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/Gunpol/ thread #1
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But user, my local rep is Mike Thompson...
Ok so I’m originally from the UK now living in Alabama. I am now the proud owner of my own firearm and love the second amendment.
I was curious how much swing do the states have against federal laws? This has always thrown me off a bit so if some of these laws being passed through the house actually go through could the states do anything about it?
Some of them. Alaska told the feds to cram it up their asses if any legislation gets passed that goes against the Constitution
like clockwork
States don't really have any power over federal law, but they can pass laws like said and just rely on the feds being too stupid, pussy, or incompetent to stop them.
Based Big Boss speaking truth to power.
It also makes my piss boil that House Dems denied Steve Scalise a testimony on HR 8.
>"Well, he's not a real victim of gun violence"
I feel like states such as Hawaii and Alaska have a little more give in these cases because they are way the fuck out there, living in Alabama we are right there CONUS, would that not play into states being able to tell feds to go fuck themselves
Eat a hot box of dicks, faggot. I refuse to sit by as mods attempt to sweep discussion of people trying to strip me of my right to bear arms out the door because its "politics" and doesn't belong on this board, even though the discussion is related specifically to weapons and the laws therein
Kentucky looking to join Oklahoma as becoming a permitless conceal carry state. Where are my bluegrassfags at?
Progression is a meme.
>HR 8 passes
>buddy tosses rifle in puddle
>envoke martime salvage law and claim the rifle as my own for payment, after recovering it
>drop a wad of cash in puddle
>he envokes maritime slavage law and claims the cash as his own for payment, after recovering it
Suck it dems.
If you are still bullshitting and shitposting during this fiasco you deserve to be roped. This is not a time to fuck around. Call your US Representative and give them an earful.
Mines Connolly
What should I even tell him
What are the chances of hr8 being vetoed by Trump or knocked out by the senate?
I might be wrong but I thought I saw something about Trump saying he would veto it.
Jow Forums board is on par with /lgbt/ board
>this happened
Bretty gud, I'd say. I could be wrong, but the House vote was well along party lines
> only 8 GOP reps voted yes
Guys I really like firearms and I just want to be left alone to enjoy my hobby in peace. Tell me it gonna be ok. Tell me this isn’t the beginning of the end.
(((They))) aren't going to leave you alone until everything about you is destroyed
Look at it this way, either it’s all ok and you get to enjoy your hobby in peace...
Or we get civil war two: electric boogaloo and you get to enjoy your hobby while ventilating commies
Awwww.. you wanna be left alone? To bad your very existence is racist. You must be exterminated for the sake of diversity. Because fuck you goy..
why do Jow Forumsniggers fall for such low-tier bait?
Huntsville area?
>race and way of life being replaced for a third world slave caste system
>not the beginning of the end
user, I'm sure they'll suddenly stop the 24/7 effort to disarm you.
He already said he would veto it and most Republicans in the Senate wouldn’t vote for it anyways regardless
Sadly down Mobile way, my Ex In-laws were from Huntsville area
The White House issued an official statement saying he would veto
states do have power over federal, read something in a book about a certain example of case law showing gca being void if state law allows for the right to bear arms completely
State vs fed rights
Jesus, we really are going toward CivWar 2.0
or the more realistic outcome: he enjoys his hobby in peace, for the most part, with small changes occurring everyone once in a while during his lifetime. His great grandkids, however, will live their lives without ever shooting a gun as they are no longer available for civilians without extensive hoops you have to jump through such as 6 month training course, very expensive monthly fees for the mandatory public safety gun insurance, background checks that come out negative if you’ve so much uttered a mean thing online, etc etc and as such no one has them and there is no culture/community surrounding them and they are limited to bolt action .22lr
United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939) - The Court stated in part:
>"In the absence of any evidence tending to show that possession or use of a "shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length" at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument. Certainly it is not within judicial notice that this weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment, or that its use could contribute to the common defense.
This case admits that weapons related to the preservation of a well regulated militia, and those with military application, are protected under the 2nd amendment.
Farmer v. Higgins (11th Cir. 1990)[6] - United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruling:
>"ATF does not need to register new machine guns for private ownership under the exception of 18 USC 922(o)(A)(1)."
Obvious infringement of the preservation of a well-regulated militia.
Nunn v. State, 1 Ga. (1 Kel.) 243 (1846) is a Georgia Supreme Court ruling that a state law ban on handguns was an unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment.
>"The Nunn court ruled that while the legislature could prohibit the concealed carry of weapons, it could not prohibit the open carry of weapons. To do so would be a violation of the Second Amendment right to carry weapons for self-defense. As there was no proof that Nunn had been carrying his pistol concealed, the conviction was overturned."
Federally, open carry of firearms is protected under the 2A even when prohibited by state law.
don’t be dramatic
Being dramatic seems to be working pretty well for the anti's, why can we do it?
Because that might involve their safe queen getting a scratch on its finish
You aren't going to get any peace unless you fight for it first.
Heres a list of all firearm related bill currently circulating
Items of note:
>HR 8 & 1112
We all know what these ones are by now
>S. 94: Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act
facilitate the establishment of additional or expanded public target ranges in certain States.
>H.R. 38 & S. 7: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2019
Yeah boi!
>H.R. 157: Gun Manufacturers Accountability Act
Allows victims to sue firearm manufacturers if their 0roduct was used in a crime
>because it makes sense to sue Toyota for that fender bender on the highway, amirite
>HR 674, 435 & S 184
These all push to "research" causes of gun violence.
>cause that totally worked under Obama
>H.R. 155 & 775: Hearing Protection Act & SHUSH Act
Classifies cans as accessories so we dont have to pay the retard tax
>H.R. 686: Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2019
Exactly what it says on the tin
>H.R. 717: Raise the Age Act
Because you need to be 18 to go to war, but 21 to buy a semi automatic at wally world
>S. 66: Assault Weapons Ban of 2019
The Dems annual attempt at a blanket AWB
Theres probably a lot of interesting shit i missed, but those are what jumped out at me
Remember to write your reps