Prime Minister) Rajiv Gandhi and, it is alleged, at one point leaned over and said,
>‘If your forces cross our border by an inch, we are going to annihilate your cities.’
>Whether or not he spoke those words, India soon withdrew its army.”

Please let something happen. I don't want this to fizzle out so soon

>hello fellow Jow Forums posters
>using AMRAAMs to pop Pajeetoid bugs out the sky is proof F16s where shot down leaving absolutely no physical traces besdides used ammunition
>P-Pakistan B-BTFO!
>t.Poo in the loo

t. Didn't read the thread

based academic indian man

>he was actually also killed by warcriminal Pakis thinking he was a based Indian after impressive Indian stealth airforce vaporized his F16 he didnt actually fly to subatomic dust confirming Indias F16 kill

>i-its over! P-Pakistan BTFO! PROVEN!
t.Pajeet in denial

Leave doggers alone. This is /k not some uncivilised brown place

>india planned a massive invasion of pakistan but was pressured by multiple outside powers to back down