Oh fuck how do we have only one waco thread? Time to fix that. Even the ATF are celebrating

Oh fuck how do we have only one waco thread? Time to fix that. Even the ATF are celebrating.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Dubs for more dead ATF agents

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>honor in gassing, burning and shooting women & children
I wish for all ATF agents to one day be eaten alive by dogs

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People have already started taking the piss of out them in the comments.

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They thought this was a good idea?

>hating cops

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t. bootlicker

more dead pigs is a good thing

Imagine dying "in the line of duty" while trying to murder innocent children and women.

I have both a lot of respect and disdain for cops its all just on the cop with how they carry themselves, are they a bully or a peacekeeper?

Fuck off pig

I don't think Federal jackboots and local cops performing civil service are even in the same category

Almost cut myself on all this edge. I too like to get outraged over pedophiles getting ventilated.

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Quit baiting faggot

Literally not one shred of evidence to back that up

Fuck off atf


USPS found fake grenades and ATF got a hard-on because Clinton was in office, a gun ban was being pushed, and the group were a bunch of right-wing Christians living outside "social norms". Janet Reno's fat bitch ass wanted them exterminated for no valid reason.

Press S to spit on graves.

>Post operation Smear campaigns negate Feds acting as tyrants
I wish I could live so stupidly
Kek. Damn I love this country, pissing on their institution in their own Twitter feed. How embarrassing

You guys sure showed all those ATF agents in the daycare Timothy mcveigh blew up

seriously fuck off pig

you're just meps washouts or veterans without any skills for gainful employment trying (and failing) to do something meaningful with your lives

Anyone ever seen any anti-ATF clothing for sale? I want to maximize my autism for my next range trip.

But what if the child consents tho?

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Traveling man?

God Bless you autists in the comment section. Fearless


weird, a normal person.

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don't forget this


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You know exactly what you're doing on this day in particular.

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How's that boot taste?

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But no respect for the 28 children you murdered?

I recommend you all watch this video to see who is really responsible for the killings

Interesting tidbit here lads:
During the standoff after the initial firefight, during the psyop campaign with noise/music, the FBI played Nancy Sinatra's These Boots Are Made for Walking and the following is a stanza from that song

>You keep playing where you shouldn't be playing
And you keep thinking that you'll never get burnt (HAH)
I just found me a brand new box of matches (YEAH)
And what he knows you ain't had time to learn
These boots are made for walking,
And that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
In the world of Occult this is what could be known as musical suggestion, suggestive phrases through dual context of song lyrics. They knew what they were gonna do

McVeigh was executed for his crimes. Were any of the government agent at Waco even reprimanded?

>feds kill women and children
Outrage on Jow Forums
>Patsy McNig kills children at daycare, along with literal whos and no actual ATF agents
Hero on Jow Forums
Funny priorities, brainlets

>he still thinks little Tim Tim wasn't an alphabet
Oh dear

They call that in the military Good Initiative, Bad Execution

Somebody on Twitter post the comments

Be sure to call them murderers while posting links to Waco: The Rules of Engagement.

Oh boy, do you have the link to that twitter post? I wanna read the feed.

Just pull it up on Google and click the actual Tweet and it'll pull the comments up. You don't need Twitter

>he goes to Jow Forums therefore he's a pedophile
There, that's the justification anyone can use to shoot you


Nothing wrong with shooting everyone involved on this shitheap of a site

>We control everything, goy. We did it to ourselves, that's how powerful we are. Don't resist, there's no point.
Poison any other wells lately, glowie?

The entire world vs a dedicated group of retards on 4channel
who wins?

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>instantly brings up Jews and blackpilling
>le glow XD
Ok Jow Forumstard. Sorry to be the one to point out Timmy had fed help and blessing for courageously blowing up a daycare.

If every tranny with a discord killed themselves the world would be a measurably better place.

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>anyone online that doesn't agree with me is a discord tranny!
Ah ok

Fuck the ATF

>literally never proven
Nice try Fed

This king Osiris guy is fed cock sucking so hard

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This is your same takeaway every time and it's super fucking weak. Please KSG yourself.

r o l l i n

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They got jobs in firearm infustry. The fed sniper at waco and rub ridge joined troy. I loved telling boomers and millenials that when they showed me their rifle that was a troy catalog.

They were successful, iirc.

>1.3k reacts on Facebook
>Almost 900 laughing

>Teh IntRnetz is srs bsns


Bombs away, Mr.mcveigh

Bombs away, Mr McVeigh!

I promise you, I will kill as many of these faggot cops as I can when they come knocking.

Your doublethink doesn't add up, my man. It's the same situation for all the Jow Forumstards, too. Hitler was controlled opposition. McVeigh was a cianigger. The government is supremely effective and all powerful, but they're dangerously incompetent and have to be replaced. Fight them with redpills, but don't dare actually fight, because you'll get v&. If you're not doing it on purpose, then try and make some real sense out of it instead. Please.

>calls someone a discord tranny
>this somehow isn't weak

>hating cops
These people are to protect AND serve you idiots and you don't even have to pay them so they basically work for YOU for fucking FREE. Jesus christ stop being stupid.

In fact me and my wife love cops so much I've even let a few stay in our home, she expecially likes the blacks, not sure why, but god damn do these heros of men deserve every bit of kindness they get.

Can someone post a link to comments? Don't have a Twat and everytime you click to see comments it says sign up to be a faggot.

Maybe you dont have to pay them because you dont work or pay taxes

They exist to protect the state if they werent around things wouldnt be as bad as they are now

Get your bait behind me, Satan!

Satan is a cuck boot licker.

>history can levy the blame
But that's what...we're doing?

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pretty hardcore.

actually didn't the dude like MUCH OLDER women?

Do you glow in the dark?



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>being a commie in the year of our lord
No idiot, they do sleep in the same room as my wife but that's because we only have 2 bedrooms and she doesn't like the way I snore, pluse she insists they sleep in her room because my room is to small for an extra bed.

Anyway my wife would never do anything like that to me, and when I met her she was a virgin and has only ever slept with one man, me. But stay jelous trolls.

kys unironically

>These people are to protect AND serve you

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Satanic bait but ill bite

Protect and Serve may still be true for the idealist rookie or small town sherriff. But 90% of a modern cops job description is Enforce and Punish. Theyre basically the legal systems cleanup crew AFTER a crime has been committed


>Theyre basically the legal systems cleanup crew AFTER a crime has been committed
They're literally clipboard-carrying faggots that can shoot you if they feel like it. The only reason people even remotely put up with police is because they shoot niggers, which is why people who want to create a police state are importing more niggers.

That's a good movie

BATFags are child murderers and traitors

OMG the replies to this tweet are epic. THIS is what the Internet was invented for. Shoving the governments bullshit right back in their faces.

Post some caps pls. I want to see them, but I don't want to sign up for Twitter.

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you don't have to sign up: twitter.com/ATFHQ

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You can serve my asshole with your tongue you pig faggot.

Fuck those comments are brutal. Blatant McVeighposting too.